thank you for your support, think i will be okay =) have done okay today, even turned down food from my well meaning hubby, realised i wasnt hungry and remembered my goals and said no, so feel stronger and commited again to doing this. I wont post my losses until i have got back to where i left off so I will come back to the xmas challenge thread once i can say i have got back and lost some more. Your right, some of the gains will be water and glycogen. I hope to be back on track in under 2 weeks. That just leaves nearly 4 weeks after that til Chrimble. It will mean i should be near to 15 stone by that point. I would have liked to have been 13 something, but never mind, the lesson has been learnt. I feel determined to at least be commited until Xmas eve and my babs birthday. So, onward and downward =)