Elivira's on a mission to eliminate 100lbs!

Could be stress, you don't enjoy working there and it's your body's way of telling you.
How'd it go today, any better?
Yeah, I was fine today, but then I was fine last Sunday too. Seems to only be Saturdays, which make me think it must be stress as I always worry about going to work on Saturdays, but then Sunday I'm just looking forward to finishing for the week! xx
Day 13 - can't believe I've nearly done two whole weeks without cheating once! I've cooked for my H2B, and watched him eat takeaways, and I still haven't been tempted. I've cracked it! From now on it's down, down, down...on the scales that is!

People kept commenting at work about how I haven't been eating lunch and just drinking water. Well, that's rubbish as I've been eating my bar, but anyway, I've been forced to tell a couple of friends about the diet. Three to be precise. Only one gave me the 'It's not healthy' lecture though.

Back to uni tomorrow, thank God! Now my days will be busy again!

Anyway, bring on Tuesday and WI!
Hopefully having them know just means that you'll get more support for it and encouragement when you need it. Sounds to me like it is stress related then, might be worth having a word with your doctor about it, see if he/she has any advice?
I'll see how I go this weekend - I must admit, it wasn't quite so bad this weekend as it was the one before. I think I just need to try and stop worrying about work. It's never as bad as I think it will be!

It's snowing a little here, which is making me less than enthusiastic about going to uni!
Just had my first lecture of the new semester - brilliant! I'm very excited about this semester! I've already spent £50 on books though. Just two books!!!

Just realised it's half past 3, and I haven't had a pack yet!!! H2B is working until 10pm so it's not a really bad thing as I'd like to keep my bar until he gets home and has dinner. I think I might try a porridge as they arrived today!
Ugh I HATE SNOW!!! I like it when I can sit inside my nice warm house and look at it, not when I have to go out at 7.30 in the morning in it! Glad you had a great first day back at uni. You big geek :p

I just filled in my postgraduate application form, and it's going to be posted tomorrow! Eeek!

I'm terrified but also excited. I will probably have to wait ages for a response, and I won't know about funding until close to graduation probably, but even so!!! Excited!!!

In other news, it's WI day tomorrow! Can't wait. It seems to take so long to come around though!!! But, 2 weeks 100%...I'm proud!
Good luck! Where for?
Staying at Swansea. It's only another year after all, plus my lecturers are so supportive and really have worked hard to persuade me to stay with them lol :D It's nice to feel wanted! xx
Week 2 WI

Well, I lost 3.5lbs. This means I am in the 19s (just!) and I have lost over 5% of my body weight, so all in all, while I was hoping for more, I'm very happy with what I have lost. I'm still on track for my graduation target! I need to lose just over 3lbs a week to hit it - I can do that!

I don't have uni today until 2pm. I hate waiting all day - I'd rather be in at 9am every day and then come home and have the afternoon to work. It's difficult to get a parking space in the afternoons too.

Moan over!
Are you in uni by Singleton hosp? Parking is a nightmare there
Yep, that's the one. I park on the recreation ground next to the uni. £2 all day which isn't bad considering the location. Every semester so far I've been in at 9am or 10am, so parking hasn't been a problem, but these afternoon lectures mean the car park is virtually full by the time I get there. I'm not on a bus route either, so no choice but to drive in. H2B is off work Thursday so he can run me in, and tomorrow and Friday are my days off. So it's just today that will be a problem this week. I had to parallel park in a very small space yesterday. I wasn't happy about that!
Well done, that's a great loss! After such a big loss last week, this week was bound to be a little lower but you'll have a good one next week too I'm sure.
Thanks guys. I'm trying not to be disappointed, but you work hard all week and always expect more - I'm sure you know this feeling Caroline! x
Oh I definitely do, especially this week. But I know you'll have a good loss next week to make up for it