Elivira's on a mission to eliminate 100lbs!

You have hit a wall hun, we all do. How much water do you add to your shakes, try making them up to 300-400ml and really cold water. You are doing so well don't give up.
You will look fab in that dress in your graduation xx
Thanks hun xx

I add 227ml like the pack says - I don't like them any other way :rolleyes: I'm just trying to focus on getting to AAMW without caving in now! Only 11 days to go! Think I just need that 'break' really. This really is a boring diet!!!
:hug99: elvira, sorry you're having a crappy diet day:( hang in there, it will be so worth it in the end, just keep picturing how good you'll look and feel at graduation:D

This diet is fab, and it really really works, unfortunately it is also restrictive and boring and limits your social life:rolleyes: I know you can get past it though, you'll be back in the zone in no time

When I struggle I always think of the packs as medicine, I know that if someone invented a pill that you could take 3 times a day and within a few months you'd be slim, I would pay a fortune for it and put up with any side effects, so I try and think of the packs the same way!

Thanks hun,

Just had a porridge and I feel a bit more positive. Probably just having a bad day!

Thanks for your support :eek:

Gem xx
NO! Don't give up. You can do it, you know you can. All you need to do is battle on through today and it'll be ok. We all have our down days, whether we're doing WW, SW, calorie counting or exante. Nothing is ever easy so you just need to battle on through and you'll be alright. Every time you feel like chucking it in, think about graduation, think about that dress, think about all the reasons that you have for wanting to lose the weight. If you're really struggling, send me a message on Facebook and I'll remind you of the reasons and try to help!
Think Positive Elvira, you're an inspiration for us! We can do this, I took your advice and i've battled my way tot he 5th day and that has been down to your and everyone elses support!! Just a few more days for you. You can do this!!!!
Thanks guys - I do feel a bit more positive. Just annoyed at myself for letting my weight problem go so far that I'm having to do something as drastic as this!!!

Caroline, I have just inboxed you on Facebook xxx
I know the feeling Elvira trust me, I ask myself the same question everyday and when i can't hack it i just binge!!! But since joining this forum i've not had junk food for full 5 days and that is a achievement for me but the credit goes to you guys, you all have been brilliant!
Day 18

Today is not a good Exante day.

I'm having a TV day. I'm so exhausted. I have had no energy whatsoever since starting this diet - I thought VLCDs were meant to give you more energy!? :confused:

Just had a vanilla shake, and it actually made me retch so much that I was sick :sign0137: For the rest of the day, I'm going to focus on getting the water down, and then have a porridge and a bar as my remaining two packs.

I'm really thinking about what I should do regarding staying on Exante. I'm not sure I will last too long like this, and I don't want to order another pack unless I'm sure I can stick it out. I have 11 days left to hit my 4 weeks 100%, so I think I will see how it goes and make a decision then. I've been looking into low carb diets this morning as an alternative. I always swore I wouldn't do a VLCD again because it really messed me up last time - I lost a fair amount of hair and my attitude to food was worse when I finished than it was before, but with graduation looming I got desperate for a quick fix. I'm now thinking I'd rather do it more slowly, lose 2lbs a week and get to 16st for graduation, rather than be 14st for graduation and then gain it all back again when I cave in. At the end of the day, I can be 14st for my MA graduation instead! And I was 16st when I went to Paris in Jan last year, and I felt great - I've attached a picture.

I just can't see myself a) staying on track or b) keeping the weight off on this diet. So what's the point in putting myself through it when I'm not enjoying it? I run the risk of doing what I've always done - finding excuses to go off plan, and then eventually just giving up, only to find myself at 21st again. I don't want that. I need to learn to eat properly and get into exercise. I have ZERO energy on this diet and I feel moody all the time.

Anyway, I'll see how it goes over the next week and a half. If I do decide to switch, at least I've had a cracking headstart :eek:

On a more upbeat note, I had a lovely delivery from Amazon today - three books for my course about Akhenaten :D I might get stuck into them this afternoon, although I also have some reading to do for a seminar for another module. It's so nice to be back into the swing of things!


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Gem hunni you do what is best for you. As you said you have had a crackin start with Exante, if you can get your head round sticking to an eating plan that works for you then go for it.
Have a look on the Atkins threads on this forum and ask a few questions round there. I know many of them have done Exante and switched to Atkins or similar.

Good luck with whatever you decide xx
If you're struggling that much, maybe see if you can sell the Exante packs on to someone else and do the low carbing? Or just sell the shakes maybe.
I'd rather try and stick it out if I can. It's only 11 days and I want to get a good head-start, getting closer to the 2st lost mark if I can. xx
Just don't make yourself sick with it!
No, I won't, Caroline. I just had a chocolate shake and that went down okay. Think I'll steer clear of the vanilla for a day or two.

I've just been reading up on the Atkins threads. Tesco Diets low carb plan starts you off on 20g of carbs which is the same as the Atkins induction funnily enough!

Did you get to school in the end? xx
Ah maybe it's just the vanilla then. No I didn't, would have see a little after 2 by the time I got there so I didn't think there was much point, I'd arrive half way through the afternoon and just disrupt it all.
Better luck Monday then! At least you can start a new week afresh, minus car problems and being poorly! xx
Eurgh. Work again tomorrow and Sunday but at least once it's over, I'm only a day away from WI! I love WI day :D
oh Gem, sorry you have been feeling pants. I did atkins for 6 weeks way back when and lost 18lbs, was at Uni and lodging with a lady who had recently been bereaved and she kept pouring me very large glasses of wine by the time I left,so the low carbing went out the window! but whilst I was on it I felt it was quite painless, got a mini omlette maker and had cheese omlettes for breakie, egg salad for lunch and a turkey stir fry or something fish based for tea. I also remember eating quite a lot of no cal jelly with cream and nuts....like the vlcd, it was the ketosis that was my saviour. Good luck what ever you do and keep on coming on minimins. Don't go away, together we'll get this weight lost =)
Aww thanks Angie! I definitely won't disappear. I'll get this diary moved to whichever forum I end up in, probably Atkins xx
that's alright Gem, if i can give you any advice re Atkins, get lots of advice about what you can eat and build in variety, apart from the wine (ooops) i think i didnt stick with it cos after the 6 weeks i was on it I got really bored, so when christmas came up I jumped on the carbs and never really got off them until I ran into the vlcd woe. I have done this so many times now, but it's the only way i have found to stick to something and lose a lot. However I do think my eating actually got more disordered after eating vlcd. I realise that i will do vlcd now until i lose it, but hell I really have to learn how to eat properly again afterwards! have been thinking I will stick to exante as long as I can but then when I get down to 14 i will seriously think whether I want to do sw or ww or something where food any food is allowed