Mistress of the Dark
Hello lovely elvirahope you're ok?
I think your diet plans sound greatafter all, all diets 'work' it's just a case of finding what suits you best. I think it's a great plan to use exante as a head start, and I know you will look and feel fab at your graduation whatever plan you choose
I hope you keep up with your diary though? even if you leave exante I'd love to keep up with how you're getting on xxxx
Hello lovely loved-up
Thank you for your lovely message! I will definitely keep up with my diary - I'll probably get it moved into the relevant section though but if you are subscribed, you'll still see it
I've just walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill (at a very, very brisk pace, might I add!) and although I am knackered, I feel fantastic! I'm going to do it every day, Mon-Fri (I work all weekend) with the hope that it will become a habit. It's only burned 275kcals but that is over a third of my intake so it should do some good
How are you doing? xxx