Ella Belle
Silver Member
My stomach is being very strange and weird...it's like it's talking..I must be full of wind but I dont feel like I am..it's keeping OH and me entertained anyway 
Ella Belle said:I love gherkins too but I've never tried Ming beans..I'll have to investigate! A lot more achey today, putting off getting up as the first thing i have to do is a 9mile jogI'll love it when I'm finished
Atomic pink said:I tried to book into the Tuesday morning class again but it was full so doing the wednesday evening one instead. That one is meant to be more around bigger moves with higher weights rather than lots of repititions. We shall see. I think its probably the fact that I am doing lots of different types of exercise at the moment which means things don't ache. And its the doing lots of different things thats keeping me motivating.
Ella Belle said:Thanks Sarah, I am fighting them at the moment and planning to go to bed in a minute. The chicken salad was delicious, I did add a bit of cous cous though, just a very small amount to thicken it up a little. I also added some fat free vinaigrette.
I'm hoping the key to learning new eating patterns will be keeping with ww. So long as I'm points aware I think it'll be harder to fall off the wagon. Anyway, it's a long way away yet..hopefully by 2013 I'll be facing into maintenanceIt's such a long time away still but actually only 23 more weeks..that's scary isn't it?!!
Ella Belle said:I should actually say that having no weeklies is challenging. Not so much from the meal aspect but that part of my brain that feels it deserves a treat is screaming at me right now..hence the coke zero later. I was just in the shop on the way back from the mountain and I was looking at all the Special K snack things and inside my head I was screaming for them...I don't even really like them...that's the part of me that I need to sort out. I was reading somewhere on here I think about how this dieting thing is not temporary, we have to learn a new way to live and be..it has really affected me. I guess I'm always saying to myself that this is only 'for now' but really I need to understand that I'm never going to be able to sit down at night with 4 packets of crisps and 2 bars of chocolate and wash it down with a bottle of wine. I have to get it out of my head that it's okay to do that. Like OH can sit and eat a few biscuits and then put the packet away, I don't think I've ever in my life had a couple of biscuits (except when other people are around), I always finish the packet, even to the point where I might feel sick. I need to learn that it's okay and normal to not have trash every day. Anyway, these are all things I'll need to really concentrate on and think about when I get nearer to goal as I honestly do not want to have to be in this position again. I want us all to work hard now and then eventually get to our goals and be cheering eachother on from the 'Maintainers' section for evermore without having to spend much time worrying about putting on weight again.
Okay, really must do the bloody chicken now..