Ella Belle's SF Diary

I made the lasagne from Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food. It was SF apart from the creme freche and the 40g of chedder cheeses I used (I left out the paramesan). The whole thing was 35 points and i split it into 8 servings so I counted it as 5. I did allow the mince as SF though cus it was really lean. It was delicious :)
Ella Belle said:
I made the lasagne from Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food. It was SF apart from the creme freche and the 40g of chedder cheeses I used (I left out the paramesan). The whole thing was 35 points and i split it into 8 servings so I counted it as 5. I did allow the mince as SF though cus it was really lean. It was delicious :)

Yum! You can't beat a good lasagne :0)
Lasagne rocks! I reckon it looks like we are all going to have lasagne this week!

You are doing really well Ella Belle, how are you finding it? You do still seem (to me) to be eating pretty lightly - are you full on what you are eating? And how different is it from what you were eating before?
My food is very different from what I was eating two weeks ago. I was then having a lot of crisps and chocolate and had become addicted to cupcakes, it was common for me to have 6 in one go!! Junk food is my big downfall! I also was eating a lot of bad foods very often, and very big portions. I haven't been hungry at all sine starting this diet again, apart from my second day. The thing that's worrying me is learning how to maintain when I do eventually get to a weight I'm happy with. I was thinking of maybe trying to maintain for a few weeks when I get to 11st, just to see how I can control it. Every time I've gotten to a good weight over the past few years I seem to just forget everything I've learned and just jump right back to being unhealthy so that's my focus this time. Me and OH decided this morning that we're going to go on holiday in September so that will be a good time to test maintaining. OH is good foe me because he's really supportive of me in a way that I can handle, he's not putting pressure on me but at the same time in a fun way he keeps me on track. The holiday is also a really good motivation. We're going to go the day after I (hopefully) run a half marathon..but there's a long way to go before that..first I have to get off the treadmill and actually run (jog) on the roads and I have a 5mile, 6mile and 10mile race before the 13 so there's lot's of little challenges first! I find I don't usually eat as much on the weekend when I'm dieting I think because my days are not s structured, Anyway, have to stop gabbing on now..5miles to do on the treadmill and Shred D8 (which btw I am still finding very tough but I am enjoying it :) ). I have to go visit my Dad in hospital then later. Oh also, I will be giving up smoking today(eek)! I have to give up before my sister comes home as she really really hates it and gets really upset with me, and also because OH hates it and to be honest, I hate that I do it too...sooooo tough week ahead!!
Best of luck with stopping smoking - tough but health benefits and money saved will make it all worth while :) x
Well done bout giving up smoking,we will be here for you :0) that's great you have a few things going on to motivate you along the way :0)
Week 2 Day 5

B - cornflakes (3) & milk, banana
L - chickpea salad
S - satsumas, orange
D - lasagne (5), baby potatoes, veg

Exercise - 30min walk programme, Shred D8, 5mile treadmill jog

Weekly pp - 25/49
I found the 5miles on the treadmill really hard today, it further emphasised the need to give up smoking. I have only one left in the box...it is going to be so hard but helped by the fact that I have no money now until Friday (I live on a very tight budget at the moment). Tomorrow afternoon/evening is going to be the hardest, that's when I'll want to just give in and buy some but I want to be able to run again and I know the reason I'm finding it so hard is that I'm reversing all exercise benefits with smoke in my lungs. The good thing about giving up while on this diet is that I won't feel I can compensate by having extra treats...gonna be in a very bad mood for a few days though...watch out :p
BTW the lasagne was absolutely gorgeous re-heated today..mmm. I had resisted McDonalds on the way home from the hosp and drove the car while OH ate his meal so I was really hungry and looking forward to my dinner. I wanted to have a second serving of lasagne after I'd finished but I talked it over with OH and though he said I should do what I wanted he asked the right questions about whether I actually needed it, asking if I was full and how I'd feel after I ate it. I think I'll keep it for Tuesday after I weigh, I might have a pitta with garlic and point some coleslaw to go with it. :)
Wow that's really good resisting!

U can give up the cigs!

Ur oh is really supportive, ur very lucky! Mines ok, he tries!
Need to renew my wish to quit the cigs so posting my reasons...

1. I want to be able to get fit
2. I want to be able to breathe freely
3. I want to stop smelling of fags
4. I don't want to be described as a smoker
5. I want to save money

Only once today I've really felt like having a cigarette but it really helps that I've no money to buy them..of course I would have found the money somewhere if I hadn't decided to give up. It always feels weird saying I'm giving up..it is such a definite thing but yet in my head there's a voice saying that of course it's not forever...I'm not going to say or make any promises like that..I'm taking this day by day..I'm giving myself a star for every day I don't smoke!!!
Well done to you! It's such a hard thing to do so congrats and good idea to write your reasons down,am sure you will soon notice a difference in your health(and pocket) :0)
Ur doing great on the non-smoking! It's good that u have only craved it once!

What u could do is put the money u normally spend in Fags each week in a pot, then after a few months u can see how much money u have saved by giving up, and then u could use that money to treat u and ur family to something nice, day out/ takeout or something u wouldn't normally b able to afford! It may make u appreciate giving up a little more!
Just catching up as I haven't been around much for a few days. Thats impressive that you have changed your diet that much in coming on this plan, which clearly shows that you have the determination and will power when you put your mind to something i.e. giving up smoking. Sounds like you are doing really well so far with the smoking, so keep it up! Writing down your reasons and concentrating on them seems like a really good plan. And saving the money you would have spent towards a treat sounds like a great way of keeping the motivation going. I did have a pot that I put in £2 for every 1lb I lost. Spent most of it on a lovely dress I had wanted for ages before christmas and haven't managed to fill it up much since :(
Well done on the list of reasons to do it, you can do this, it can be FOREVER you just need to convince yourself and stay strong to resist when you have the money again.

Like with the unhealthy food it can very quickly change from "needing" it to just "wanting" it and you have already proved you can conquer that with food so apply the same positive thinking to fags and you will be fine :) x
Thank you all for your comments..I had a bit of a wobble when I got home there as the first thing I usually do is go outside with the dog and have a smoke..instead I had an orange and the dog still got to run around. It feels harder to stop smoking but I will do it :) Thank you all though, it really helps to have this forum for support...now to the treadmill :whacky068:
You ate doing great Elle, making some very sound lifestyle choices. Good luck with the nonsmoking and we'll support you on here for that as well as weight loss! X
Ella Belle said:
Thank you all for your comments..I had a bit of a wobble when I got home there as the first thing I usually do is go outside with the dog and have a smoke..instead I had an orange and the dog still got to run around. It feels harder to stop smoking but I will do it :) Thank you all though, it really helps to have this forum for support...now to the treadmill :whacky068:

Well done on turning it around when you was outside with the dog! Hard habit to break but you are doing it already :0)
Woohoo...no smoking and I feel better already (probably just psychological and not physical).

Week 2 Day 6

B - porridge
S - 1/2 banana
L - chickpea salad, 1/2 banana, yogurt
S - orange
D - veg & kidney bean crustless quiche (3 - cheddar cheese) with sweet chili sauce (2)

Exercise - 4mile jog, Shred D9, 20min treadmill walk (evening)

Weekly PP - 30/49

I probably ate too much quiche, if I'm honest with myself I know I did..oh well...I've forgiven myself because there was nothing bad in it..bit of an experiment to be honest, kidney beans in a quiche..but I liked it (in fairness though I'd eat anything but the kidney beans had to be used up).

Weigh in tomorrow :( I actually have no idea what to expect. I don't feel like I've lost anything but I'm hoping I'll have lost a couple of lbs. Anyway, that's not until tomorrow evening. We booked our holiday today so I'm off to make a nice big poster for the fridge counting down the days/weeks/months...woohoo..bring it on!!! :)