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hi ellie popped in to have a nosy at ur diary wow well done on ur weight loss truly inspirational :bliss:
also forgot my other news which is stressing me but im trying to keep my eating in control..... my dad rang saturday afternoon to say my mum had fell while coming in from the car with shopping and he had to get an ambulance for her as shed broken her hip.... she was to be operated on yesterday .... my dad is deaf.... has problems with depression etc and seems to be getting a bit forgetfull. hadnt haerd from him so rang him in the afternoon to see how the op had gone... and he said he couldnt get through to the hospitalso ive been on tenderhooks all day... eventually he rings me after visiting hours and say its dislocated and they havent done anything.... i was like EH ?? so what are they doing he says oh i think they are going to have a look tommorrow again which left me really confused. so i spoke to hubby and he says ring your sister as shes just put on facebook that ur mums been put back together again.
so i ring her and get the right story... shes had a partial hip replacement and they are going to xray her other hip just to make sure there is nothing going on with that side as they think it popped out causing her fall . she said my dads mind is really going as he couldnt remember where he parked the car sso she is going top keep me up to date today as the hospital will know more about timescale for her being in. i hate being so far away from her