Consolidation Ellie's back cruising her way back to target

Morning usual your menus sound soooo tasty. Your doing a fabulous job over there in conso xxx enjoy your day with your new boy xxx
Hi Ellie I am curious to know if you've lost any more weight this week? You're so focused I applaud you, and I hope to be just like you when I will grow into Conso.
at the moment im staying the same...went up by .2 lb yesterday morning but was having wee wee issues again ...seems to be ok today but ive to ring the doc tommorrow morning for an appointment as i told them yesterday i cant carry on with the pain im having. unforunately surgery closed today. I am however going regular as clockwork in the other department :p thats something that never happened pre dukan.... i could go weeks without going :rolleyes:
at the moment im staying the same...went up by .2 lb yesterday morning but was having wee wee issues again ...seems to be ok today but ive to ring the doc tommorrow morning for an appointment as i told them yesterday i cant carry on with the pain im having. unforunately surgery closed today. I am however going regular as clockwork in the other department :p thats something that never happened pre dukan.... i could go weeks without going :rolleyes:
Hope you sort the pain out soon Ellie and as for the other issue how fab? I definitely think being overweight creates a lot of extra issues we are not really aware of until we take action and ditch the extra ££'s. Glad you're maintaining so well.
hmmmm hubby just been on the phone....saying he has a problem.... the new job may not be happening now as the guy that took him on has just walked out eek.... hes already resigned at his other job and they have his replacement in place.... buggeroony. money not an issue as we have plenty savings but the thought of having him here 24 hours a day fill me with dread lol
hmmmm hubby just been on the phone....saying he has a problem.... the new job may not be happening now as the guy that took him on has just walked out eek.... hes already resigned at his other job and they have his replacement in place.... buggeroony. money not an issue as we have plenty savings but the thought of having him here 24 hours a day fill me with dread lol
boogerooney indeed!!!:( that's not cool Ellie and totally understand the 24 h thing, I love mine truly but he don't half gets under my feet when he's home for longer than a weekend. (((HUGS)))
oh no! I can sympathise, mine been off work for last 7,5 weeks and its AGGGGHHH drivin me mad sometimes! hope urs gets his job situ sorted out soon, what a nightmare! Will the old job take him back? Glad u are doing well on conso ;-)
no as they have offered the guy under him his position and he has accepted unfortunately. hes a contractor so he wont be out of work long as he gets job offers almost daily albeit not at the rate hes on now or the higher rate of the new contract
Buggerroony lol thats in my dictionary now.....what a bloody shame but hopfully straight back into employment without touching savings xxx Dig a hole in garden just incase you need to bury someone...LOL
Will keep my fingers crossed that work comes along soon - really don't want him at home 24/7 - you'll be in the mars bar cupboard before the week is out!!! LOL! How's your new boy???? Settled down and behaving himself I hope!
new boy is fine, settled in well but trying me out a bit :p

Day 12 Tuesday conso PV & fruit
Breakfast- savoury gallette, quark, smoked salmon
Lunch- chicken salad
Dinner- salmon & roasted peppers, red onion
snacks- rhubarb, apple
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Sounds like a good Dukan day Ellie - glad the boy settling in well - he's gotta flex his muscles a wee bit - it is breeding season and he is the man of the house!!! LOL! Hubby step aside! LOL!
Lovely to read you Ellie! You really are going at "Conso" at a very sedate pace indeed so it's interesting to watch, but you have plenty of time to integrate the extras (anyone with a smaller loss though would be looking at needing to double the time on Conso though, I think!)

I smiled at everyone's comments re their other halves being away, and not wanting them home 24/7... Having always had that with my OH, it seems a strange read but, having just had a couple of weeks without him in the city, rejoining him at weekends in the country, I admit that it already takes a little getting used to, having him back!

hi jo, i only have the bread and cheese left to add as had my starch meal & gala meal added this week. this way is suiting me :) as you said i have a long time to get them added whereas someone with less time may have to be on it longer if they did it this way.

just off the phone to the doctors surgery and finally managed to get an appointment for this evening
and as i suspected its a urinary tract infection :rolleyes: so now on antibiotics for a week
Poo :( (or should that be wee?!) but at least the antibiotics will sort you out, gal.

Hope you start to feel better soon, Ellie.

P x
Yeah once they kick in....hope pain goes soon xxx
they say 3 days tablets will do the trick the others are just to make sure - hope you'll soon be feeling pain free xxx
Yup the doc said by tommorrow i should be almost back to normal :)