Hope you sort the pain out soon Ellie and as for the other issue how fab? I definitely think being overweight creates a lot of extra issues we are not really aware of until we take action and ditch the extra ££'s. Glad you're maintaining so well.at the moment im staying the same...went up by .2 lb yesterday morning but was having wee wee issues again ...seems to be ok today but ive to ring the doc tommorrow morning for an appointment as i told them yesterday i cant carry on with the pain im having. unforunately surgery closed today. I am however going regular as clockwork in the other departmentthats something that never happened pre dukan.... i could go weeks without going
boogerooney indeed!!!hmmmm hubby just been on the phone....saying he has a problem.... the new job may not be happening now as the guy that took him on has just walked out eek.... hes already resigned at his other job and they have his replacement in place.... buggeroony. money not an issue as we have plenty savings but the thought of having him here 24 hours a day fill me with dread lol