Consolidation Ellie's back cruising her way back to target

Just passing by, hope you are doing ok x
Aren't all men stubborn???

Hugs hunni, xx
Morning all... I've a stinking cold and a hubby in bed with the dreaded man flu ;) I however just have to get in with things lol hubby was going to pop down and see his dad this weekend as a wee bit worried about this weight loss but with him having this cold it's not worth risking it. Hope you are all well xx
Awww Ellie - glad you popped in - hope everyone gets better soon...... looks like we will be coming up to Royal Highland this year - well at least that is the plan for now!!!! Maybe we can finally meet up!!! LOL - Tablet cheesecake at the ready and hopefully no flooded stables!!! xxxx
Oooo I'm excited now, I will be in the 4 days, taking the ponies to FILs place as we still have our land there. I have membership so I'm planning to use it this time as nothing due to foal this year lol
Hope you two manage to meet this year and I must try that tablet xxx
Sidd send me your address and I will post you a bar this week
It would be good to see you two finally get together :)
Hope you two manage to meet this year and I must try that tablet xxx

Sid I got one of these tablets from one of the cheap stores, Poundstretcher/B&M/Home bargains. can't rem which one. It was end of last year but I ate it a tiny piece at a time, very morish.
Oh Ellie I want to tablet now!!! LOLOLOL! Will the Royal Highland know what has hit it????? Think we will be in on the Friday and we show Sat afternoon, stay Sunday and leave Monday morning as we go on to another show!!!! Not worth going all the way home to leave again!!! LOL!
Lol well I'm taking ponies down Wednesday, just watching at show Thursday showing Friday so hubby will be with me then ill be back in Saturday and Sunday
Dnsf that kind of tablet isn't as good as the hme made stuff I buy or make lol
I was feeding my cold/flu yesterday, 2 crusty rolls with butter & egg n bacon sandwich filling, 1/2 an apple pie & a tin of custard.... Lost a lb :/ weeing for Britain today :( aching all over coughing spluttering but thankfully hubby took his man flu self of to work this morning so I don't need to look at his miserable face
Oh Ellie you poor thing - last thing you need - so many people are under the weather atm - must be that time of year...... Be kind to yourself and thank goodness you don't need to nurse hubby any more!!! LOL! x
He's still at deaths door ;) where as I'm still doing horses etc... Taking me longer as I have to keep coming in to rest my jelly legs & achy body lol thankfully most of my stables are inside under cover ... Being good with food today... Have my mug cake to look forward to.. Made it with goji berry s the other night in a Pyrex jug... Wen it tipped out it looked like steam pudding yum yum....just need syrup & custard lol
Glad to see the vivid imagination doing good!!! LOL! x
Hmmm mug cake LOL. I made it with the rhubarb the other week, it was gorgeous. Keep forgetting to do it again.

Hope you feel better soon x
Gojiberry & mixed spice again tonight with custard, & a mug of options hot chocolate ... Oly bad thing today
The hot choc is a tolerated isn't it. sounds lovely though.