Yeah its annoying, I think though the more liquid you drink the less bloated you are meant to be less bloated but yeah it feels like the more you drink the more you are just like full of liquid!
I will be delivering lambs on a farm haha it's quite physical work and its long hours in the cold! I am studying veterinary medicine so most of my placements are on farms. And yeah just dont want to be feeling dizzy or anything as you need to have your head in the game for that sort of thing.
Haha yeah I know what you mean, in a way I think its like to feel like you are achieving something cus you know you are being strong, I cooked a japanese curry for my family last night one of my favourite meals! But it was nice to cook and they all really liked it so it was pretty easy not to have any!
I start exams on tuesday and it's going to be weird cus my exam ritual used to always be to have a big sweet breakfast (pancakes/oreo milkshake/french toast) to get me ready for the exam the we usually all go out for lunch after cus they are long exams from 9-1 and it's nice to relax and get food after so I think it will be a test for me not having that