How is everyone doing?
Pings are you starting SS again?
VDub how was your first day!?
Stacey/Claire/Ciara/Shaun how are you guys doing! When is your next WI?
sending you all good vibes :vibes:
Hiya. Doing well, thanks. I'm still doing SS+ at the minute - still amazed at how much I can eat, and struggling to fit in my three products. I've split my food in two, and have a breakfast in the morn and tea at night.
Not weighed myself yet since eating the other day at the wedding, but hopefully it won't have had too much of an impact. I don't think I'm back in ketosis yet, but should be back in soon, I hope.
That's goodyeah SS+ sounds so good lol but trying to stay on SS as long as I can stand it haha