That blimmin sellotape - obviously didn't put it on well enough!!! Did you rip it off in seconds???? Superglue that lid back on or better still throw the blimmin things away! LOL! That said a handful of QS is not the end of the world - I know if I ever break this diet I am going to eat more than a handful of QS - Dominoes sent a text last night saying any size pizza £6.99 - I could taste the flippin thing and wanted one sooo much - I think it is only the fact that it is a 20 mile round trip that I didn't!!! Well done on losing the two pounds, probably at least another two are gone bearing in mind that it is TOTM. Ben is poorly and home today so I have set him up on the sofa and have the monitor in the office. Bless him. He won't eat a thing - maybe that's what I need - a touch of a bug to lose my appetite. Hope you have a lovely weekend - the weather here is v cold and the horses are on their toes a bit!!! Trying to keep warm but not easy in the indoor, think I need to invest in some ear muffs as my ears felt like they were going to drop off!!! x