ellies dukan diary the next step Cruise

right here goes with the before pics & during pics LOL

heaviest ones first

first one is at a friends 21st, not sure what weight i was....the second was taken the day after the royal wedding this year and i was 16 stone here... then the 3rd was at my godsons christening 3 weeks after i started duken


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Gawjus lady!!!! Well done Ellie - you are looking mighty fine!!!! What incentive to keep going these photos are - lets hope we both can have a shortbread free Dukan week, been on my mind since you had it GRRRR so if I cave it's your fault LOL!!!
next one im 3 1/2 stone lighter back in november then the next 2 were taken last weekend when im 4 1/2 stone lighter


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i look better in the next set of pics trudy :p

did you have to mention shortbread grrrr i hadnt been thinking about it lol
Gosh Ellie does you husband think that he has got a new wife!!! You look absolutely stunning - bet you cannot believe the difference???? The show ring is gonna be a much more glamorous place with you in it this year - hope you have a sassy new fitted outfit for those in hand classes to show off your new figure!!!And if your gonna ride one of those lovely short hacking jackets in a wacky tweed!!!! LOL xxx
The shortbread mention is YOUR fault!!!!! Been on my mind for dayssssss!!Totally your fault!!!
What a difference, you have done so well. You were beautiful before but even more so now.
Thanks guys I'm blushing now
urghhh ive got to go see the nurse at the doctors surgery soon for a pre enrolment check up... blood pressure etc etc ... everytime i know they are going to do that it goes through the roof and i end up having to go weekly to get checked & every time its still through the roof untill they send me home with a machine to check myself several times a day then all the readings are normal lol at least they cant nag me about my weight ;)
Crikey Ellie - you are looking mighty fine indeed! And I don't know about losing weight, you look as if you've lost YEARS too :) (Are you sure you need to lose a further stone?)

well done you!
most definately need to lose the last stone maintainer LOL.... and funny you should say about losing years... a couple of women that work with hubby were discussing with him about me. Ive met them once last year before i lost the weight & they called him a cradle snatcher LOL he was a bit taken aback as they were when he told them I was actually 2 years older than him LOL ... goodness knows how old i look now to them lol
all went well with the nurse.... she asked about the weight loss and i said i was following dukan and she said so your following a healthy diet :D blood pressure was perfect for a change .

Just done my 2nd run of the c25k app and boy did i have to push myself halfway through as my legs started turning to jelly.... last 2 runs were much better once i got past that