can you tell im happy this morning LOL the scales were my friend this morning woop woop.... im back in the zone
I used flickafleas (i think it was flickaflea) chart log idea and started logging my weight bm's etc and marked if i cheated LOL i needed to kick myself into touch to get the last bit off. so heres what i logged
saturday pv 157.2 totm up by 3lbs ish
sunday pp 156.2 totm down by 1 then i cheated grrrr
monday PP 157.2 totm & bm up by 1 then i cheated double grrrr
tuesday PP 158.6 totm & bm up by 1.4 but i was good

wednesday pp 156.4 totm & bm down by 2.2 & i was good again

thursday pp 153.6 EEEKKKKKK im gonna be good again
planning on doing PP today & tommorrow to keep me in the zone then PV saturday & sunday then back on my 1&1 to get this last bit off
should get to the show saturday trudy... snow almost gone as it turned into a lovely day yesterday and roads clear. its raining this morning so will get rid of the last drifts