Ah sorry to hear you're not well - hope you feel better today.
That's silly they think you're not getting enough vitamins, you're eating loads of fruit and veg!! Would taking a vitamin supplement keep them quiet?!
When are you back to uni btw?
im going to get a multivitamin tablet and an iron tablet (they used to think i was aneamic

) just to keep them happy! officially back at uni for teaching 27th september, but im thinking of going back
about the 4th/5th just to get back and get the new house sorted

hope everythings going well with you hun xx
sorry to hear you are poorly, are you drinking enough fluid? try adding bit more water and if you can't go get some ex-lax or something, i suffered terribly when i gave us smoking, couldn't sleep was dead miserable
why is the job so awful? are you looking for another one? tell your parents you will look out for some vitamins next time you are in supermarket, get them off your back for a bit, have an early night!!!
ps which recipe did you use for your burgers?
thanks donna

i drink 6 pints of water a day, plus a cup of tea or two so i dont think that fluid could be a problem but you never know i suppose, thankfully the pain has eased now but im still having problems going
the job isnt
that bad, its just boring and i dont have a lot in common with the people i work with

i have problems with my feet, as in they hurt a lot when i have to stand up/walk for long periods of time and thats making me miserable aswell, even though i only do 4 hour shifts, after half an hour of standing up my feet are hurting and its just crap really but i feel like a total idiot for moaning about it all the time

no time really to find another one before i go back to uni but im looking for one when i get back to sheff already
recipe for burgers: extra lean mince, paprika, chilli flakes, salt and pepper and 1 egg. no quantities you know me lol

make them into burgers and leave them in the fridge for a couple of hours before you cook them

have things quietened down a bit for you now hun? xx
Hi Emma-Louise, sorry to read you're not feeling good. Try a mixed bean chilli maybe to get things moving, and make sure you keep drinking plenty of fluids.
Sorry you're not enjoying the new job either, but just think, it's all money in the bank and it's not forever...I did some rubbish holiday jobs when I was younger but as long as you can see and end to it it's not the end of the world. Bring on the new Uni term!
Hi Suey

mixed bean chilli is a good idea, will try and put that on the menu for tomorrow night and see how i go! mum keeps suggesting prunes but i absolutely detest them so that is a no no!

the only thing stopping me from packing in is the money and the thought that i will be back in Sheff soon! i cant wait!!

hope everything is good with you hun xx