I'm having one of those days
First some bugger, in a rush, bashes into me as I was exiting Adsa....never stopped to apologise and when I got to the car, I realised my eggs were smashed
Then my cousin (the one who was disappointed with her 4lb loss) starts texting me nonstop with even more SW questions and complaining that the plan is too expensive and she hates it (she's only been doing it 2 weeks)
After awhile I got really sick of all her texts and deliberated started ignoring my phone in favour of playing with my Baby.............Next thing I know, the phone is ringing..............'Why aren't you answering my texts?'
'I'm busy feeding and changing Caitlin'
'Well she can wait................I need you NOW'
Well I nealry lost my mind and I so wanted to tell her off but for the sake of family, I dropped the call, turned my phone off (pretending my Battery has died)
She's pissed off now because I refuse to draw up a shopping list for her.............We don't live in the same area, so dont have access to the same shops. I've told her the best places to shop, she's joined loads of FB SW groups but still she complains
I think she's been pampered for way too long