Emma's shrink....a bit of everything to get the weight off...

That's it, no more stops on this train!!!!!!! I'm going to jump off for a week in April though, when I'm going to Mexico!!!! :D:D:D:D

Keep up the motivation! xx
Miss Louise said:
That's it, no more stops on this train!!!!!!! I'm going to jump off for a week in April though, when I'm going to Mexico!!!! :D:D:D:D

Keep up the motivation! xx

I don't blame u I would be doing the same what a great incentive till then xxxx

Emz ya doing great still Hun hope ya enjoying the SS + I can't wait for that xxx
evening all,

am having a wierd and difficult evening diet wise. i feel like my mojo is slowly slipping away. i dunno if its to do with me wasting the last 2 weeks between having a gain and losing it again, or if my willpower is breaking. :break_diet: that exactly how i feel, like an angel losing its wings.!!!
initially, i wasnt beating myself up about my blip last week. but its starting to bug me now. if id behaved myself i could be nearly into the 11's by now :mad::mad:.. and not nearly 100 quid out of pocket for nothing. (and before u all start...yes i know i would prob be even worse if i hadnt been on CD and yes, i also know that im supposed to DRAW A LINE UNDER IT..!!!) but i am just having a little rant in my little diary.
so tonight my head is up my arse and i'm feeling a bit down. i soooo want to see a loss on monday morning but i also have a major urge to eat everything that isnt pinned down.. :sigh::sigh:

i hate feeling like this. but even so, ive still been 100% today. i keep opening the fridge door and the pantry, even though i know theres nothing in them apart from cambridge packs and water, although there is some catfood in there that even looked appealing for a millisecond.. :yuk:

so hoping i wake up in better form in the morning. dont think i can cope with this feeling all weekend. hope u lot have had a better day than me. im still on the train, just need to get a few repairs done to the track.... xxxx
I feel the same as you! I wasted last week and I could have been further on in my journey!
I had so many days like that before my TOTM. All I could think about was food, and eating it. All of it! But I stuck to it, and I'm glad you have too. Like you said, apart from anything else, this diet is too flipping expensive to waste time on!! You will feel so much better when you get that first stone out of the way, I know you will!

Stick with it babe. xxx
Hi Emz --

I hope those pesky leaves (doubts) have been cleared off the track and the train is back on schedule. You're doing really well. All have those "poor me" or "what's the point days" -- but you can do this.

Think The Little Engine that Could not BritRail. ;)

Thanks girlies...

Am still torturing myself diet wise today. I'm having a major debate in my head and I can't think straight. the two sides of my brain are at loggerheads lol. Dont really want to carry on if I'm gonna keep feeling miserable like this :-( xxxx

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Hi Emz --

Can you explain the "debate"? Have you changed your mind about wanting to lose weight, or just about how you want to do it?

would it be easier to do weekends on 810?
emz.is.shrinkin said:
Thanks girlies...

Am still torturing myself diet wise today. I'm having a major debate in my head and I can't think straight. the two sides of my brain are at loggerheads lol. Dont really want to carry on if I'm gonna keep feeling miserable like this :-( xxxx

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Hello you I have been thinking about food as well I am not gonna have any it will be there when I finish I keep that conclusion in my head all the time!!!! Cone on gorgeous you can do this huni
Ps what is the debate????? Xxxxxx
Evening ladies, sorry for late reply but was working till 8pm.
Thank u all for ur replies.

Well......and try to stick with me here....

My big debate in my head is about HOW I lose the weight. I still want to lose weight, I'm just starting to question how I should do it. I'm struggling more that ever with CD this week. I had ordered the new ww pro points package off eBay for when I want to maintain. Then today I got thinking that I'm actually feeling better with nearly a stone off and am not as down about my weight. So I'm not in such a panic to lose the next 2stone so quickly. So I sort of wondered should I change to ww sooner. Then this afternoon the ww package arrived along with the 'beck book' I had ordered. A sign..???????? I really don't know. Being on CD this week as I said has been hard. Have been having urges to eat everything in sight. I haven't so far, but this worries me now as to what will happen if I stick to CD and reach goal. Im scared I will binge again and the whole friggin thing will have been a waste. I've been doing SS+ this week and even with the little bit of food I am allowed I'm still wanting more. Im also wanting to start some pretty vigorous exercise in the form of c25k and shred DVD. I am losing inches but I want to tone. So one theory in my head is to stick with CD until weigh in on Monday and see how I feel. And over this weekend read the ww package and read the beck book in great detail. I was 12st 7 last weigh in. And if I'm even at 12.4 by this Monday then I'll maybe try to stick to CD for another week to try and get to 12st and take it from there.

But on the flipside, during that week I could feel like I do today (want to eat LOTS..!!) and fall off the wagon anyway. As I said I'm worried about what could happen if I stay on CD until I'm totally sick of it. I reckon I'd eat everything and anything. But if I was maybe to switch to ww now, when I'm still in weight loss frame of mind, but slowly sickening of CD, I mite have a better chance of sticking to ww and learning portion control and better food choices with the help of course of the beck book.


What a bloody ramble. I hope u can understand it as I am just writing as it's entering my head. Got some serious thinking to do this weekend. I am going to try and stick to CD until Monday and then hopefully be able to make a decision from there.
If you've managed to read this far then well done lol and thanks for reading. From a girl who isn't sure which track to take next on this journey.....the scenic route or the express train with a possible crash at the end. Hmmmm... ???? Xxxxxxx

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Whichever way you decide to lose weight doesn't matter as long as it is right for you. I know exactly how you are feeling. I ordered the SW books off ebay, which arrived yesterday. I wasn't planning on changing until after my holiday in April, but this week has been hell.

I understand everything that you are saying, and agree that you should stick with it until at least Monday, when you can chat it over with your cdc. If she has any sense, she will encourage you to do what's best for YOU, and not just what would benefit herself.

No matter what you decide, we will all still be here cheering you on, you know that! xxxxxxxx
I reckon there was something on the water/moon yesterday because that is how I felt I was thinking and wanting food all the time have struggled I dont know why and just wanted to eat eat eat so went to bed miserable!!!! What I did do yesterday was have 1 shake and 2 bars :( hope I haven't screwed everything up just couldn't get another bit of fluid down me!!!!

Good luck emz in whatever u choose darlin we are here for u anyway and we will support u forever xxxxxxx
Afternoon Ladies --

Emz -- The first three chapters in the Beck book deal with this. Beck even asks that you choose TWO diets, in case you need to change things up. I have read through chapters 1-3 and done all the exercises -- including reading through my "cards" today.

I am about to to "do" chapter 4 (giving yourself credit) - although, I have already given myself credit for doing a "Beck" yesterday (I gave myself permission to "waste" a mix-a-mousse that tasted dreadful to me, and mixed another that I knew I would like. After all if I am sticking to the plan, I should not make myself as happy with it as possible).

And, then I gave myself a "credit" this morning for getting up, showered and dressed -- then going to my RC Zumba Class and 'ta da' being on TIME!!!!

So, my "two diets" are CD ssing to start/then moving onto 810 (which is where I am now) -- and then South Beach Diet/Rosemary Conley combination for when this no longer appeals and long-term maintenance. And, once I move on to SB/RC, I'll choose another "back up" diet. Probably CD -- if I go over 9 stone 10 (to lose) and WW (if I just need a change whist maintaining).

Emz and Therealbe -- Beck writes about how -- if you do binge, etc. -- it is not a waste. After all you had been doing well prior to the binge and if you get back at it -- the delay in your weight loss will be limited.

I think you'll find the book very helpful.

Hi Emma is a strange feeling isnt it... but do what you wan to do.!

as CD will be here if u choose to move over to ww for a while.

I always think like this lol.

big huggies.xxx
Wise words from Mel there.... i love your posts Mel.!!

you are always so helpful.. im also thinking about RC/CD together..
I would like to say ty mel I have googles this book and will be getting it!! It really looked readable for me and I need that xxxx
*Shanny* said:
Keep reading Beck.. and do what is best hun.. these a beck thread on maintaince come and join us.!

Where??? Can I find it on my phone I know some I cNt will have a look xxx