Em's diary

Feeling rubbish this evening, hope I'm not coming down with another bug, I've barely shaken off the last one! At least we're half way to the weekend now...

B: 3/4 cinnamon galette
L: leftover ginger lime chicken with veg
S: quarter galette
D: turkey meatloaf, sf jelly, sweetened Greek yogurt
Emma - did you not read the post just above your one?
I did yes. Was so devoid of energy last night I only had the strength to post my menu and add a thanks to it.

It's lovely to hear that you've been an inspiration to others, so thanks again sadieley for your post. I know I've found bucket loads of inspiration and support from this forum, and I'm sure my dukan journey would not have been the same if I'd not found this site!

On a plus note I'm feeling much better today - no idea what was up yesterday but it seems to have passed. Also, small movement in the right direction on the scales this morning - 3/4lb which is encouraging I think. Will wait and see what Saturday's WI brings...

Made meatloaf yesterday in my kenwood chef, and it resulted in a firmer smoother result, so that's my top tip for the day! Don't know why I didn't think of it before really, but it seemed to mix everything together much better than by hand.
aaah glad you're feeling better. I'd hoped that that lovely comment might inspire you again (but a good result on the scales is better still...!)
Hey there, when I found your diary, I could not stop reading and all the other comments from dukandebut, maintainer etc were inspiring. I had no success on Atkins, which I did for about 6 weeks. Your road to slimness has got me motivated, book is half read and finer points noted as I had already kinda started attack last Sunday just by doing some online research. I have lost 6lbs and reading your diary and menu's I look forward to more weight coming off......... Sadieley (sarah) xx
Cheers Sadieley, i'm so pleased you've felt inspired reading my diary. I started off the exact same way, and cannot believe how easy I've found this diet. I've not felt hungry once, and whilst the scales have wobbled once or twice they've gone steadily down the whole time.

Of course though, it's this forum that has really made a difference to me I think. Without the feedback, advice and support of everyone on here I honestly don't believe it would be the same story...

I'm looking forward to reading your diary too, so get one started, and don't forget to post your menus in the daily menus thread so we can all see what you're eating. Feel free to share any menus you like too - we're always ready for a fresh injection of inspiration!
After all that forgot about today's menu:

B: half cinnamon galette
L: 2 slices turkey meatloaf, 2 slices roast beef with mustard
S: Rest of galette
D: about 350g fillet steak (reduced in sainsburys - what a find!)
S: small bowl sweetened greek yogurt, sf jelly

And in other good news - my replacement keyboard arrived today, it's now in my laptop and everything else seems to have survived the coffee bath! Phew, I shall be taking more care with my drinks when I'm on the computer :)
Of course though, it's this forum that has really made a difference to me I think. Without the feedback, advice and support of everyone on here I honestly don't believe it would be the same story...

That's exactly how I feel, Em and Sarah. Being able to ask questions and get honest answers, receiving a bit of a kick up the bum when required and, of course, all of the kindness, support and inspiration on here has made the world of difference to me. I'm so very glad I found and joined this forum.

Oh dear, this is beginning to sound like an Oscar acceptance speech! :eek:

Sarah - Definitely start a diary of your own. I find it really helps to organise your thoughts and make plans for how you're going to make the diet work for you. And, as Em says, I'd love to read it, too! :)
we love to read them ....cos were so nosy lmao !!! or is that just me ;P
Ditto what they said - better than any slimming group.
And some of us don't hesitate to get the whip out and crack it when it's required ;)

It was very kind of you to post what you did, Sarah. We know people "out there" are reading, and not posting, so when one actually pops up and speaks, it's great! I look forward to reading more about you in your diary. Yes please join in the daily menu thread, which is rather quiet now (yet shouldn't be given the number of regular posters!)

Emma - great find indeed (except that I don't like fillet steak!! haaa!). Am I noticing that you've tweaked your menus slightly since your loss has slowed... (I'm not seeing luc lac.)

Nosey? Us? Ahem!
I'm back to basics as much as I can this week Jo to try and break the stall. Had 2 meals of ginger lime chilli chicken which is a bit salty due to the stock so saving luc lac till after WI! Loving being back on galettes though, will try muffins again next week but tweak the recipe so won't have so many extras.
Just use the galette recipe, with the eggs separated, and a tip of a teaspoon of baking powder. That's my base. No need for all the extras...
Emma if you're stuck for inspiration regarding non-LucLac - do you like Mustard in cooking rather than as a condiment? I seem to go through a jar or coarse-grained mustard in a month these days when it used to take two years!
Anyway it's nice in a fromfrais etc sauce (gently heated) for all sorts, cold for salmon (with dill), in an oatbran crust for baked fish or I just had it as a marinade for chicken, with a small amount of sweetener, to give a honey-mustard effect. Skewered and grilled the chicken was YUM. Sorry if I' have just stated the obvious or preached to the converted :)
And for beef: yoghurt - garlic - paprika (smoked if you prefer) marinade or sauce is good too, with a splash of mild vinegar - think 'Stroganoff')
Thanks Anja, some food for thought there (no pun intended!) I do like mustard, so I'll have a go. I've done yogurt/tikka marinades a couple of times, but didn't like the taste of it once it was cooked. Perhaps it's different in a sauce - how do you go about making that then?

i really like the idea of a honey mustard 'glaze' using sweetner - will give that a go for sure!
<eaves dropping a private conversation here, taking frantic notes>
I was thinking in terms of:


I.e stir the Fromage Frais into the sauce after it has cooled abit, otherwise it curdles, same for yoghurt. So if I make a curry / tikka type marinade I then add more fromage frais later after cooking to get the sauce.

This is the mustard sauce - the recipe used pork but I'm sure other meats would work too:

Good luck!
Lol Jo,

cheers for that Anja, no food planned for the weekend yet, so will give at least one of these a bash i think. Much appreciated!
B: half cinnamon galette
L: 4 slices turkey meatoaf
S: quarter galette
D: Half roast chicken with gherkins & pickled onions, small bowl sweetened greek yogurt
S: quarter galette, sf jelly

have actually eaten loads today, hope it's reflected as a loss on the scales tomorrow for WI! Have discovered sainsburys do pickled onions in a hot and spicy vinegar, and they are yum!