End of September Mini challenge

Hi and welcome Emma, hope it goes well for you, best of luck.
Hi Betsybotox,
Very well done to you on a half a stone weight loss, that is a fab result, well done. Best of luck for the coming week.
haha! check me out being the wuss lol!
only 21lb and everyone else 28lb!
good luck all.hopefully i'll exceed my target and feel even more chuffed with myself x

Lol, Im being a wuss too. Not sure what to aim for, seeing as my first WI was only 5lb. So much for the 'lose a lb a day' !
Hi Emma,
as I said to Tafflass also, you are no wuss. Remember the day you were ill, that could account for a lower weight loss as the body would try to hold on to everything more to make up for it. 20lb is a great goal and quite achievable so go for it.
well done on your 4lb weight loss this week, just over a stone to go for the mini challenge, well done.
Thank you for updating my goal Doirin. xx
hey doirin can you take me off please. im not doing LT for a while!....everyone else you're doing fab!!!
Hi Kels,
wishing you all the best in what ever journey you decide to take. Take care,
Hi tafflass,
very well done to you on that 4lb. 4 seems to be your number at the moment, you lucky thing. Best of luck for next week.
Doirin, can you add my pathetic loss from last week! I didn't bother to post it coz it just depressed me more! 1 whole lb!!!! If it doesn't get better than I will be hard pushed to make my 21lb!

I have decided to have an official WI on either Friday or Saturday. I'll weigh myself on my cr*ppy scales before I go then I can gauge what weight I started at coz I'm sure mine are wrong, after that I will weigh on Saturdays and only go by the official figures!!!!!

Thank you.

Hi Cuddlyfairy,
A pound is still a pound, so well done. Best of luck with the weigh in. Hope all goes well.
Hi Jellybeans,
welcome and best of luck.

Well done everyone! Doing brilliantly!!

Could you put me down for 2lbs please (we've had new flooring fitted so scales are on a different surface, so am hoping it was more in reality, but, meh...). Hopefully there'll be a big loss next week :)

Thank you!

Hi Hanhan,
well done to you, as some would say you lost a small chicken, so what can be wrong with that. Wishing you all the best for next week.

I lost 6.6 but just round it up to 7 please :D

Thanks! :)
First Seven and half lbs off! YAY!!! beginning to feel like I might actually do it!
Hi Debz,
well done to you , best of luck with the house move.
well done, best of luck next week.
well done to you, as Scotsmist always says the scales can't tell what day it is so a bigger weight loss could be achieved the next day, who knows, either way it's 2.5lb down. Isn't that all we want.
well done to you, you will do it alright, best of luck for the coming week.