Well, back on plan again, until Satur-day-off which is, er, tomorrow...
Thursday 29th -
Breakfast: Coffee
1 HEXA & fruit & yoghurt to catch up with yesterday's b*er, lalalalalaaaaaLALAllaalala...
Lunch: Jalapeno hummus with carrot sticks, big bowl of salad & mixed veggies - all Free.
Tea: Roasted acorn squash a la
BritMum with my own long tried-and-tested chilli con carne O-M-G :drool: I had forgotten how good this chilli was, but with the acorn squash it was just D-I-V-I-N-E

I have never tasted it so good!
1 HEXB &
3.5 syns for mince (as I only had lean lamb mince in),
1 HEXA for cheese,
1.5 syns for chocolate and
0.5 syn for tomato puree.
Snacks: Carrots, peaches, satsuma, more carrots. And a few carrots.
Soooo, roasted my squash like BritMum:
Came out looking yum but was a bit wary after the spaghetti experience - but they were fantabulous! Had an amazing texture, just like a really buttery jacket potato! I put a fair bit of salt in when they went in to roast and when they came out they had that amazing sweet-but-salty taste of a really, really great buttery jacket but NO BUTTER! Amazing!
This chilli I've been making for years and you just can't beat it. I've not had it at all since I started SW in Feb and I'd forgotten how good it was. Only 100g mince each so would be 1 HEX and 1 syn if it was extra lean, but as I only had lean it was 3.5 syns and a HEX. Should've been a red day really but as I had hummus for lunch I b*llsed it up

Thought about going EE but I wanted my cheese on top:
Ohhhh this was just *divine* :drool: I ate every last morsel, including the skin. Acorn Squash are now my new Jacket Potato (and celeriac my new Chips

Im bloody hungry now just posting that... Not helped by the fact I currently have the slow cooker on making BritMum's sweet onion braised beef for tonight, so the room still smells delish of caramelised onions... :sigh: