Saturday 24th -
Breakfast: Coffee (
1 HEXA), Fruit & yoghurt as syns galore later
Lunch: Snacked on more fruit on the way to the wedding
Tea: Weeeeellll so much for my plans to eat the healthy bits and nothing else

Starter was tomato soup but with cream in. Hmm not bad enough to skip i thought:
Then the main was kind of not-NOT-healthy but with the teeniest weeniest portion of veg in the history of mankind. I took extra veg (this is about 3 times what was given to me originally) and chopped about 2/3 of the meat off as it was mostly fat. Wasnt skipping the Yorkshire & gravy though! And the roasties were GAWJUS. :drool: So I guess I was just lucky they didnt do crackling, stuffing, chipolatas etc an' all...

Then it was lemon cheesecake. I will NEVER turn a lemon cheesecake down.
So so much for sticking to my own advice. :sigh: Oh and then I had 2 mints with my coffee and about ten jellybeans as we were hanging around. By then Id just sort of thought "bugger it"
I was prettty good with thw wine though, well by my stadards anyway

Didnt alternate drinks but had diet Coke and wine runing concurrently, so a gobful of wine to 2 gobfuls of diet Coke

I left at 10 and remember getting home so coulda been worse
Ah well, nice to meet up with some old faces and see the smiley couple.