Thursday 22nd -
Extra Easy
Breakfast: Coffee & Toast
2 syns
Lunch: Leftover Morroccan stew with mixed veggies on the side.
2 syns for apricots.
Tea: Riiiiiight, defrosted the freezer t'other day and found all sorts of shizzle in there that should have been gone long ago

so made a steak & kidney "pie" with it to make some space, so tea was pretty calorie-laden, (although surprisingly I dont seem to have gone over my syns). Good job I aint doing a VLCD as MFP almost had a fit looking at it

I was gonna just serve all of it between two of us in one night but after seeing the c*l*r*es I decided to pad it out with a
Worked out about
1 syn for Guinness,
2 syns for some proper beef stock that's been hanging around for years and
1 syn for a bit of flour. Not sure the meat was very lean so probably a few syns to add to that, but hey, it's outta my freezer now...
Snacks: Nectarine, plums, pears, peaches
Figured I'd do a fake "pie" and top it with potato as it was mainly to get rid of stuff in the freezer so I wasn't doing a p*$try-pie - then I thought I could try it with celeriac to make it healthier. Bit of a #Fail to be honest

Followed a recipe vaguely but it was pretty watery and also didn't fit in my casserole dish and the celeriac was a bit rubbish on the top. I put a bit of Total 2% in it, but nah. :sigh: Would have been better serving it like a stew with celeriac on the side tbh.
The meat was yumsome though, sooooo tender and I stuffed bacon, mushrooms, kidneys, thyme, Guinness in the pie mix. but it SOOOOOO needed p*$try!!!!
This is NOT a steak & kidney pie:
Kept thinking of 'one song to the tune of another' doing this:
Shiny happy kidneys 