Morning campers! Yup as lentil says I've lost over 100lb now so am in the Century Club!
Sooooo foodies! :
Wednesday 14th -
Breakfast: Coffee & Toast
2 syns
Lunch: Leftover Egyptian lentil soup
0.5 syns for yoghurt
Tea: Mama's Jamaican Saturday soup
<1 HEXB for chicken
Snacks: Melon with yoghurt & honey
3 syns Ommmmmm why is Total 2% with honey so DIVINE :drool: so CREEEAAAAAMY, god its lush, its like ice cream... I am in love...
But Saturday Soup! Even on Wednesdays its fabbo!

I am also in lurrrrrrve with yams! :heartpump: I think this may be because I overcooked them

but when one does this they make a damn good FREE dumpling! :drool:
This was soooooooo filling, real comfort food, great for man flu! Really rich meaty kinda 'gravy' texture. I have no idea if this is what its supposed to taste like Mama, I expect not?

But I dont care cos it was fab! Like I say I guess overcooked it a bit, (Im not very good at cooking thigs for 15min and then gobbling them up as Im always busy faffing with summat else, so I think ah, "another five minutes'll they'll be be fiiiiiine" and five minutes turns into half an hour...

SO my yams had started to dissolve a bit and the mix went a little bit gloopy but OMG I loved it! I *was* gonna chuck some gnocchi in for dumplings as syns, like Mama suggested, but as soon as I went to taste it and picked up a bit of yam I was sold, it had gone a little bit soggy on the outside but all soft and crumbly on the inside just like real gnocchi except Free!
So I am probably totally blaspheming Saturday soup by cooking it like this

, albeit accidentally, but I loved it! Now a firm yam fan! Also liked the okra more than I expected (I did remember to only chuck this in 4-5min before the end so I didnt slimify it

) and the cho cho too, but Id deffo try this with other veggies

And I love sweetcorn in a soup too yummo!!
Great stuff Mama, trying your Jamaican curry next I reckon
(Mama's recipe is
here for anyone interested)
(Poor Mama, youre probably shielding your eyes looking at the squish I've made of your soup?!
