Gold Member
Mmm the curry was not that great actually, I think it was the curry powder, I ran out of my usual stuff so used a readymade that Ive not had before, bit bland and bleeee
Also the Quorn was just weird, I dunno if theyve baggered about with that an all again? But it was all a bit slimy and didnt really seem to soak up much of me sauce
Ive got a bit left over so Ill have it for lunch tomorrow and chuck some lime juice or something in, hopefully pick it up a bit. 
Yeah the first time I did it I did it just as a chip shop curry sauce ie, ah, *with chips* and that!
But it was soooo nice I made a real curry with it, three times Ive done it now I think, Quorn and chicken versions. First 2 times were fab but this one was just, meh :sigh:
No Ive not tried the cauliflower one, I keep thinking about it but its basically just replacing me lovely tommys with cauli which Im not sure about and I have soooo many more curries to try! Got to have Mama's Jamaican again soon! :drool: And Ive got a venison curry with coconut in the queue, oh and a Liver Curry! (That was a sort of accident after I saw a whole one looking at me in Saino's today
BLADDY SAINO'S! I went in for some milk cos Tesco's didnt deliver any. Well, I actually thought I was going to Waitrose then I remembered the bigger supermarket just down the road and got off eaerly, thinking it was a giant Tesco and surely they would have some. Walking through the blinking door the Big Orange Sign made it occurr to me no its actually another Sainsburys, aaaaanyway I went alllllll the way round picking up all kindsa healthy junk, got to the milk aisle - no milk. NO MILK???!!!
So I got a bit peeved and dumped my entire trolley in the veg aisle
(well except the giant liver and a big fat piece of fillet steak that was looking at me...
So I checked those babies out and trolled off to Waitrose, well the first thing that looked at me was the cheeeeeeeese counter!
Now I can usually handle a cheeeese counter just by admiring it and then walking away, but this time I saw a mini Reblochon! A MINI one! EXACTLY what I was looking for to match julesm's recipe! :drool: AND THEN next to that was sat some Epoisses de Bourgogne which Ive been lusting after for aaaages... and basically we'd been planning on having a "cheese-night" off-plan with a few yummy cheeses and some chutneys, crackers and meats and I kind of went Aaaahfackit and bought mostofthecheesecounter...
I got near the checkout and saw the error of my ways and went back and started putting things back again, but I just couldnt find where the Mimolette lived! I think I got the last piece!
So I had to bring it home with me! :break_diet:
So thennnn I was starving when I got in so had a box of malted beetroot with some Wensleydale, some lovely Feta and a bit of Gorgonzola.
Still weighed it all and stuck to 3 HEXes though! 
Yeah the first time I did it I did it just as a chip shop curry sauce ie, ah, *with chips* and that!
No Ive not tried the cauliflower one, I keep thinking about it but its basically just replacing me lovely tommys with cauli which Im not sure about and I have soooo many more curries to try! Got to have Mama's Jamaican again soon! :drool: And Ive got a venison curry with coconut in the queue, oh and a Liver Curry! (That was a sort of accident after I saw a whole one looking at me in Saino's today
BLADDY SAINO'S! I went in for some milk cos Tesco's didnt deliver any. Well, I actually thought I was going to Waitrose then I remembered the bigger supermarket just down the road and got off eaerly, thinking it was a giant Tesco and surely they would have some. Walking through the blinking door the Big Orange Sign made it occurr to me no its actually another Sainsburys, aaaaanyway I went alllllll the way round picking up all kindsa healthy junk, got to the milk aisle - no milk. NO MILK???!!!
So I got a bit peeved and dumped my entire trolley in the veg aisle

So I checked those babies out and trolled off to Waitrose, well the first thing that looked at me was the cheeeeeeeese counter!
I got near the checkout and saw the error of my ways and went back and started putting things back again, but I just couldnt find where the Mimolette lived! I think I got the last piece!
So thennnn I was starving when I got in so had a box of malted beetroot with some Wensleydale, some lovely Feta and a bit of Gorgonzola.