I'm doing good thanks Hun yeah just use * now was getting a bit bored of posting food diary on here and sometimes feels like nobody is reading anyway lol but IG is quicker and I like the visual thing! Get loads of ideas from there.
That jacket potato looks fab! X
Hi hun, yer diary's look as fab as ever! Those egg wraps stuffed wif ham look delish - I'm guessin u just make them like omelette? Do u ave them hot or cold?
Sam will b 11mths old on Sat! I can't believe it cos it's gone so very fast! He's not crawlin or showin any sign of wantin 2 walk tho but he does ave a mouthful of teeth so that must b where all is energy's bein concentrated! lol! Here's a wee pic from the other day...View attachment 145749
Aw he's a fab eater & really loves his grub as u can prob tell from the pic - So far the only thing he won't eat is cucumber! He'd eat us outa house n home if given half a chance n luckily really loves veggies n fruit. Sweet potato, turnip n pears r prob sum of his favs altho he also loves spicey food like me. Me n hubby went 2 r fav indian restaurant 4 r weddin anniversary a few weeks ago n took him wif us. He caused quite a stir wif the staff sittin up in a highchair scoffin away. Once he'd scoffed sum popadom he had chicken puri n chicken pakora 4 starter, then mushroom pilau rice & naan with chicken tikka madras! It won't b long til he'l b lookin 4 his own rather than just avin a share of Mam n Dad'sI totally get wat u say bout the crawlin/walkin. My friend's wee boy is only 6wks younger than Sam but he's been crawlin 4 a wee while now n is totally drivin her n her hubby crazy. He's not far off walkin now either n they'r dreadin it! lol!
I'm def gona try those wraps hun, they sound dead handy 4 work n if done wif a sausage like u suggest they mite pass as a sausage roll!![]()
Well done! Your burger looks gorgeous. X
hmmmm....they aint no Greg's sausage roll lol...but they are handy and a great way to get protein without the usual boiled/scrambled eggs!
had a wee chuckle at Sam eating in the Indian with you's...good for him...were you dreading the nappies the next day?? :giggle:
my wee one was the same at that age...fruit and veg galore but now he won't eat veg and at a push, i can give him some mashed potato but only if there's gravy on them.
he's a good eater compared to his pal's tho...some are a nightmare and i couldn't be doing with it. no food touching, can't eat it if it's this way or looks like that, none of this, some of that...just naw! lol
how are things with you other than busy busy? x
OOOHHH Greg's sausage rolls!! :drool: It's both a blessin n a curse that we don't ave Greg's here in Northern Ireland! I lived in Swansea 4 years so I ave partaken of their deliciousness MANY times which was part of y I needed 2 lose weight in the 1st place. I've discovered frozen 1's in Iceland tho so I allow myself 1 as my payday treat! Yer wee egg wraps ave been a gr8 success tho, tred them wif several fillins now but still ave 2 try them wif sausages... I wasn't 2 worried bout Sam's nappies after r indian restaurant visit as I often make curries n chilli which r quite spicy n it's never seemed 2 bother him that way. Good job 2 as we use cloth nappies so I image that wud b a hell of a mess! lol! So far the only thing he doesn't like is cucumber so I REALLY hope his gr8 eatin habits r here 2 stay. He's cuttin back teeth at the mo n even that doesn't seem 2 ave put him off! Things rn't 2 bad wif me altho I'm in a weird situation wif work at the mo - I work for the Northern Ireland version of DVLA but as u may or may not kno they'r takin over n shuttin us down, r last day providin a service here is this Thursday actually! Unfortunatey we'v no idea whats gona happen 2 us job-wise. Usually wat happens wif the civil service here in these cases is redeployment but I really don't wana ave 2 start travellin sumwhere else 2 work espec wif Sam bein so wee. Anyway I'l just ave 2 wait n c wat happens n hope 4 the best - no point worryin bout sumthin I'v no control over n there's plenty of other folk in the same boat! How's thing wif u hun? All good I hope x
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I have to ask, what are carrot cake oats?! whatever they are - they sound lushx
Yeah probably best to wait if you've decided on the Friday morning anyway! First thing would be better as no waiting around, unfortunately there's no convenient morning classes for me around hereI'm gonna go to weigh in tomorrow I think, didn't go last week and havnt actually stayed to group for ages! X