Everyday's a SW day :) x

evenin' all.....

can't believe it's friday tomorrow...been a quick week! :D

food looking like this for today:

DAY - GREEN (again! lol)

fruit salad, magic porridge and a boiled egg

Mid Morning snack:
last of my sweetcorn soup, a pear and a bite of sw quiche

Mugshot, another pear and 3 wm crackerbread with e/l laughing cow chs triangle

2 linda mc sausages,sw chips and beans
frozen fruit and yog

35g oats
1/2 scan bran cake and 3 wm crackerbreads

2 chs triangles and 1 babybel light

freddo - 5
hoops and crosses - 4.5

9.5 for the day :D
Hi Doreen here. I have been looking through your last couple of diarys to get an idea for green days. Could you let me have the recipe for sweetcorn soup when you have a minute. The other thing is you don`t have any milk, what sort of thing do you drink? Oh and what do you do to make the fanta chicken sauce for a green day. Please don`t rush to reply Miss xmisskx, thank you
Hi Doreen here. I have been looking through your last couple of diarys to get an idea for green days. Could you let me have the recipe for sweetcorn soup when you have a minute. The other thing is you don`t have any milk, what sort of thing do you drink? Oh and what do you do to make the fanta chicken sauce for a green day. Please don`t rush to reply Miss xmisskx, thank you

hi nanny doreen...

the sweetcorn soup was really nice for a change and so easy to make!
all you need is:
a large potato (peeled and cubed)
an onion
a large tin of sweetcorn
1.5 pints of chicken stock (i used 2 cubes)
salt and pepper to season (be careful though, i thought mines was a bit salty and would prob miss this out next time or see how it was instead of putting it all in at the one time)

just fire it altogether and simmer for 20-30 mins. i blitz mine with my hand blender and that's it!

i only have milk if i have cereal (which is hardly ever these days) and i don't like tea/coffee so my HEa is usually always some sort of cheese. i drink lots of water the day's i'm at work and squash with the odd can of fizzy.
wish i did like coffee cos i LOVE the smell of it...but i guess it saves my HEa lol

fanta chicken is yummy if you like sweet and sour. the recipe i use is:

chicken breast
a can of fanta zero (or no added sugar fizzy orange)
onion, peppers (i also peel strips of carrot for mines too)
and oxo cube
2 tbsp of vinegar
7 tbsp of passatta
splash of soy sauce

cook the chicken, add the veg then add everything else. bring to the boil and simmer until it reduces down stirring all the time.
sometimes i add some garlic and chilli (a grinder thingy that i have) and i've also added a tiny wee bit of dried chilli flakes too which is nice.

we really like it and recently, i've been making the sauce just to have with rice/noodles on a green day (yet to try the quorn chicken)

let me know if you try any of these....have you tried the diet cola chicken? it's also nice but the fanta chicken is def my favourite although i wished i noted what measurements of this or that i add cos it never seems to taste the same way twice hehe ;) x
hey folks...happy friday :D

had a bit of a hectic day today and can't believe the time already!

food today finally including some meat lol and looking like this....


Fruit salad with yog and an e/l choices sausage

Ham and boiled egg salad with some sw chips

Malaysian red pepper curry with noodles
frozen berries with a dollop of yog

1/2 scan bran cake and a hifi light bar

nothing yet but might have some cheese before bed

0.5 on the sausage
0.5 on salad dressing
3 on a mini malteser bunny
4.5 on hoops and crosses

8.5 for the day
hey folks...happy friday :D

had a bit of a hectic day today and can't believe the time already!

food today finally including some meat lol and looking like this....


Fruit salad with yog and an e/l choices sausage

Ham and boiled egg salad with some sw chips

Malaysian red pepper curry with noodles
frozen berries with a dollop of yog

1/2 scan bran cake and a hifi light bar

nothing yet but might have some cheese before bed

0.5 on the sausage
0.5 on salad dressing
3 on a mini malteser bunny
4.5 on hoops and crosses

8.5 for the day

How was the curry? Did you use the cornflour? X
How was the curry? Did you use the cornflour? X

i didn't use it cos i didn't have any lol. so it was syn free. i thought it was nice...my OH liked it and it's not like anything i've had before so nice for a change.
i also used malt vinegar instead of cider and a sprinkle of ginger cos i didn't have fresh.
not sure how different it would have tasted with all the proper stuff but i reckon i'd make it again?

i only did it for 2 so halved everything and used 200ml of stock. i didn't think the sauce was too runny so to be honest, having had it like this, i wouldn't go out my way to add the cornflour next time :) x
just on quickly to report in with today's eating...


fruit salad with yog
1 e/l choices sausage, 2 bacon medallions and a boiled egg

1 slice of wm toast with philly light and lovely dry cured ham and a few seafood sticks

pork chop (fat removed) 115g of baking potato which i sliced and roasted, cooked tomato, onions and mushrooms. i also put the remainder of my HEa philly on the chop and it was quite good :)

1/2 scan bran cake and 1 slice of wm bread
115g of baking potato and a hi fi light bar

70g philadelphia light
babybel light

0.5 on a sausage
7.5 on a daim bar
4 on prawn hoops and crosses

12 in total
just on to report today's food....


fruit salad and yog and a boiled egg

emergency mugshot and an activia yog...was out shopping a totally starving so grabbed this to have in asda cafe rather than buy anything else...or risk filling my trolley with junk! hadn't actually decided what type of day i was gonna do so once i'd had this, it was either gonna be green or EE...depending on dinner. what a palava.

Meatfree burger on a wm roll with lettuce, tomato and onions and some sw chips and ketchup
fruit salad with some golden crunch cereal mixed in

wm roll
1/2 scan bran cake and 15g all bran golden crunch cereal

cheese and i played about with some pudding rice to see if i could make rice pudding using 250ml of ss milk. i've made it and will prob have it tomorrow but the odd mouthful here and there obviously contains some milk

0.5 on ketchup
0.5 on meatfree burger
4.5 on special k crisps
5 on a freddo

10.5 for the day
Last edited:
*update*...have since eaten the rice pudding so the milk will be my HEa for definite ;) x

Ah! The milk. Thank you for the recipes that you put on 3 days ago! Shows how busy I have been with grandkids and stressing about weight gain. Only got chicken with bones in freezer so when go to hospital Wed will get some chicken breast. Having a couple of resting days today & tomorrow,

Even tho not the same, I sometimes cook somelong grain rice until it is really soft. I like cold rice, so cool it quite quickly and mix the rice in some mullerlight. I have also put a little cranberry sauce in some. I think it is lovely. Have you tried cream soda rice
Ah! The milk. Thank you for the recipes that you put on 3 days ago! Shows how busy I have been with grandkids and stressing about weight gain. Only got chicken with bones in freezer so when go to hospital Wed will get some chicken breast. Having a couple of resting days today & tomorrow,

Even tho not the same, I sometimes cook somelong grain rice until it is really soft. I like cold rice, so cool it quite quickly and mix the rice in some mullerlight. I have also put a little cranberry sauce in some. I think it is lovely. Have you tried cream soda rice

sorry to hear you're going in to hospital! hope you're ok?
i'm going to play around with the rice pudding i think. maybe having some with fruit or a spoonful of reduced sugar jam can be a new breakfast and might save me a HEb the days i'm at work (cos i always take magic porridge)
will give it a bash and maybe mix things up a wee bit ;)
yeah, i've tried the cream soda rice once...liked it better on it's own before i put a muller yog in it....but i think they can be quite bitter so would maybe try it with another type and see how it was? x

Go you on the emergency mugshot! I would Hve found it far too much of a temptation to eat junk in a supermarket, starving, surrounded by fooooood! :)
Hope you had a super weekend! Xxx

lol...my OH ate a FULL packet of Thorntons mini caramel shortbread on the way round.....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR hehe.

was glad to see you and your friend made amends....it'll save you listening to my big rants on your diary now lmao ;) x
Haha I love your posts on my diary! They arent rants at all! I definitely appreciate someone taking the time to listen to all my warbling and offering the words of advice and support that you do! :) so thank you!

no thanks needed...sometimes we know what we should think/feel but real emotions get in the way and it's nice to see it through another set of eyes sometimes. it's also hard at times though cos even though we know some of what people say makes sense, it's easier said than done when we have to live the reality of it all!

i dunno...something in what you said initially just hit a nerve...maybe cos i've had the whole experience of spending my time trying to to p1ss people off when really, all it does is waste my own energy cos one thing's for sure....people don't stress or waste time worrying or feeling the way i have at times so i just felt for you a bit! lol x
hey folks...
well, WI for me showed 1lb off this week and got me my 2 stone shiny :D

to be honest, i think i was hoping for a whopper cos i'd done a fair bit of walking last week which i NEVER do...aww well...a loss all the same and i'll take that thank you very much ;)

i've never ever told anyone what i weigh the whole time i've been on my journey and tonight i told my OH...not sure why...think it was cos i'm proud of the numbers....

to be able to say...when i started on WW 2 years ago, i weighed 17 stone 0.5 lbs...and tonight at weigh in i was 13 st 10.5...pretty good achievement regardless of the ups and downs i had on the other plan. i feel confident enough to know that whether i went to get weighed at class, i'd still keep up this way of eating - it's the only thing i've done when i haven't strayed at all and that's cos i don't feel like i'm missing ou and cos no one has told me i can't have this or that which, for me, makes me want that something even more!

yes i lost weight initially on ww but i was starving all the time and spent a year gaining every other week so to be able to have lost 2st 0.5lbs on this and eat proper meals as well as have crisps/choc every day is pretty good....pretty realistic in the long run and the weeks i have a gain must only be down to my body as it always sorts itself out....
it's nice to be able to NOT stress as much or spend as much time consumed with thoughts of food etc :D

i dunno why it's taken me til now to type it and announce it on here....but i have and although part of me wants to edit this post...i'm gonna leave it as it is....



Fruit salad with yog (and a few spoonfuls of rice pudding which i was preparing for tomorrow)

salad with ham, boiled egg, seafood sticks, cottage cheese and some chickpea dahl loaf

roast gammon, sw roasties, carrots and sprouts
left over fruit from this morning

2 hifi light bars

babybel light plus whatever milk was in the mouthfuls of rice pudding

scan bran cake - 0.5
hoops and crosses - 4.5
aero biscuit - 5

10 for the day
That's flipping awesome!! And well done for having the courage to post it and to tell your oh!
It's a truly fantastic achievement and you should be massively proud...I'd be shouting it from you the rooftops!! :D now bring on the next 2 stone hey!! :) xxxx
That's flipping awesome!! And well done for having the courage to post it and to tell your oh!
It's a truly fantastic achievement and you should be massively proud...I'd be shouting it from you the rooftops!! :D now bring on the next 2 stone hey!! :) xxxx

hey well done on your loss, i hope your delighted with it, you are doing great and i really admire your determination

thank you girlies....
i dunno why i've decided to say....maybe cos 13stone is a better weight than 17....still over weight but better than what i was and everytime i weigh in online..i see my BMI going down and that's a big plus!

i've been a couple of stones lighter and literally looked all boney..had the whole lollipop head thing going on lol. scary thing is, i'd still be overweight and one of the reasons i haven't set a target for myself is cos i don't want to put a number on what i still "have left" to lose...i feel doing that might make me feel low if i don't get there or by a certain time and the less pressure, the better!
i'm happy to keep doing what i've been doing, which is eating!! lol...enjoying what i eat and having steady losses - give or take the odd week.

what'll be will be eh ;)
weight's a funny thing and can be very decieving...i mean, i look at people who look physically bigger than me but are lighter and think??? but we're all different and the hardest part is getting to a point where we can feel happy...or at least comfortable with ourselves....dunno if that exists but i'm gonna try my best x
Well done on your fab loss on your 2st award yesterday hun, you're doing amazing
:)Know what you mean about the being the same weight but not looking the same thing... me and a friend are the same height and now the same weight but she has skinny legs and a flat tummy, something i still don't have!
Hope you're having a fab day!!! xxx