That's one benefit I'm finding too, BR - my morning consists of shake then green tea then toilet trip! Not sure whether it's the caffeine content or what that does it, but I'm not complaining! I'm trying to avoid any sweeteners wherever possible, would rather add something with other health benefits like the peppermint or ginger than chemicals. The only time I added one was when I took a friend to Starbucks for a moral-support-coffee & chat on friday, I hate their tea so got an americano and added whole milk & one sweetener which meant I could drink it without pulling a face!Don't want to say it too loudly as I'll jinx it but it's a (q-word) day at work so far. Shame the water cooler is empty, as I actually have plenty of time to drink today! Still, 2.25 hours down & 6.75 to go!