Evilpenguin's food diary

evilpenguin said:
I tried to pm you to ask about it but your mailbox was full so it didn't let me! The info I got from Google said that SF was like a plan to use for a boost :S and it said you got no points and could only eat 0pp foods! Thats what put me off so if thats wrong I'm interested in trying it :)

Are you on SF every day? If so I will read thru your food diaries for inspiration! Xxx

Haha that sounds utterly crap no its nothing like that. Dont know how to link on my phone but if you check out the simply filling forum on here you should find a sticky with the list of free foods :)

My food has been pretty crap and lazy since I too am working random shifts at the moment but it's all been within points so still been losing even though it hasn't been as healthy as I would like. Will try and empty my inbox then feel free to pm me! X
icklerockchick said:
Haha that sounds utterly crap no its nothing like that. Dont know how to link on my phone but if you check out the simply filling forum on here you should find a sticky with the list of free foods :)

My food has been pretty crap and lazy since I too am working random shifts at the moment but it's all been within points so still been losing even though it hasn't been as healthy as I would like. Will try and empty my inbox then feel free to pm me! X

I've been trying to find the list but my signals been crappy so not had much luck. The thread I eventually managed to load had the list at some point but it had been removed for copyright reasons :(!! Then I saw a list on the WW website and it was basically all SW free foods but with extras like bread & oats?? And I need to have oil each day too? Is that right? :)

I feel excited about trying something new. The WW plan I tried last year didn't work for me because the portion sizes were just too small but if meats & pastas are free on SF then it could be good for me! I hope I've got it right lol!

Well done for keeping with it even with the random shifts :D!! How's work been? Are you back to full time? Xx
Yup that's pretty much it lots of the free foods are similar to sw but it's nice not having to measure skimmed milk, oats and bread products. Technically you can only have ww bread products as free but most of us use any bagel, wrap, bread, pitta etc that's similar nutritionally and we are all still losing fine. Then you can do propoints days on the days you fancy eating things that aren't on the free list. You are supposed to have a daily oil allowance but as far as I know most of us rarely use it. I generally still use frylight as it means less greasy food but use real oil if making a curry or pesto etc. any Qs at all just ask x
icklerockchick said:
Yup that's pretty much it lots of the free foods are similar to sw but it's nice not having to measure skimmed milk, oats and bread products. Technically you can only have ww bread products as free but most of us use any bagel, wrap, bread, pitta etc that's similar nutritionally and we are all still losing fine. Then you can do propoints days on the days you fancy eating things that aren't on the free list. You are supposed to have a daily oil allowance but as far as I know most of us rarely use it. I generally still use frylight as it means less greasy food but use real oil if making a curry or pesto etc. any Qs at all just ask x

Are the free foods like those also free on a propoints day? I remember having to point meat & pastas which meant the portions were limited so I always went over points :(

Do you think a switch to WW would get me back on it? I like the idea of being able to buy WW ready meals because just now we're finding it hard to cook dinners from scratch! I know on SW I can still have those but then I also have to worry about healthy extras & if bread is free on SF it means I can have extra if I wanted it. Think it might be a nice change and would fit in well with my current non-routine lol.

Maybe I should find a free membership voucher & get all the books. I'm confused about it all lol :(

Well if relying on the ww ready meals you would really need to do propoints days to be honest as they are 2 many points to use them from your weeklies and none of them are free on simply filling.

No sadly all the free foods on simply filling still have points on propoints days, fruit has 0pp as does most veg but everything else has to be measured and pointed.

So for example on a simply filling day you could eat a lot of slimming world style meals for free and also have whatever bread/milk etc you want (well within reason obv if yog eat a loaf a day your not exactly going to lose weight lol).

Then on a busy day you could have a readymeals at home or a prepacked sandwich for lunch.
Cereal with milk would be about 5pp, if you make a ww sandwich or wrap that would only be about 5pp (depends on filling of course but ham etc is really low in points) then say 7or8pp for a ww ready meal or make your own much bigger portion meal for a few points more.

Your daily points for propoints days depends on height/weight so I am on 26pp but you would probably get a few extra - so the example above would only be about 18 of your daily points so you would have about 10 or more for snacks or bigger meals. Plus then whatever plan you are on propoints or simply filling you still get 49 weeklies points to use as well.

Obviously it won't suit everyone but it really helped me kickstart my losses again and am now almost at target. I think ww suits busy lifestyles better as you can pick up things to eat on the go and just point them whereas on sw that would generally use up all your syns for the day.

Also you can make smoothies there's no stupid food abuse rules :) x
evilpenguin said:
Thanks hun. We are buying all the value stuff & having dinners like spag bol and chilli. I bought quorn chicken pieces to chuck thru risottos cos we eat that a lot. Its just some nights its easier to chuck a pizza in the oven :(

Then days like today for example, worked from lunch til 5, had eaten a cocopops cereal bar before leaving and took another with me and a couple of satsumas for break, but I didn't get a break so those are still sat in my bag and instead I've eaten a scotch pie and a mini choco donut thing!!! Ffs! :( But dinner is carbonara which is slimming friendly! So I started with good intentions but ruined it.

I dunno if I'm finding it hard because I'm so down just now, or if I'm subconsciously trying to cheer myself up with bad food :(

I comfort eat too. I so nearly ordered a dominoes last Friday.

It is hard to eat healthily when you can get 5 deep pan pizzas in farmfoods for £4 and they are really filling. Fresh food is more expensive. Pay day will make things easier, with ww you can stock up on frozen meals or on sw do some batch cooking for the month. X
Sent too soon so sorry if you read this and were confused by the random ending of it lol!!

Thanks for your replies!

Chick thanks for all the info! Would I be right in saying that you could have 7 propoints a day and eat all the free foods on SF? That way you could have some items not on the free list using the weeklies but spread over the week evenly? Am I making sense? I just found propoints too restricting last time because I eat a lot of pastas and rice.

Anyway this week I'm trying calorie counting :) I got the mfp app and set it to lose 2lbs a week! Got 300 odd calories left to use today, doubt I'll manage that tbh lol. Was nice to see that I'd lost 25lbs since I last used myfitnesspal!! :)
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Suspense is killing me :p haha
Yeh the weeklies are there to use as you wish I very loosely aim for 7 a day but tend to use a few more at weekend and don't need that many during the week. Plus most treats are half the syns value roughly (as you get about half the weeklies you do syns) so there's loads of low fat crisps at 2pp, curly wurlys 3pp, loads of cereal bars are 2pp. So even using 7 a day can still get you maybe 2 or 3 snacky foods.

When I started I only did simply filling days as they were so similar to sw which I was used to but the past few weeks I've been doing a lot more propoints days due to random shifts at work and you might find they suit you better on days with crazy shifts too as the daily allowance actually can go quite far for example I maybe have a coffee (1pp for milk) or diet energy drink (0pp) for breaky then break at work a sandwich on warburtons thins (3 or 4pp depending on filling) plus a packet of 2pp crisps. Then that does me til I get home and have a snack when I get in and still have loads of points left for dinner. That might work out well for you too as it looks like you don't eat much before / at work so you would still have loads of points for evening meal and snacky things in evening too.

So yeh although you might start off on simply filling as its so similar to what you know I think you will find that propoints actually suit crazy random shift times much better as I have only discovered this in past few weeks when back at work.

My diary is probably really long to trawl through but a quick browse should show you what I mean - best going to "threads started by this user" on the app and looking for my simply filling diary - I just started using my old private one again a few days ago so it won't show much of my days on simply filling as I swapped to the other diary. Confusing I know haha! X
Thank you!

I'm going to give it a bash from payday. I might just pay for the online membership to find out my points allowance and get all the points info etc! It was something like 48 a day before but I was heavier then so it'll be less now. It does sound like it'll fit in with my new routine really well!

I'm gona count my calories til payday tho - so I'll have a full week from today to try that and hopefully getting back into tracking my food and watching what I'm eating again will put me in the mindset for trying SF!

Excited to see what loss CC can give me though so think I'm already kind of feeling the motivation to stay on plan :) if you see what I mean lol!

You know what though, I totally stuck to SW for 5 months solid with maybe 2 gains and only minor slip ups, so its not surprising that I lost it a bit. Its bloody hard this dieting thing!

Mixture of emotions today... Excited to try new things, depressed about having to try new things cos I feel a bit of a failure lol. But then pleased that even though I had a Galaxy Caramel on break today I've still stayed under calories! Probably can't do that every day or on SF but its nice knowing I didnt blow it on my first day of a new diet :)
If you get into the habit if doing calorie counting then it will serve you well for propoints as its basically just simplified calorie counting! They just make fruit and most veg 0pp to encourage people to say eat a banana versus a Kitkat even though there's not much calorie difference. Other that it is basically calorie counting (roughly 1pp is 40cals) and you get a daily limit based on your bmi just the same as you get higher daily calories on Mfp based on bmi too. Calorie counting for dummies basically ;-) but its working for me and loads of others so I'm fine with that haha!

Not sure if there's still an offer on quidco cashback thing (vaguely remember speaking to you before about this??) but I got £30 back which basically paid for my 1st 3months on ww online (didnt really use the website but the app is really handy when starting out) if you want a referral pm me I get like 2quid if you do :p x
Yeah I meant to join quidco but I've never had money to buy anything so havent yet lol! Is it free to join? Do you mean a referral for quidco or WW online? Happy to use it for either so you get your £2 :D wont be til payday though!

My bf is being a bit of an arse about me wanting to try WW so doing the cal counting as an intermediate switch, means I can eat what we've planned til payday so no need to do a new shop. Will probably get the 3rd degree when I start chucking WW goodies in the shopping next week though....

I think with uni starting and not knowing what hours I'll be working each week, WW will just work better. But try explaining that to him :-/
Btw if its a referral for quidco let me know what details you need like my email or name & I'll pm you them :) was trying to see their current deals just now but need to sign up first and dont want to incase the referral is for quidco!! Xx
Stayed under calories yesterday :)!

I didnt eat properly though, had about 3 cereal bars, a pack of low cal crisps, bar of chocolate and spaghetti bolognese for dinner :-S not exactly a healthy day. I only have satsumas and kiwis in for fruity snackage though :(

The mfp app told me I could lose 12lbs in 5 weeks if every day was like yesterday, don't believe it lol.
Heya it is for quidco if you pm me your email I can send you a referral :) it is handy to have get cashback for things I buy anyway - mostly been phone contracts and Xmas shopping online really :) x
Oh and you really don't need ww products to do ww, I hardly ever eat them! There's other yummier cheaper options for the same points I find :-D I use the ww spread most days but other than that I sometimes buy the ww apple pie bars from pound land and that's the extent of it lol x
I replied to your pm, my email address is at the bottom of it :)

I know the WW products arent essential but its part of the appeal for me just now, the ability to pop a WW pizza & chips in the oven after an 8pm finish at work sounds good to me!!

I've planned 4 days SF and 2 days Propoints for next week, will go shopping on Monday night to get all my goodies :D
Referral sent :) cool sounds like you are all set then!

I mean for snacks and stuff mostly - obviously a lot of people like ww for the readymeal aspect of it - I'm too cheap for that haha rather make my own with bigger portions ;-) but a lot of the ww snacky stuff there's nicer things for the same points! X
Thanks! I'll sign up on Thursday cos I'm going to my grandads house to use his internet that day :) x