Evilpenguin's food diary

Haha, rant away!! It's nice not being the only ranter round here :D

Panel interviews are horrible, I have been in way too many of those! (And I done recruitment at my last job so I have also been on the other end, that sucked too). But, one-on-one interviews are just as bad. If you say something they don't like, there's no one else there who might've liked it! When there's 2, 3 or 4 people you're more likely to be scored accurately. I saw this happen a lot when doing interviews, the chairman would give someone a score of say 56 (a fail), but his deputy would have given the guy like 80 odd, which is a really high score, and then I would be somewhere in between (because it was construction/stone masonry/worky type jobs and I had no clue hahaha!). But it's like, well if that was just the chairman he wouldn't give that guy the job, and then he'd pick some other person who might not be the best for the job, but it's the deputy guy who's actually got to work with him :confused: if that makes sense.

Also while I'm talking about interviews! Either last year, or earlier this year, I went for an interview at a local care home, it was a job for a kitchen assistant or porter or something. Anyway. I was interviewed by 1 guy, who clearly hadn't been trained in recruitment and he could also barely speak a word of English. He kept repeating "this company are strict, there's no messing around here" and asking me if I had any health & safety certificates, which I didn't, but the advert said they would train you on everything and that you didn't need any formal qualifications so I was like, WTF? He barely asked about jobs I'd done before, he started asking if I went out clubbing at the weekends. It was so awful, and not through any fault of my own! I was so prepared to give a good interview but the guy was just incompetent. He kept saying "you'd be the only Scottish person we're all from all over the place in here". Not professional, not at all how you conduct an interview! I walked out of there knowing I hadn't got the job, but tbh I was glad because who'd want to work in a place like that? Where they get some random foreign guy from the kitchen to do interviews with no supervision what so ever?! I have seriously thought about complaining about that for so long, but it's not worth it :sigh:

Your works course sounds like that bloody course I just done at uni!! Argh how frustrating! You should mentor the new folk when they have to do it, if they don't have the same background that you do! I would've loved for someone from 2nd year to come in and explain that communications course to us! Hopefully you get it all done and then you can forget about it :D

I have so much respect for these yoga freaks now! I seriously thought it was a load of nonsense til yesterday haha! Sooo hard! I could hardly breathe I was in so much pain, and I was barely stretching! I saw myself in the reflection of the glass cabinet door things and was like WTF you are just slightly bending to the left, why does it hurt so much?!??! :eek::(

Argh just noticed the time. Need to get my study on! Wish me luck. I hate psychology!!! :mad:

That makes sense about the panel interview. Definitely! I think I had the head nurse and the practice manager interview me for my job. I was invited back for a trial morning and the head nurse (my boss) took me in to the office and offered me the job. I was so very close to launching myself at her and giving her a massive hug. I restrained myself tho ;) She's the nicest boss I've ever had - had some major issues with bosses in the past, mostly evil women bosses!!
The interview at the care home sounds ridiculous :confused:

I've offered to help the guy who started at the same time as me with some of the course, esp the next section as it's all clinical/science stuff. Unfortunately only nurses can be mentors for the VCA course :rolleyes:

Haha yeah yoga is pretty tough isn't it? I've never been to a class and it's something I'd like to try. But the Wii Fit one is really hard!! Worth giving it a go though. It really helped with my dodgy shoulder and back :)

If it helps I have cheese with my Quorn lamb sometimes :) Not quite the same, but anyway.... :p Hope you're having a good day.x
I'm so hungover :( I decided last night that it would be an excellent idea to have a few drinks seeing as I wouldn't be able to drink tonight because of work tomorrow. Uuughhhhhhh! A few drinks turned into half a bottle of bourbon :eek:

So my morning is written off because I can't think straight :eek: I was going to study but I need to go pick my bf up early today (cos he's a freakin chancer and thinks cos I'm off it must be a half day for him :mad:) so there's no point in even starting to revise anything.

Not in the best of moods today. Probably because of the hangover, but also because my dad's home (and has been every day that I've had off this week - you'd think I wasn't trusted to be alone in this fecking house) and also because I had to take down my still damp clothes so he could use the bloody clothes airer thing. Why can't people just wait for their turn? If you can clearly see that someone has damp clothes still drying, don't put a wash on! He was using the other airer so it's not like he didn't know that I had the other one out with stuff drying on it.

Also, half my stuff from the other airer has gone missing, because these idiots don't even know what clothes are their own :mad: my bf has had so many pairs of socks go missing, and then seen them being worn by those dickheads!! And by that point it's useless getting them back because they've been stretched out of shape and are useless to him (he has smaller feet than my dad & brother) FFS!!! I was looking for one of our towels once and I found some of my bf's shirts that had been worn by whoever, they were sitting in a crumpled heap and covered in tar because my brother had worn them to his work :mad: tar doesn't just come off btw! :( :cry:

I am so sick of living in this fecking house. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!! :mad:

They've been dropping some hints recently, they are about as subtle as a brick to the face. I was questioning where my rent money goes. Backstory: bf and I pay £420 between us for the privilege of living here, we used to pay £500 and that was when I had LESS money than I do now, WTF. Anyway. We have a feeling that my brother either pays nothing at all or about £100. There's loads of reasons why this is unfair, one being that me and my bf buy all of our own food AND we take turns in buying milk, eggs, salt, pepper, frylight, toilet roll and recently kitchen roll and mayonnaise were added to this bizarre shared items thing. My brother does none of this, my parents buy all his food and make his dinner and don't ask him to buy milk or eggs or whatever. So.. when my mum said "it's your turn to buy the kitchen roll" I was pissed off, because of everything basically, and I said "what does my extortionate rent actually cover, mum?" to which my dad said "why don't you find your own bloody place??!?!?" and this is his new way to make me angry :)

So since then I've hated living here even more :( They hate us living here, we hate having to live here. And the other night when I jokingly asked if it was too late to be adopted, my mum took it seriously and said basically what my dad had the other day "find your own house" kind of thing. (I was joking about the adoption thing because we were discussing xmas and it was a complete farce, about who's coming here and why my uncle won't have it at his etc.. I said "this family is a joke, everyone is scared of upsetting him but it's ok for him to upset all of us? Is it too late for me to adopted?" it had nothing to do with living here or paying rent or anything, so my mum is obviously just looking for any excuse to make me feel crap about living here)

And while I'm ranting, here's another thing. A while ago my brother started a diet, a crash diet basically, I think he's lost like 2 stone, well done and all that. But anyway, around about the time he started it, I had bought that WW butter stuff to try. It was gone within a week because my brother helped himself to it (and our squash, mayo and fruit btw - that's why mayo is now on the "shared" list FFS) Anyway, whatever, I was actually past the point of caring. That was until a brand new tub of WW spread appeared in the fridge, and my mum had written my brother's name on the lid of it in permanent marker and "do not touch". Seriously.

He has been using the spread we bought last week too actually, but because I can't be bothered with a big scene I haven't said anything. My bf said he is going to have a word, but it just makes living here worse so I hope he won't :(

Ffs, I could cry.

I know I sound like a moody teenager. I'm not immature, honestly. I am a fully grown adult! And that's why this stuff makes me so angry, because I get treated like I'm about 17. My dad makes sarcastic comments all the freaking time.. "that pot won't wash itself" talking to a pot that I've got steeping, or "tidy up in here when you're done" as we're cooking the dinner. It infuriates me. You don't have to tell me what to do! I know to tidy up!!! But he does it just to wind me up! He likes to think he has control over us or something. Seriously every comment that he makes is just him looking to have an argument. I ignore every ****ing one! Every single comment, I ignore it!!! And it does his head in, that's why he keeps doing it, that's why he's started using us living here as a thing to make comments about. That's why he puts washing on when mine is still drying. He wants a reaction! AAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate living here. I hate my parents, genuinely. You know when like, someone you aren't really fond of will speak to you, and you can't help it but you notice that your input to the conversation is a bit off, you can hear it in your own voice that your dislike for the person is coming through a bit? I'm probably alone in this lol. Anyway, that happens to me when I speak with my parents, when they're not making comments or being dickheads, just when we're talking about something or whatever. I can hear myself not caring. I get the impression from them that the feelings mutual. You can walk into our house after work or uni or whatever, and they won't say hi to you, but if you don't say hi to them and they are in a "good mood", it's all "what's wrong with your face". If they are in a bad mood, everyone else has to be, if you can't be arsed with them because of the bad moods they're always in, you're in the wrong!

So. My bf and I can't move out, my job is temporary and my uni loan/bursary isn't enough to cover half the bills or rent etc on its own, and during the summer I don't get anything. Even if my work keep me on after December, it'll only ever be a temp contract and I can't commit to renting a house when I don't know if I'll have work 3 months down the line. My bf's salary wouldn't cover everything and he's already said he's accepted that he's stuck here probably for the next 4 years (that doesn't stop him complaining about them to me or threatening to move out and leave me here or all the other crap I put up with from him because of them). We wouldn't get a council house because we're not junkies and I'm not pregnant. Plus they are all in really rough areas that neither of us would enjoy living in.

We are stuck here. I have put up with this for... 2 years now I think. I've kept quiet when they've done little things to upset me, I haven't risen to any of my dad's comments, I've paid for milk, eggs etc when it was my turn even though it's so cheeky to ask me to pay for things I hardly use when my brother doesn't have to and he uses more than his fair share, I've loaned them money even when I had less money than all of them (college bursaries are poor). I've got to the stage now where I don't know how long I can go on like this, without rising to the comments or turning into a teenager and throwing a tantrum when they remind me that I need to buy milk again. I barely have conversations with them anymore. I get dirty looks and shrugs from them when I try to talk to them anyway. They are really passive aggressive with me which is beyond infuriating.

One more thing before I go off to get ready to pick up the bf, have a wee cry and chainsmoke. Last week we had pasta n sauce for our dinner. The day before this, I had been at uni from around half 9 in the morning until about 7pm, I got home at like half 7, 8 ish. My mum had text me when I was driving (I don't text whilst driving but I noticed it when I parked up when I got home). It said "remember get milk". I walked into the house, I was in a really bad mood that day already because I had almost been in a car crash in the morning and I had to stay really late at uni because of a group work thing that was a complete farce and a rant for another day. I went to tell my bf that we needed to go get milk, so we went up to the store and got it, it was like 9pm by this point.

Anyway. Back to the pasta n sauce. I put it in the tub to go in the microwave after my bf had done whatever it was he was doing. I sat down at the table to have a cigarette and my mum was over at the microwave/cooker bit. She picked up the empty pasta packet and said "oh look, I was going to have that for my dinner last night! But someone didn't bother to get milk so we couldn't have it"

Let's just say that this comment did not go down well with me. They have a car, they could've gone up to the store (a 2 min drive away) to get the bloody milk. "I was just joking" is what she said. No, she obviously wasn't. The tone of her voice said it all. I told her exactly what kind of day I'd had and how long I'd been at uni for and how I only got her freaking text when I got home at 8pm and how if she wanted or needed milk that ****ing badly, why the hell did she not get it herself?!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh :mad:
Awww dude :( That is a lot of sh*t to deal with, it really is. I have never been able to understand parent's who treat their kids like this, esp when they treat another child completely differently. You and your bf pay a lot of money for living there, as well as buying your own food. I don't understand why you have to pay for all the shared stuff as well and then deal with all the attitude too. I'm really sorry you're so unhappy at home :(
I hope you manage to have at least a sort of good day.
Big :bighug:xx
Awww dude :( That is a lot of sh*t to deal with, it really is. I have never been able to understand parent's who treat their kids like this, esp when they treat another child completely differently. You and your bf pay a lot of money for living there, as well as buying your own food. I don't understand why you have to pay for all the shared stuff as well and then deal with all the attitude too. I'm really sorry you're so unhappy at home :(
I hope you manage to have at least a sort of good day.
Big :bighug:xx

Thanks hun *hugs* ugh it does my head in. We are being ripped off but have no alternative :(

I didn't realise how angry I was until I started typing earlier :confused: I had just woken up feeling awful, had slept through my alarms, remembered I was meant to pick up my bf early and then the damp laundry thing happened :sigh: When I got to my bfs work he kept asking what was wrong, just shrugged it off because I was close to tears and explaining it all would have set me off. I just said "laundry race" and he knew what I meant. He said that it's all the little things that they do, they just build up until you feel like you can't take it anymore and he's right. I shouldn't be so angry about it all, because we are kind of stuck with it :( will just depress myself more if I continue to dwell on it.

I think I'm going to fill in the council housing application form and send it off after xmas sometime. The worst they can say is that we're not eligible to bid for houses to rent.

Had an ok day after picking up the bf tho. Went to buy fish but the place we went to was a building site lol so we went to Dobbies instead and got some blue rams from there. Almost punched a lady in the face for queue jumping me TWICE though! We were waiting for ages for the member of staff to finish getting fish for another couple, then it got really busy and this old wifey stormed up to the girl we had waited on for about 10 mins and started asking her questions about filters/lights. I was so raging! So I went over to the marine bit to see if there was any other staff around, saw a guy so asked him "can we have some help please", he started walking with me back to the tropical bit when filter/light wifey walked up to him with the girl she'd stolen from me and they both started asking him about filters and lights! Honestly! He went away with them to look at stuff, then pointed at me and came back over. They avoided what would have been an ugly fight between me and staff-stealing filter wifey :mad:! As someone who works in a shop, I have seen this almost happen to lots of customers. I always make a point of saying "I'm helping someone at the moment but Staffy over there is free" and point them in the direction of someone not doing anything.

Starting to think I am pms'ing :rolleyes:

Anyway.... I may have bought some turkish delight with pistachios whilst browsing the food hall :eek: and we also bought wild boar sausages which we've had before, and I optimistically counted them as 2 syns the last time! Using these syns again because google and syn threads are no use.

I want to go on the Wii but I cba. I've had so much coffee and none of it is working :( might just go on it anyway, see if it wakes me up. Bf is asleep on the lazyboy chair with the legrest kicked out, he is going to get in my way so will need to wake him up... bwahahaha :D

EE today

Breakfast: coffee (milk 2 syns, sugar 1 syn)
Lunch: 3 wild boar sausages in a wholemeal pitta (HEB plus 6 syns)
Dinner: will be spaghetti carbonara if I cba to make it (HEA for light philly)
Snacks: homemade potato salad (3tbsp light mayo so 6 syns, jeez) lots of black coffee (sugar 2 syns)
Syns: 17

Having black coffee because it was my turn to buy milk but I didn't know this and so didn't buy any. The joys :sigh:
Did you, at any point during the day, turn in to a giant green monster and punch anyone through a wall? ;)

Yay for fishies!! I miss working with fish (as sad as that sounds!) and I miss keeping them. We only have space for one tank and my friend bought me an Albino African Clawed Frog a few years ago and even though he doesn't eat fish or really do anything to them, they just die. So have had to give up on fish. I do love Mr Frog though :D

I haven't made potato salad in aaaaages! My Mum makes me lovely potato salad :D I esp like it with SW quiche ;)
Did you, at any point during the day, turn in to a giant green monster and punch anyone through a wall? ;)

Yay for fishies!! I miss working with fish (as sad as that sounds!) and I miss keeping them. We only have space for one tank and my friend bought me an Albino African Clawed Frog a few years ago and even though he doesn't eat fish or really do anything to them, they just die. So have had to give up on fish. I do love Mr Frog though :D

I haven't made potato salad in aaaaages! My Mum makes me lovely potato salad :D I esp like it with SW quiche ;)

Lmao! Very nearly :eek:!

Eeee froggy :D! We got our first tank about 4 years ago and bought a smaller one last year. I'd love to sell them both off and get a massive 500 litre thing. Our little one is 36l, the bigger one is 100l. Not big enough :mad: me want more fish!

My bfs potato salad is the best, I can't get enough of it! Yeah it's good with quiche :D sort of a summery snack but I like it all year round :D

Anyway, this weekend has gone slow and fast at the same time. Work dragged but the evenings have gone by in a flash :(

Food today has been crap. I had a full sugar can of Monster earlier which is like 10 syns ffs. Then 2 mini (teeeeny tiny) mince pies. Probably 4 syns each even though they were gone in a bite. And I have a fruit tart thing to have after dinner because my grandparents brought cakes round and I can't pass up free cake :eek: Dinner is a pork stew, so healthy & on plan! Not too bad a day but not my best. Work fecks this whole thing up for me.

*shrug* nothing I can really do about it now. Will have my cake and enjoy it! Then back on plan tomorrow :D Got my appointment with the crazy people lady tomorrow at 4pm. Not sure how I feel about it. Saying no to meds though. Side effects sound worse than my actual symptoms :(
The cake was mildly disappointing. Dry, powdery meringue with flavourless fruit and a soggy tart with what I think was supposed to be custard in the middle. My bf and I split the 2 between us btw, not totally greedy lol. They were single servings too, not whole cakes!!

My appointment got cancelled, the lady was off sick today. The guy who called said she'd phone me to rearrange. Meh!

Having a chinese for dinner tonight and a few ciders. Not eaten since breakfast and neither of us cba cooking. Chinese food isn't that bad anyway, syn wise! The cider is another story!
Only had 1 and a half cans! Felt really ill so couldn't actually face a drink.

Might weigh myself later but tbh I don't think I've done well this week. Lost the plot a bit :(! Blaming exam stress!

Today is the first of my 2 weeks of studying before exams. Ugh I wish I could be arsed. Just want to go back to bed :(!!
I'm in the "Can't be arsed" camp today. Also have a really bad headache!

I bet you're more prepared for your exams than you think. But everyone doubts themselves over studying. You'll do great! It's just so hard finding the motivation at times. My studying is like my exercise, I have blocks of motivation and then it vanishes lol.x
I don't feel prepared at all :( I missed a lot of psychology, and then I avoided doing any notes at home for it, so I have about 4 or 5 weeks worth to catch up on, there's 3 hours of it a week (1 2-hour lecture on Monday morning and a 1 hour lecture on Monday evenings) but each 1 hour slot takes me about 4 hours to write notes for.. so doing the maths it'll take me about 40 hours to complete my notes :cry:doing a biology degree that has more psychology in it than biology - what the bloody feck? :(

Yesterday I done a whole day of maths, worked on it from 9 til 5! I had planned to do 2 - 3 hours on each topic but 1 maths past paper took me about 2 hours to do and I felt confused about a lot of it so wanted to work on it for longer.

Doing biology today, but I slept in through my alarms and am due to be going out at 3pm so won't get much done :sigh:

Yesterday's food was a disaster. Bf went to bed about 6pm but said he'd get up about half 6 to make dinner. He slept til about 8.30 and I hadn't made anything cos I kept thinking he would be getting up to do it. Then we had a big row because I was hungry and asked him to make dinner :confused: So in the end I found a mini WW pizza thing in the freezer and had that with 2 hash browns and a slice of bread. Had been OK with syns until then but I dunno the syn value of the pizza or hash browns but guessing they're quite high. Meh.

So no surprise at weigh in this morning with a 2lb gain. Still, 5lbs off last week so I've still lost 3lbs which is better than gaining.

Going over to my friends house tomorrow to have a study session and probably a piss up! She likes her wine so we'll probably drink that, if I have any say in it I'll get a spirit to keep syns down. But I think she's planning pizza for lunch/dinner so syns are screwed anyway! Will be on plan every other day so might get away with it!

Off to do biology past papers now :sigh:
Pretty sure I'm on green today!

Breakfast: coffee (part of HEA 1)
Lunch: walkers sunbites (6 syns) tesco LC mushroom risotto (4 syns)
Dinner: another risotto lol.. quorn chicken & veg risotto (some parmesan, dunno about syns, can I use HEA2?)
Snacks: none yet
Syns: 10
Gave up on the biology about 20 mins ago. Can never get into studying if I know I have a time limit, it's so silly :( I got through 4 past papers though so made a start.

Haha yeah there will be studying! Going over about 10am so can't start drinking that early! The only time it's acceptable to drink before noon is when it's Christmas!

Need to go get ready to head out. Really cba. I was meant to be heading into work later to hand in the xmas night out money but I won't have time cos I've been roped into doing stuff for my mum, hence having to leave the house at 3 ffs. Thinking about just not going to the xmas night out anyway. It's on a Sunday so chances are they'll have me working the Monday (xmas holidays start that day so they know I'm free to work). Can't do that place with a hangover. It's bad enough when you're feeling well. Uuughh :(
Haha I love how the acceptable drinking time goes out the window on Christmas! I'm not much of a drinker and usually wait till dinner, but every now and then ;) None for me this year though. Not sure it's a good idea to work an emergency veterinary service drunk ;)
Hope today wasn't too hectic and rubbish for you.x
So I haven't really been on plan since last Thursday :sigh: was hungover on Friday so ate pizza for dinner, the rest of the weekend was a blur because I was working and it's like I block that **** out so forget everything that happened as soon as Monday arrives. Studied almost all day on Monday but people were off work so didn't get much done. Studied yesterday too but again people were off work so it was difficult to stay focused.

Everyone has gone back to work today and I can't get the motivation to do any studying. I feel so stressed :mad:

Basically on Thursday night I was at my friends house, my bf was here at our house and he text me to say there was a huge argument going on and he couldn't leave our living room because of it. My parents had been arguing on/off the couple of days before this so I knew things weren't great. This argument hasn't stopped since. It's a ****ing nightmare here. Mum is trying to talk to me about it but its hard to offer advice without sounding like I'm taking sides or being rude about her mental state :confused:

Things at work are rubbish too. For some reason the rota guy had put me in to work a shift tomorrow. I said to him on Sunday that I couldn't work weekdays until the 17th, he said "fine I was just chancing it anyway". Checked the rota this morning and they have me in on Fri 14th. What the ****? Do they not listen? I have an exam literally 30 mins before the shift is meant to start :confused: Argh!!! I know it will be fine when I tell them I can't work it, but it's like, FFS what part of 'can't work weekdays until 17th' do they not get?????? It does my head in!

Also, worried about money because I still have about £100 worth of xmas stuff to buy, my digs to pay, half a car payment due, money I owe to my bf for grocery shopping and then all the other grocery shopping that we'll do this month... off a student loan/bursary and a crappy wage which is actually already spent, a week into the month :(

Haven't heard from the doctor lady yet. Not sure if I'm meant to call her or what? I'm guessing she is still off sick :confused:

So basically, I feel like my life is falling apart :( can't study when I want to, don't want to study when I can do it in peace. Can't look forward to after the exams/xmas because I'll probably be working 8 days a week, and probably working xmas eve/boxing day and new years eve/new years day too. Then I'll be back to uni to start semester 2 and work every weekend and worry about exams and new subjects that I suck at (chemistry). Then it's summer and it's 16 long weeks of working 8 days in a row. That's if my work torture me by extending my contract.

Speaking of semester 2.. the timetable is due out on the 14th, but I seen it online yesterday. I'm not sure if it's like a draft version or not, but basically it's 5 days a week with hardly any breaks between classes and late finishes every day (by late I mean 5.15pm, 6.15pm). I know I complained about all these hour long breaks but omg how I have come to rely on them! I don't want them to end. Also, no day off, what the hell? I'm actually going to have no time to study what so ever.


Don't know whether to pack my stuff and run away, sit here and cry all day or just go back to bed. I'm so confused. My head hurts.
Still not on plan.. want to get back on it but it's hard with all the studying and exams :( last exam is on Friday so I suppose I could start afresh on Saturday.

Pretty sure I failed today's exam (psychology). Was 100% sure I got at least 5 right.. out of 56. Crap!