Evilpenguin's food diary

Half on, half off plan today. Was my first day working & being on plan and totally wasn't prepared. Didnt eat before work and didnt get a break so screwed up a bit.

Breakfast: coffee (HEA 1 syn)
Lunch: leftover risotto, crisps (6 syns)
Dinner: lamb hotpot
Snacks: cupcake (10 syns??) red wine (15 syns)
Syns: 31
Being caught out is rough :( And no break?! :eek:
cheekychinchilla said:
Being caught out is rough :( And no break?! :eek:

Happened again today. All I've eaten is a packet of crisps :( I feel so crap! But need to go out to shops before they shut so no idea when I'll get to eat!
Why don't you get a break? I caved in last night and brought a cupcake and a scone each for me and Mum from work - lovely clients made us stuff. Usually it doesn't really bother me and I can easily pass them up, but I had such a rough weekend at work that I just couldn't say no :eek: I feel a bit guilty, but it was either cake or a LOT of alcohol. So thought the cake was slightly more sensible...
Hope you're ok and managed to get something decent to eat.xx
Why don't you get a break? I caved in last night and brought a cupcake and a scone each for me and Mum from work - lovely clients made us stuff. Usually it doesn't really bother me and I can easily pass them up, but I had such a rough weekend at work that I just couldn't say no :eek: I feel a bit guilty, but it was either cake or a LOT of alcohol. So thought the cake was slightly more sensible...
Hope you're ok and managed to get something decent to eat.xx

Because you have to work for a certain amount of hours before you qualify for a break! I haven't been working more than 4 hours in a shift so I don't get one. That makes me sound so lazy, being knackered after a 4 hour shift lol. Honestly it takes it out of you.

Cake is way more sensible than lots of alcohol. And on the plus side, no hangover! Even when I was being 100% on plan I had the occasional treat. I think it's unfair to deny yourself something naughty once in a while!! Don't feel guilty :)

I did get to eat but I can't remember what I had.. oh stroganoff! And mustard mash (like smash but Morrison's own brand, probably not free but wasn't counting anyway). I then had 2 cereal bars, crisps, a yoghurt and toast with peanut butter :eek:

I had my appointment with the therapy woman today. She said that people with anxiety often fall into depression and that my symptoms are indicating depression, whereas in May or whenever it was I was referred (been quite busy and could never make the appointments she made), I was referred with severe anxiety and a lot of crap my GP made up I think. She was going through the letters with me and I honestly dunno where my GP got half the stuff from. Anyway the point is my anxiety has developed into depression and she wants to help me :) unlike the other dude who basically told me it was all my own fault :rolleyes:. So I feel a lot better after having my appointment today. I was in there for about an hour and a half! :eek: Will be seeing her again next Monday.

She wants to try medication, I'm not so keen but will google the name of it later when I have more time and have a think about it over the next week. She also wants me to do exercise every day! I've been meaning to start exercise again anyway so going to try to do some! I actually done some earlier on the Wii fit, my new toy :D:eek: but it was like 10 mins of ski jumping and hitting footballs off my head lol so dunno if it counts. My legs are aching though!

Food diary

Breakfast: coffee (HEA 2 syns sugar)
Lunch: crisps (6 syns) apple & grapes, alpen light (3 syns)
Dinner: pork fried rice
Snacks: ham sandwich (HEB 2 syns)
Syns: 13
Oh PS: major NSV today when the Wii fit didn't scream at me for being too overweight to play. I was chuffed :D! I didn't think those things would register my weight (usual max weight for things like that is 18st, or that's what I always assume).
When I do a half day (4hrs) I get a 15min break! Evil people not giving you a break :p Where do you work, if you don't mind me asking?
Yeah, I think the cake was a better choice than the alcohol. Probably way more syns but I still think a better choice :)

That's really good about your therapy lady. She sounds brilliant! Medication is scary and it took me a very long time to agree to go on it. The first few weeks are a bit hell-ish, but once they've settled in they really can help :)
The first time I saw a counselor he accused me of making everything up just so I wouldn't have to work :sigh: But since then I've had two lovely lady counselor's. I saw a Dr at my practice a while a go, I was new and trying to find a Dr there for me, who was supposedly the practices mental health expert. He also accused me of making everything up and if I didn't change my ways no one would ever give me a job :sign0163: Needles to say, I never went back to see him and have found 2 lovely Dr's there I can actually talk to and get help from. How some people get the jobs they do I will never know!!
Btw anxiety sucks big time and depression is vile. But good on you for getting help and not suffering alone. Takes a lot of courage that :)

And yay for the Wii not telling you you were fat. It's a sarcastic b*gger that thing isn't it?! lol
When I do a half day (4hrs) I get a 15min break! Evil people not giving you a break :p Where do you work, if you don't mind me asking?
Yeah, I think the cake was a better choice than the alcohol. Probably way more syns but I still think a better choice :)

That's really good about your therapy lady. She sounds brilliant! Medication is scary and it took me a very long time to agree to go on it. The first few weeks are a bit hell-ish, but once they've settled in they really can help :)
The first time I saw a counselor he accused me of making everything up just so I wouldn't have to work :sigh: But since then I've had two lovely lady counselor's. I saw a Dr at my practice a while a go, I was new and trying to find a Dr there for me, who was supposedly the practices mental health expert. He also accused me of making everything up and if I didn't change my ways no one would ever give me a job :sign0163: Needles to say, I never went back to see him and have found 2 lovely Dr's there I can actually talk to and get help from. How some people get the jobs they do I will never know!!
Btw anxiety sucks big time and depression is vile. But good on you for getting help and not suffering alone. Takes a lot of courage that :)

And yay for the Wii not telling you you were fat. It's a sarcastic b*gger that thing isn't it?! lol

I pm'd you about my work lol. Not mentioning it here for all to see lol.

She is lovely, very normal and understanding. I am not keen on the idea of medication even after reading about the drug she wants to use (duloxetine?). I was on fluoxetine (if that's how you spell it) when I was younger and I hated it. The dr always said it was because I didn't give it a chance, but I felt really empty on it, only lasted 3 months or so before I stopped taking it. It took me about 6 months after stopping for the emptiness to go away. Or maybe that was all in my head because I'd read all the side effects :confused: health anxiety is *****.

Your first counselor sounds like a douche. I'm glad to hear you've found a better doctor! The sick thing is that people do make stuff up, which is probably why there are so many asshole doctors.

Thanks hun. It does take courage especially when you've been ignored in the past by asshole docs!! :mad:

Since my appointment yesterday I have actually felt quite chirpy. I felt awful for most of the morning but perked up after the purchase of the Wii lol. I've only used the Wii Fit once but have heard from people that it's sarcastic lol. The personality of it reminds me of the brain training guy, if you've ever played that game. I was just chuffed it didn't tell me I was too fat to play lol!:D

I jumped on the scales this morning out of curiosity.. 19st 3.5lbs, so what's that like 4.5lbs off? CHUFFED! Obviously it's not official til WI tomorrow and could change, but glad the scales are moving in the right direction :D
I pm'd you about my work lol. Not mentioning it here for all to see lol.

She is lovely, very normal and understanding. I am not keen on the idea of medication even after reading about the drug she wants to use (duloxetine?). I was on fluoxetine (if that's how you spell it) when I was younger and I hated it. The dr always said it was because I didn't give it a chance, but I felt really empty on it, only lasted 3 months or so before I stopped taking it. It took me about 6 months after stopping for the emptiness to go away. Or maybe that was all in my head because I'd read all the side effects :confused: health anxiety is *****.

Your first counselor sounds like a douche. I'm glad to hear you've found a better doctor! The sick thing is that people do make stuff up, which is probably why there are so many asshole doctors.

Thanks hun. It does take courage especially when you've been ignored in the past by asshole docs!! :mad:

Since my appointment yesterday I have actually felt quite chirpy. I felt awful for most of the morning but perked up after the purchase of the Wii lol. I've only used the Wii Fit once but have heard from people that it's sarcastic lol. The personality of it reminds me of the brain training guy, if you've ever played that game. I was just chuffed it didn't tell me I was too fat to play lol!:D

I jumped on the scales this morning out of curiosity.. 19st 3.5lbs, so what's that like 4.5lbs off? CHUFFED! Obviously it's not official til WI tomorrow and could change, but glad the scales are moving in the right direction :D

I have to say, I'm not sure how I feel about being medicated. I did get my Dr to drop my dose for me a year or so ago. And he also said that I could half the dose myself and play round with it (half a pill a day or one every other day) but the couple of times I've tried it I've felt awful! I'm jittery as hell, my heart races, my anxiety levels go through the roof. So it does show me that they have a positive effect at least on my anxiety. Not sure how it effects the depression because I do feel 'empty' and distant and a bit neutral most of the time, which I dislike. But maybe I can have a go at reducing the meds again when I'm in a better place. I've had a really crappy few months :( But next year is going to be amazing, so maybe that will be the right time :)

Oh I totally get that people make stuff up. I spent a lot of time trying to convince the like of job centre and Dr's on medicals that I wasn't making it all up. I just think they should believe people FIRST and then look in to anything that doesn't look right. I understand how they feel tho because I deal with this sorta thing in work every day (people lying I mean).

But anyway, I'm so glad you have a nice counselor. It makes such a massive difference when you get a nice one! I used to feel rubbish and emotional after my sessions and then it would lift and I'd feel pretty happy and cheery :)

I haven't played the Brain Training games. But yeah, the Wii Fit (I call it the Wii Fat :p) is a sarcastic bugger. Makes me chuckle tho! I haven't been on that in months! I go through phases of exercising, can never keep it up consistently :eek:

Oh wow, YAY for the scales! Fingers crossed for officail WI :D
If the medication is working for you then you should go with it :D I know that I will get every side effect possible, that's just how my brain works these days, so I don't want to try any. I have pretty much accepted that I will have anxiety & depression for the rest of my life, and I don't want to be medicated for the rest of my life :(

Yep it's unfair to dismiss everyone just because a few people have lied about this stuff in the past. I know a few people from my old work who used "stress" as a way to get some paid sick leave, and a couple of them said "because that's what everyone else is doing around here" after word got out about high up manager folk being signed off with stress after a big merger/change over thing that happened. The little men I worked with weren't impressed that people could swan off on sick leave because "they had a bad day". Another guy actually used to threaten us all with "I'll go off with stress" when we tried to implement things like a bloody rota for who had to open the office every morning, after we all got fed up of him strolling in at 10am and leaving us to start at 8am. I found out recently that this guy is now off with stress. I know it's unfair of me to say things about his mental state - but seriously, the only thing that guy should be stressed about is someone important finding out that he's a work-shy prick.

Anyway! Yeah I think the trauma of the appointment makes you feel icky for a while but then you realise what a relief it is to have someone who listens and doesn't judge you, so you perk up a bit :)

I haven't done any proper exercise since about February, when I done the 30 day shred. Obviously working all summer was pretty active, in a shop you don't really get time to sit on your bum doing nothing lol. And I would walk around college, back and forth to the car (car park was miles away) etc. But since starting uni I've only been active either at the weekend at work, or during breaks at uni, walking out for a smoke and back in for a coffee lol!! We started going on big walks around campus when we got bored of chain smoking during the breaks though. Done that today actually and I am bloody knackered. Was looking forward to going on the Wii again tonight but haven't had the energy to do it yet. Letting my dinner digest just now, will maybe pop on it later.

Yay indeed! The scales are my pals today lol. Will report actual WI results tomorrow!

I am way over syns today for various reasons. I had a cereal bar for breakfast, was still hungry so had my sandwich intended for lunchtime after the cereal bar. Got to uni, ate a packet of 85 cal crisps and was ok til after the massive walk we went on, so bought 2 alpen light bars and munched those, pretty much taking me to about 20 syns :eek: then had dinner which is probably high in syns but I am refusing to count them because it's not like I've eaten 20 donuts or something.

Breakfast: medley bar (7 syns) sandwich (HEB 1 syn) coffee (3 syns)
Lunch: nume crisps (4 syns)
Dinner: pork stroganoff (HEA plus whatever syns in half a pack of colmans sauce and morrisons mustard mash)
Snacks: 2 alpen lights (6 syns)
Syns: 21 plus dinner, not counting cos I cba working it all out (or googling :eek:)
Ah yes, the "I'll go off with stress" threat. It's awful because people who are genuinely stressed get looked down on when they have to be signed off sick because people think they're making it up. It infuriates me that people will lie about mental health issues as a way of getting out of work. Whereas I had to fight for 8 years to prove that I was genuinely suffering :( Some people just don't think about what they're doing!
Oh yeah, I'll be the way I am forever and have been 'like this' since I was around 14. The joy! I hope to eventually be able to come off meds or at least reduce the dose again. But yeah, I've realised that this is just the way I am and it's like any other illness. It's not your fault, it sucks, but you just have to learn to deal and cope the best you can :)
I only went back to work 2 years ago. I did some volunteering and Open University for a few years and it really boosted my confidence. Enough to start applying for jobs! Was absolutely terrifying being called up for interviews. I even interviewed at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. THAT has got to be one of the most nerve wracking experiences of my life. That and my driving test lol!

Eeeek about the syns. But you'll pull it back :D Good luck for WI.xx
Ah yes, the "I'll go off with stress" threat. It's awful because people who are genuinely stressed get looked down on when they have to be signed off sick because people think they're making it up. It infuriates me that people will lie about mental health issues as a way of getting out of work. Whereas I had to fight for 8 years to prove that I was genuinely suffering :( Some people just don't think about what they're doing!
Oh yeah, I'll be the way I am forever and have been 'like this' since I was around 14. The joy! I hope to eventually be able to come off meds or at least reduce the dose again. But yeah, I've realised that this is just the way I am and it's like any other illness. It's not your fault, it sucks, but you just have to learn to deal and cope the best you can :)
I only went back to work 2 years ago. I did some volunteering and Open University for a few years and it really boosted my confidence. Enough to start applying for jobs! Was absolutely terrifying being called up for interviews. I even interviewed at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. THAT has got to be one of the most nerve wracking experiences of my life. That and my driving test lol!

Eeeek about the syns. But you'll pull it back :D Good luck for WI.xx

It sucks big time. I was about 14/15 when I first got ill, so I grew up like this and I believe that it has shaped who I am today, so I am thankful for that because I quite like being me.. sometimes! I don't like that the depression has come back, obviously, although I think I knew it would at some point because I don't think it ever went away. I was discharged from counseling at 19 because I was too old for the service, and I never thought about asking for more help because things seemed good (had my boyfriend, a decent job, a car, lots of friends etc).

That's great that you went back to work :) some people are never able to do that, which I think must make the whole thing even worse because a routine does help a lot. Tropical Medicine sounds epic!! Was it an interview to study or work? Driving tests are nerve wracking, even more so with anxiety! I don't know how I managed to not overdose on Bach's Rescue Remedy on the day of my driving test lol.

Yeah syns were ridiculous today, but I'll do better tomorrow so it's ok! Like I said it's not like I ate a pack of donuts or anything. I resisted all the flapjacks at the uni shop!! Epic achievement! They had all the flavours in too :( usually whenever I got one I would have to resort to a plain or fruit one, because the good ones were all gone lol.

Also!! I have resisted a small packet of butterkist popcorn that I got in a free goodie bag thing from the union the other day. I have literally never resisted anything this long lol.

Thanks :D I am excited for WI so I will post early tomorrow with results lol. I am taking a proper day off tomorrow. Only going to finish off one assessment, which is a personal writing thing so it's like literally no thinking involved at all, lots of "I feel that... My understanding of..... The course was valuable because... blah blah" lol! Then I am going to Wii Fit it up and maybe catch up on Once Upon A Time :D:D
Looks like we're both in it for the long haul eh?! I agree that it's shaped who we are tho. The good stuff as well as the bad ;)

The interview at the school of tropical medicine was for a job. I didn't get it, but got down to the last 3. Not bad considering I was the only one there without a masters! I don't even have a degree! It wasn't the right job for me, the one I have now is, but it was certainly an experience I'm glad I got to do.

God I miss flapjacks :p

I've got a lot of coursework to do at the moment. I have to pass this course for work or they'll fire me :rolleyes: And it's rubbish and the most badly written thing I have ever seen!! Just want it done, but I have absolutely no motivation or enthusiasm for it. Meh!!
Good luck with your work tomorrow, WI, and catching up with tv ;)
That's epic that you got to the last 3! That must've given you a lot of confidence when it came to other interviews :D

Having no motivation is the worst. I usually end up just winging my way through stuff if I don't care about it or if I think it's a waste of time. You should set some time aside to get it done, like 30 mins a day working on it. If your job depends on it, it must be important!!

I managed to sleep in this morning :eek: set my alarms for 7, woke up at 9. Probably because I was playing Wii Sports til midnight last night lol. I always feel awful when I sleep in though, even if it is my day off I like to get stuff done early! Got a ton of washing to get through, that silly assessment thing to finish, and I realised I should probably work on my psychology notes too... so maybe TV can wait lol.

Ah well. Off tomorrow so got plenty of time I suppose. All of my courses are finished now and it's just revision classes that are on, so I'll only be going in for the ones I need help with (maths & psychology) which are on Friday & Monday I think. So will have tomorrow and most of next week to revise! Then teaching is officially over and exams start :eek: so glad mine aren't until the 2nd week of December. Need all the study time I can get.

Anyway! Scales are saying 19st 3lbs, so 5lbs off! :D
Food diary for today, even though I've not eaten anything yet. Doing Green today :)

Breakfast: coffee (HEA 1, 2 syns sugar)
Lunch: medley bar (7 syns) scrambled eggs on toast (HEB 1) mango, greek Muller (1/2 syn)
Dinner: quorn chicken stir fry with noodles (2 syns for fresh noodles, I think)
Snacks: greek muller (1/2 syn) toast (HEB 2, 1 syn) grapes, clementine, velvet crunch (4 syns)
Syns: 17
Last edited:
Done some yoga on the Wii fit, omg how hard is that?! Gave up and done some jogging, hula hooping and balance stuff instead lol. Played Just Dance as well, no idea wtf I'm doing there!!
That's epic that you got to the last 3! That must've given you a lot of confidence when it came to other interviews :D

Having no motivation is the worst. I usually end up just winging my way through stuff if I don't care about it or if I think it's a waste of time. You should set some time aside to get it done, like 30 mins a day working on it. If your job depends on it, it must be important!!

I managed to sleep in this morning :eek: set my alarms for 7, woke up at 9. Probably because I was playing Wii Sports til midnight last night lol. I always feel awful when I sleep in though, even if it is my day off I like to get stuff done early! Got a ton of washing to get through, that silly assessment thing to finish, and I realised I should probably work on my psychology notes too... so maybe TV can wait lol.

Ah well. Off tomorrow so got plenty of time I suppose. All of my courses are finished now and it's just revision classes that are on, so I'll only be going in for the ones I need help with (maths & psychology) which are on Friday & Monday I think. So will have tomorrow and most of next week to revise! Then teaching is officially over and exams start :eek: so glad mine aren't until the 2nd week of December. Need all the study time I can get.

Anyway! Scales are saying 19st 3lbs, so 5lbs off! :D

I was pretty upset about not getting the job. I mean, it would have been amazing to work at the world famous Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine!!! But when I thought about it, as exciting as the research would have been, looking after groups of mosquito's was not exactly the area of animal care I specialise in ;) And I really don't think I would have fit in there. I'm not educated to anywhere near there standards and the only other person to get thru from my group was a guy who had basically studied transport and infection of viruses and the like via mosquito's for his masters. How on earth did I stand a chance?! lol. But yeah, I got through the hideously stressful practical part - different tasks in the lab. And then did my first (and hopefully last) panel interview. Had to be interviewed by 4 people!!! Argh! lol

The thing with my work course now is that it's a rule set by head office. It doesn't matter that I have years and years of animal care experience, or a ton of animal care and science qualifications, all new VCA's (veterinary care assistant) who come to work where I do HAVE to take this course and pass it. Tbh, it's aimed at people who have no experience and no qualifications. But, my God, it is the worst written course I have ever seen. There is bugger all information, the assignments have virtually no guidelines, and the support from tutors and mentor's is non existant. So I am SO lucky I already pretty much know what I'm doing and have my past stuff as a solid foundation. I really feel for people who do get this job who are just starting out, because they will struggle so much.
I'm only really struggling because I can't be bothered with it, it's boring and badly written, and I am a lazy f*cker if something doesn't interest me! But, sigh, it has to be done so I am trying. I did a 1/3 of an assignment yesterday. My goal is to do 2 assignments in the 2 weeks I'm off work. Hopefully start the 3rd one, but we'll see :)

Bloody hell, I do nothing but rant on your diary. Sorry dude!!

The Wii Fat yoga is sooo hard! And I'm sure it makes it up that you're unbalanced just to have a laugh at you ;) I was incredibly pleased when I started getting decent scores for that. Takes a LOT of practice tho! Btw the golf/driving range is a really good one for arms and waist :D
I was pretty upset about not getting the job. I mean, it would have been amazing to work at the world famous Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine!!! But when I thought about it, as exciting as the research would have been, looking after groups of mosquito's was not exactly the area of animal care I specialise in ;) And I really don't think I would have fit in there. I'm not educated to anywhere near there standards and the only other person to get thru from my group was a guy who had basically studied transport and infection of viruses and the like via mosquito's for his masters. How on earth did I stand a chance?! lol. But yeah, I got through the hideously stressful practical part - different tasks in the lab. And then did my first (and hopefully last) panel interview. Had to be interviewed by 4 people!!! Argh! lol

The thing with my work course now is that it's a rule set by head office. It doesn't matter that I have years and years of animal care experience, or a ton of animal care and science qualifications, all new VCA's (veterinary care assistant) who come to work where I do HAVE to take this course and pass it. Tbh, it's aimed at people who have no experience and no qualifications. But, my God, it is the worst written course I have ever seen. There is bugger all information, the assignments have virtually no guidelines, and the support from tutors and mentor's is non existant. So I am SO lucky I already pretty much know what I'm doing and have my past stuff as a solid foundation. I really feel for people who do get this job who are just starting out, because they will struggle so much.
I'm only really struggling because I can't be bothered with it, it's boring and badly written, and I am a lazy f*cker if something doesn't interest me! But, sigh, it has to be done so I am trying. I did a 1/3 of an assignment yesterday. My goal is to do 2 assignments in the 2 weeks I'm off work. Hopefully start the 3rd one, but we'll see :)

Bloody hell, I do nothing but rant on your diary. Sorry dude!!

The Wii Fat yoga is sooo hard! And I'm sure it makes it up that you're unbalanced just to have a laugh at you ;) I was incredibly pleased when I started getting decent scores for that. Takes a LOT of practice tho! Btw the golf/driving range is a really good one for arms and waist :D

Haha, rant away!! It's nice not being the only ranter round here :D

Panel interviews are horrible, I have been in way too many of those! (And I done recruitment at my last job so I have also been on the other end, that sucked too). But, one-on-one interviews are just as bad. If you say something they don't like, there's no one else there who might've liked it! When there's 2, 3 or 4 people you're more likely to be scored accurately. I saw this happen a lot when doing interviews, the chairman would give someone a score of say 56 (a fail), but his deputy would have given the guy like 80 odd, which is a really high score, and then I would be somewhere in between (because it was construction/stone masonry/worky type jobs and I had no clue hahaha!). But it's like, well if that was just the chairman he wouldn't give that guy the job, and then he'd pick some other person who might not be the best for the job, but it's the deputy guy who's actually got to work with him :confused: if that makes sense.

Also while I'm talking about interviews! Either last year, or earlier this year, I went for an interview at a local care home, it was a job for a kitchen assistant or porter or something. Anyway. I was interviewed by 1 guy, who clearly hadn't been trained in recruitment and he could also barely speak a word of English. He kept repeating "this company are strict, there's no messing around here" and asking me if I had any health & safety certificates, which I didn't, but the advert said they would train you on everything and that you didn't need any formal qualifications so I was like, WTF? He barely asked about jobs I'd done before, he started asking if I went out clubbing at the weekends. It was so awful, and not through any fault of my own! I was so prepared to give a good interview but the guy was just incompetent. He kept saying "you'd be the only Scottish person we're all from all over the place in here". Not professional, not at all how you conduct an interview! I walked out of there knowing I hadn't got the job, but tbh I was glad because who'd want to work in a place like that? Where they get some random foreign guy from the kitchen to do interviews with no supervision what so ever?! I have seriously thought about complaining about that for so long, but it's not worth it :sigh:

Your works course sounds like that bloody course I just done at uni!! Argh how frustrating! You should mentor the new folk when they have to do it, if they don't have the same background that you do! I would've loved for someone from 2nd year to come in and explain that communications course to us! Hopefully you get it all done and then you can forget about it :D

I have so much respect for these yoga freaks now! I seriously thought it was a load of nonsense til yesterday haha! Sooo hard! I could hardly breathe I was in so much pain, and I was barely stretching! I saw myself in the reflection of the glass cabinet door things and was like WTF you are just slightly bending to the left, why does it hurt so much?!??! :eek::(

Argh just noticed the time. Need to get my study on! Wish me luck. I hate psychology!!! :mad:
Red today!

Breakfast: coffee (HEA 1 syn sugar)
Lunch: medley bar (7 syns) greek muller (1/2 syn) apple, melon and grape fruit salad box
Dinner: lamb burgers with wholemeal pittas & salad (HEB x2) not sure if lamb goes with cheese but if it does I'll use my other A choice here too
Snacks: none yet
Syns: 8.5