I was pretty upset about not getting the job. I mean, it would have been amazing to work at the world famous Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine!!! But when I thought about it, as exciting as the research would have been, looking after groups of mosquito's was not exactly the area of animal care I specialise in

And I really don't think I would have fit in there. I'm not educated to anywhere near there standards and the only other person to get thru from my group was a guy who had basically studied transport and infection of viruses and the like via mosquito's for his masters. How on earth did I stand a chance?! lol. But yeah, I got through the hideously stressful practical part - different tasks in the lab. And then did my first (and hopefully last) panel interview. Had to be interviewed by 4 people!!! Argh! lol
The thing with my work course now is that it's a rule set by head office. It doesn't matter that I have years and years of animal care experience, or a ton of animal care and science qualifications, all new VCA's (veterinary care assistant) who come to work where I do HAVE to take this course and pass it. Tbh, it's aimed at people who have no experience and no qualifications. But, my God, it is the worst written course I have ever seen. There is bugger all information, the assignments have virtually no guidelines, and the support from tutors and mentor's is non existant. So I am SO lucky I already pretty much know what I'm doing and have my past stuff as a solid foundation. I really feel for people who do get this job who are just starting out, because they will struggle so much.
I'm only really struggling because I can't be bothered with it, it's boring and badly written, and I am a lazy f*cker if something doesn't interest me! But, sigh, it has to be done so I am trying. I did a 1/3 of an assignment yesterday. My goal is to do 2 assignments in the 2 weeks I'm off work. Hopefully start the 3rd one, but we'll see
Bloody hell, I do nothing but rant on your diary. Sorry dude!!
The Wii Fat yoga is sooo hard! And I'm sure it makes it up that you're unbalanced just to have a laugh at you

I was incredibly pleased when I started getting decent scores for that. Takes a LOT of practice tho! Btw the golf/driving range is a really good one for arms and waist