Before starting I was very worried on how will I integrate this diet with the rest of my life (work, kid, going out). A few tricks that worked so far:
- at work I got myself one of those handheld milk frothers and a cup with a lid with a sipping hole; like this it doesn't smell for people around me, I don't like bringing smelly food to my desk; however, eating it in the canteen with the others is really not an option..
- if it's nice outside I take my soup in this cup outside and enjoy a mini-picnic;
- at home, immediately after I have my meal, I prepare my daughter's meals, snacks etc.. it's easier to resist the goodies this way;
- when we go out, like picnics or hiking, or generally a day out, I take a thermos flask with soup already made, and a bar;
- I was worried before I started that my 3-year-old will ask me questions on why am I not eating the same food as the others; worried for nothing, she couldn't care less

- if it's a theatre, concert etc I have with me Coke Zero and a bar, to treat myself
- if it's a bar, coffee shop, I go for tea, black coffee, Coke Zero, mineral water