Exante FAQs

Thank you Rachel for such an informative and useful post - it answered all of my questions (even the ones I didn't know I had!). I think I'm going to give Exante a try. :D
Hi all. I am currently doing LT but considering switching to Exante.
The only thing putting me off is i read somewhere that you can only do the Total solution for 4 weeks and then have to have a week of food.
Can someone please confirm this or correct it if it is wrong.
I've had a look at the products online and the different flavours appeal more than what i am currently having.
Thanks in advance x
Brilliant thread :D
Something to read over and over again, until it all sinks in :eek:
I'm a newbie on Total Solution (day 5) and have found this a really useful post.

Before starting I was very worried on how will I integrate this diet with the rest of my life (work, kid, going out). A few tricks that worked so far:
- at work I got myself one of those handheld milk frothers and a cup with a lid with a sipping hole; like this it doesn't smell for people around me, I don't like bringing smelly food to my desk; however, eating it in the canteen with the others is really not an option..
- if it's nice outside I take my soup in this cup outside and enjoy a mini-picnic;
- at home, immediately after I have my meal, I prepare my daughter's meals, snacks etc.. it's easier to resist the goodies this way;
- when we go out, like picnics or hiking, or generally a day out, I take a thermos flask with soup already made, and a bar;
- I was worried before I started that my 3-year-old will ask me questions on why am I not eating the same food as the others; worried for nothing, she couldn't care less :)
- if it's a theatre, concert etc I have with me Coke Zero and a bar, to treat myself
- if it's a bar, coffee shop, I go for tea, black coffee, Coke Zero, mineral water
I thought it might be good to do another section about how to transition from Exante back to real food successfully, but as I've not done that yet, I've not got anything to write, and I've not seen others post much about this either. Anyone got any good tips / info, or is it just the page from the booklet?
I'm doing this at the moment! I've done 2 weeks of 1 meal and 3 packs (lost 7lbs in those 2 weeks) and I'm now on a week of 2 meals and 2 packs which I started yesterday. I'll then move down to 3 meals and 1 pack before coming off exante completely!

Once I've finished, if it goes to plan, I can help write something if you like? :)
That would be great Mum2Two, as most people recently seem to have just disappeared from the diet. It would be great to hear from someone who managed a planned way off the diet, and hopefully then maintains :) You're doing really well so far :D
Thank you! :D I will keep updating my dairy :) :)
I really like this post

I often recommend it to newbies to Exante. I would like to add myself to the Like Heart list, but can't work out how I do this.
Hi everyone,

Exante / Minimins question...... How can I add a ticker to my posts? Thanks x
Hi everyone,

Exante / Minimins question...... How can I add a ticker to my posts? Thanks x

Hi Nicky ...
There is thread that explains it far better than I could ever do... HERE

Good Luck
Thanks, I found this post very helpful and I know its going to be hard but the reward will be greater
A bit about I learned about soups so far..
- preparing them with blenders or any other automatic means of mixing will make them have foam on top, which is not very appealing for a soup
- mixing them with a spoon will leave them creamy, without foam, but with small (not so bad) lumps
- you can either add water on top of powder, gradually (never all at once), or add gradually powder in water; the result will be the same, with a little more effort I think for the second method
- adding tabasco is nice, especially for thai chicken soup; overdoing it can let you with a sensation of unfulfilled;
- fresh basil in the tomato soup
- more water than recommended it's not always better, sometimes you can just be in the mood for a more creamy soup and more concentrated; the filling effect is fairly similar
- pepper in the mushroom soup
- soup in a thermos flask for picnics is an acceptable solution to eat outdoors; vegetable or mushroom are the best options for this; the other two tend to get kind of sour after a few hours.
Thanks, this is all really useful info.
hi guys well done with your losses so far. i'm currently on lipotrim but am thinking of changing to exante. i wouldn't mind ordering the month bumper pack but it has mushroom soup which i cannot stand, can you choose what you want or is that it? thanks x

p.s if i ordered them 1 by 1 would it work out more expensive?
You cannot chose what you want.. And yes, buying them separately is approx double the price..
ok thank you, but have looked into it more now and think i will only be buying the shakes. :)