Thank you so much for your support girls. Makes me smile every day coming on here
I didn't update my diary properly as normal as I was just feeling like a pile of poo last night. Got in to bed at 7pm and spoke to all the girls from home & my mum n sis over facebook which cheered me up a bit. My boyfriend has made me feel better about the dresses and reassured me that I am not a failure and that his family will understand that my circumstances have changed now. He's coming home today out of the blue to cheer me up which is so sweet of him. I think he was a bit worried about me as I've not been sleeping properly and just not been my self. I haven't been eating properly either but that's what exante is all about

I feel a big relief that today and tomorrow I'll get to see all my favourite people. Apart from Cath, but she's in the best place she can be. My other best friend Han who's been looking after her is coming home Tuesday so I might stay in Oxford til then to see her. She's had a **** time this year, her fiance cheated and left her, I was meant to be her maid of honor

she went to Africa to volunteer and to have a life changing experience and forget about the mess. Now she's having to be strong and look after Cath. I wanna take her away when she gets back! Poor thing. What a year for my best mates

Not having the pressure of the bridesmaids dresses means I can stay home longer and concentrate on the people who mean the most.
Time's like this we need to put family & friends before work, it should be like that all the time but life doesn't work that way.
I only managed two packs in the end yesterday as I was locked in my room all bloody night

but after staying the same yest, this morning I'd lost another
3.5lbs! Maybe I was still holding water from drinking at the weekend and excerising earlier in the week.
That's 1/2 a pound off a stone in 3 weeks. I'm chuffed with that if nothing else
