Week 4
Wednesday - Day 7
As if that's a month gone??? Crazy!!
I just wanna say Thank you so much guys.
Being able to rant in my diary is the main thing that's kept me going all this time!!! And now not only through the diet but through all the other bull shiz as well! I really do appreciate all the feedback and advice I get on here

you're a great bunch

thank you xx
I agree the 2lbs is nothing that won't be gone again, probably by tomorrow! And once that goes again I've lost a stone in a month which was my target

wooo ! Then it's onwards and downwards and getting in to those 11 stones!!! No doubt the 2lbs is water, glycogen, whatever it is, it's not fat!! And that's the main thing. Ive upped my water loads today so hopefully I can flush it out. I've been peeing like crazy!
I've been TS 100% all day. In fact I've only had one pack! I promise I'll have two more soon!

Gonna have a dinner and pud before bed! Yummy!! What a TREAT to have the together! Probably just not eaten cause I've been busy and still got a lot on my mind. I'm not sure the transition back to TS Is successful due to discipline, busyness, or if I'm just in a mood!

A friend at work said I'm not myself and was trying to make me smile which is sweet. She had some advice about caths stroke and also was really angry about this bridesmaids thing. It helps to know other people agree that it's out of order.
The bridesmaids thing itself is STILL playing on my mind, A LOT TODAY. Alfie would kill me if he found out, he doesn't think I should worry at all. He's been home all weekend trying to cheer me up about cath, drove me to Oxford to see my family, took me out for food loads and even shopping and I'm still feeling low. But now about this whole dress saga, and not even cath which was the first problem he tried to fix. I am hard work, that poor boy. I wish I had his attitude to life! I'm such a dweller!!!!
Yesterday I was doubting myself and wishing I could just go back and undo me telling her I wouldn't make the dresses. Alfie told me I shouldn't dwell on what's already done, and that it wasn't my fault and that she offered first and blah blah blah... You know the story! But today I AM feeling confident that I did the right thing. I only took her up on an offer in a time when I didn't think I was up to it. I'm just not feeling like it should just get left the way it has done.
The thing is:
Alfie said not to worry about it, I've only met them a handful of times, they're his family not mine and it's just his brother not the whole family. They are moving out of the country anyway after the wedding. He says I shouldn't say any more to her as he doesn't feel like I'm going to get the response I want and I'm only going to upset myself more when she's still angry with me...
But for me, I really feel like I should say something soon. Not even to make up, or to make myself feel better, just because her parents have paid for a room for Alfie and I, and also dinner etc. I think it would be plain rude of me if I didn't show up to the wedding without any warning. I couldn't go there if we hadn't made up, I wouldn't be able to face it, but I Also can't just not turn up on the day. It's rude to her family and rude to Alfie's brother.
I think I might just put the story to her again, explaining quite how severe the situation is and how I wasn't in the right frame of mind. Explain how I really wouldn't have suggested that I give up without her offer and without all the new pressures and heartache I was feeling. And above all just apologise for any upset this has caused. I think that's the main thing. I hope that apologising and explaining in some form (again but hopefully more detail and after she's cooled off) may diffuse the situation slightly. maybe then I can just explain how I don't want to cause any friction on the day, and offer my space at the wedding to some one else.
Anyway, that's just today's thoughts. I need to speak to Alfie again. Poor bloke, I feel bad he's stuck in the middle :/ this was on my mind all day at work, keeping the hunger at bay. Then when I got home...
Cath is hopefully flying back to the UK on Friday

so she'll be in a hospital near home, have her family by her side and I'll be able to go see her. She'll fly business class with two nurses. That's all I know for now but Han will tell me more tomorrow

sooooo happy! This feels like progress. Finally.
So today has been up and down! Tomorrow is a new day. Gonna go have my packs now

nice little treat. Xx