Week 3
Day 7 - Wednesday
I actually can't believe how quick this diet has flown by. I honestly don't think I've ever stuck to anything this consistently in my life. I lost 3 stone before, but it was a mixture of diets, on and off, and also I think a bit of heartache when me and my boyfriend split up for a bit. Doing this strict diet, logging in here every day, man it's good to have a routine right now
So today was a long old day! I interned 10am-5pm then work 8pm-1am. Not sure how I get through these days as it's been touch n go a few times! My legs are aching, and I'm hungry, but I'm tucked up in bed away from temptation!
I've been feeling pretty down today thinking about my poor friend stuck in South Africa

I saw a picture of her today and she looks nothing like herself. So weak and tired

I just wish I could go and help her in some way.... and then also my boyfriend is not around as he's away studying so I'm feeling kind of alone. I hate feeling down and being alone as my mind just wanders and makes me more miserable! I started having some serious guilt attacks today just thinking about bad things I have done in my past. Why would my brain just try to make me feel worse than I already do?? It's like a snowball for me, when I'm down my brain wants to keep me down and unlocks all my deepest darkest memories. Hopefully by tomorrow I can start feeling a bit more positive! Surely what is happening to my friend should be making me feel life is too short to worry about silly mistakes and wrong doings, not making me crazy about things that don't even matter!
I had breakfast eggs for brunch, I added ham and mushroom as I new I had a long day ahead. I actually really enjoyed them and stayed fullish til about 6pm.
Nom nom nom
Then I treated myself to a beef bovril. Oh my gawd! I love these! So much nicer than boullion. Is just like a salty beef dinner if I close my eyes. Just the right little kick to get me through til tea time which was Pasta ham pack just before work to see me through. After work a bit more ham.
Work was ok actually as two people told me that I've lost weight

one of which is a personal trainer / boxer and said quite a few negative things to me when he saw me having an exante shake. He said I'm losing, then added that I'll put it all back on soon... I don't even care about that bit. I enjoyed the compliment of people noticing too much to focus on the negative things they say hah. Being at work actually cheered me up a bit for once, got my mind out of its negative thought pattern spiral and put a smile on my face.
Despite these negative feelings, today has been a good diet day! 2.5 packs and a bit of low carb extras thrown in for good measure
