Week 5 
Day One - Thursday
20 days until Ibiza!
Right this is where I stop messing about. 20 days to go. I really wanna be firmly in the 11 somethings by Ibiza. I don't want any of this worrying about what I look like on the night out. Granted, I'm not gonna feel super skinny or comfortable in a bikini, but lately I don't even enjoy getting ready for a big night out as I just get stressed with how big I look and that's not like me at all!! Gonna try do as many TS days as is humanly possible between now and 3rd of June.
So my positive plan for the day, how did it pan out? Well, I spent the majority of the day still worrying about this message I have to write, talking to my housemates about it and whatever. But I think it's part of the process. I need advice on what to say and once it's done I can forget.
During the day I only had one pack, and a bovril. Not bad considering I was up and on my feet since 10am in the studio. I started off with a raspberry pancake - DELISH!!! First time I've tried these.
After intern I decided to get out the house and start with the positive vibe I was going on about. I set out to primark to buy a new bedsheet. I'm so glamorous I know!! Working in fashion, I hate Primark cause of their fast fashion, sweatshop ethics, but I'm also a student so sometimes I find myself in there

I hate my double standards!!! My house mate said the bedding is not made in a sweatshop, but I'm not so sure. Anyway, whilst in there, I ended up having a try on

I never go alone shopping, ever. And I now see how much better this is than dragging poor Alfie with me. I'm not a girly girl so when I go shopping in a group of females, I quickly get bored. But shopping alone is bliss. I think being happy doing things alone might be a step in the right direction for a positive me

I've found that I'm quite needy and less independent now I've put on weight. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction to regaining some of my confidence.
ANYWAY like I was sayin, PRIMARK. I have no idea what size I am, but I was guessing 16 or 18 as I outgrew my 12s and 14s a long time a go then just ended up living in large leggings or elasticated skirts. But I fit my bum in to some jeans - a size 14 (stretchy might I add

) !!! So I bought them!! They're so tight, but high waisted so they hold me in so good - I look a size smaller than in leggings

£13, a bargainous victory and I can go back to boycotting mean shops when I'm down to the size I want to be. Stop the double standards bizzle

I annoy myself.
My trip was also 2 miles from home, so I've walked 4 miles today - another positive

think I might shop more often! Window shopping in future tho, student loan still hasn't come in!
I've just finished the message to the bride, sent to the boyfriend for a proof read. I hope I don't make anything worse!!
OH another positive - I've just eaten my dinner. Sausage burger in a pitta (aka the sausage and pizza pack) YUMMY!!! Feel stuffed! Nice coke zero to wash it down
OH AND YET ANOTHER POSITIVE - I have messaged my grandma who I haven't seen since I was 5 and arranged a visit this summer. My dad was abusive so me and mum an away when I was 5 or 6. It sounds horrible but we are both better and soooo happy now so it's not even a sob story. Anyway, poor grandma, not seen her in 23 years. It wasn't her fault my dad was an a r s e hole!! But we struggled to stay in touch. Found each other on face book a few years ago but I never acted on it. The new positive me that started today thought why the hell not! Alfie's gonna take me in the summer. She lives in Scarborough. I can see my aunty too. And then me and Alfie are gonna do a tour of the north. I'm a northerner and I've never been to Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool or Newcastle as I moved away so young!! So excited

what an absolute treat, I can't believe I didn't manage to do this sooner
That's all I can possibly type for now. Gonna go do some more stuff before bed. No rest for the wicked
