Thank you guys! It's so annoying that food is now not even really the battle for me! Well, I guess it still is as its the lack of it that's making me a miserable cow bag, even food is not making me crave it, it's still emotionally effecting me. I've overcome the hunger, I'm able to stick to plan so easily - great, good job. But I guess I just need to be more regimented with what I eat and when. No one ever said this would be easy!!
Yesterday I felt loads better making sure I ate earlier and more regularly. I had half a shake at 12 when I got to work, then half at 2pm. Then some chicken snacks at 4pm. By 6pm I was all happy and hyper (victory) and wanting to go out as I'd been stuck working in the pub all weekend. Me and my work mates decided to go out when we finished the shift.
So here's where I go off plan a bit.
I line my stomach with loads of chicken, well done here

We buy a bottle of rum, and each buy our own mini bottles of coke as we all want different cokes, me obviously needing zero. Good idea again. We had a few drinks at mine getting ready, and for the journey, some bright spark tips all the rum in to the diet coke for us to take. So I end up drinking diet coke which I've resisted for 5 weeks. Round of applause.
It's a Sunday night and nowhere is really open, or it's just not any good. We wanna go dancing really and everywhere is really quiet. We wander round East London for ages just popping in places but having loads a fun just being out and about. By the time we reach more central London, one friend is so drunk that were now not even allowed in places. Ah well, there's still off-licences open! The world is our bar!
We buy cans of g&t and decide to walk down the river. There was no one around for miles and the views down there at night are amazing! I remember getting a few buses here n there, but we must've walked miles! My feet are killing! I'm eating pork scratching trying to stay away from the carbs, but my mates got a massive thing of Pringles which I also ended up eating and I can't remember how many.
After walking for what feels like forever, we end up in a 24hr McDonald's at 2am. I opt for the chicken selects, but end up also eating mozzarella dippers and quite a few bits of this chicken burger thing.
I don't even know where to start carb counting in myfitnesspal.
Despite the food errors. The night out really lifted my mood, maybe not now as I'm hungover

but I can focus on that rather than being negative for no reason. And before I went out and I was feeling happy, I made myself think the negative thoughts on purpose, to see if they still bothered me, and they really didn't. They made me laugh. I need to cling on to that so tightly and remember - food alters your mood, which alters your perception of your feelings. ITS NOT REAL.