Exante WILL help me lose 3 stone

Put a tight black top and leggings on this morning and I'm already starting to feel a lot slimmer. I go in more at the waist and the bloated tummy is a lot less pronounced. Even though I feel better, I've decided to continue wearing baggy clothes for a bit until I think I've made a massive difference, like one that other people will notice :) I think that's the confidence boost I will need to keep going to my goal :)
Hey QB...are you doing any exercise?? Your losses are great and no different to TS...it completely gives me hope that this can be a life long loss for me. Also how did you know you were in ketosis??
Hey :) I'm doing some exercise but it's not consistent. I went to the gym twice last week and then walked some days. I can be on my feet at work a lot as well. I feel like this is long term too. Now I know I can do it, once I reach my target I can keep an eye on my weight with fast days should o start to put in again.

Oh and I knew about the ketosis cause my mouth tastes weird, like I was licking a spoon haha. Now I just know because o haven't gone back to square one all headachey n stuff :) xx
Ate 4 chicken legs as I was meant to be going out drinking with my mate, wanted to line my stomach and have a few JD & coke zeros. Not heard from her for hours now - it's 11pm! I wish she'd had just said she couldn't make it, wasted a whole day it feels like now :((( GRRRR! If she doesn't reply in the next half hour I'm gonna go gym to make me feel better. I hate people that let you down like that! Why not just say!
Ate 4 chicken legs as I was meant to be going out drinking with my mate, wanted to line my stomach and have a few JD & coke zeros. Not heard from her for hours now - it's 11pm! I wish she'd had just said she couldn't make it, wasted a whole day it feels like now :((( GRRRR! If she doesn't reply in the next half hour I'm gonna go gym to make me feel better. I hate people that let you down like that! Why not just say!

That's bad manners. I'd be annoyed too!!

We got to go in the end!!! Jungle party!
Week 3 Day 3 I worked an 8 hour shift at the pub yesterday so I took some packs with me. I've just been having shakes so far as we don't have a kitchen so I can't prepare the others, but my friend lives above the pub so she brought me hot water in a mug to have a soup as well :) anything to avoid the mountains of crisps !!


I seem to have gotten in to the habit of weighing myself every day, just because I've had a few hiccups mid week and want to check I haven't put on. I still stayed at 12.8 which is unbelievable after that big calorie day. I have been drinking lots of water though so perhaps I'm fully empty of excess water. I do feel a lot less bloated and puffy on the whole of my body.

After work I had 4 chicken legs from the hot counter at the super market. Yummy. Wanted to line my stomach ready for the evening which was going to be a few drinks and a jungle party. My friend ended up getting stuck at work and I assumed she wasn't coming until midnight, then. It was a mad rush to get ready and to get myself in the party mood as I'd been lazing around all night.

This was my outfit:


I discovered that I own A LOT of leopard print in my scramble to get ready ;) I tried on just leggings and a top to start with but I'm still looking far too wobbly for that and my thighs looked big. So I decided a skirt over the leggings and a bit of material tied round looked more flattering. I lose weight of my legs and bum last, which I'm happy with as it gives me a nicer shape when I am thinner, but it means I look very unbalanced when I am carrying weight!

I ended up drinking quite a lot of JD. I don't know how much as once I got to the party I didn't have a measure so i had to free pour. Had coke zero all night though and had a fifth chicken leg when I got in. I didn't manage to drink any water until I got home which wasn't great. I think I'm palingenesis that a little today. My head is dizzy and I feel so dehydrated.
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oh I could murder a chicken leg today...im not quite at the I could eat a scabby dog stage but im close ;)

drink lots of water today lovely, you are doing great. Glad you had a good night xx
Haha thanks boof. I wish I could put myself on a drip today or something. Water is tasting so boring! Xx
Note to self - 31 DAYS UNTIL IBIZA
Hi :) Great weight losses so far. Doing great. Good luck for next weigh in :)
Week 3

Day 4 - Sunday


Its been such a full on weekend this week that I've not been able to TS at all. It's frustrating but as long as I haven't put on I'll be happy.

Yesterday the hangover lead me to bacon. No bacon butty tho :) To cure the night before and prepare for the night ahead I had a mini fry up with Turkey bacon, one egg and some mushrooms. It's amazing once you've been exante-ing, you don't even really miss the bread/toast as you're just grateful for some real munchies.

It was my friends birthday so we had a party at his house in shoreditch. His flat is amazing with a balcony that runs all the way round two sides of the house. Such good views of London, I'm so jealous!


I was still hungover a bit from the night before so I had to have a few drinks to get me going. It was really hard resisting the lovely pimms and lemonade everyone else was drinking but I'm not risking being put out of ketosis. So I made do with the usual JD and coke zero. I had a pack of chicken and some coleslaw to see me through as well.

When it got to about 12 the party was getting a bit too crowded, so we decided to go to a club instead. I had a cheeky jaeger bomb but as my carbs for the day were so low it didn't whack me out of ketosis. Club was amazing, it was a garage night (my favourite) so I was in my element. When I got home my iPhone had tracked me doing 8000 steps so that must have been a lot of dancing :) Managed to get off to sleep with no food, so low carb day but a lot of empty alcohol calories.

No more nights out for me now. I need lots of TS days to shift me down in to the 11s. Will try to stick to 6 days of TS and one of low carb. I want to lose another stone before Ibiza in 30 days :)

Hope everyone else is doing ok :) xxx
I decided to draw out a chart to track my progress so far visually and to tick off each day. It's a 4 week chart, by day 28 I hoped to have lost a stone... I've already lost 10 pounds so I'm thinking it's doable and then some more too hopefully! :)


I went through myfitnesspal and worked out how many days I've don't TS vs low carb. It's 9 days TS and 10 days low carb which is about half and half. That's not bad considering how I used to eat due to accommodating social events and stress of uni projects.

Hoping to get the TS days up now I don't have any plans this week apart from seeing my mum Saturday, which can be my food day so we can have a drink or 5 and a meal :)

Once I get to a month, I'm going to make a new chart counting down to Ibiza :)

I've owned these shorts for 4 years. They were on sale for a pound in primark. Having got down to 11 stone, I bought them to spur me on to getting down another stone or two. That never happened, I ended up creeping back up to 13 and a half stone. They're a size 10 and still got the tags on. I've pinned them to my wall to motivate me. I will wear these!!!!
Those shorts are fab motivation!!! Well done on eating good and resisting temptation on your night out. :) im with you TSing tomorrow :)
Week 3

Day 5 - Monday

After last nights antics I've spent the whole day a hungover mess. I stayed on my mates sofa, woke up in my horrid yesterday clothes, make up everywhere, false eyelashes hanging off. I should have really taken a before and after picture to share with you guys ;)

I'd left some chicken and coleslaw in his fridge so that was breakfast for me, whilst everyone else munched on hot dogs and Thai noodles. He lives next to an amazing food market where you can get pretty much anything you desire. Amazing for a hangover. Not amazing for low carb me.

I'm finding ketosis keeps me so on track. I'm too scared to mess it up so I'm always having to make a better, healthier choice when faced with social events, mental breakdowns, hangovers, or any other times that I would usually reach for beige treats. Low carbing used to feel like I WS being deprived, now it feels like a treat after exante. So hopefully that's exante already helping with my future eating habits :)

After lazing around on the sofa all day with my faves, discussing the night before and trying to piece it all together, I decided to walk home as i couldn't face being in an enclosed space like the bus or tube. Luckily id brought sunglasses so I could hide the hangover shame. It's so busy where he lives... And my bright coloured hair attracts attention. I cant sneak anywhere :(

The walk was 4.2 miles so good exercise as well. Plus all the dancing last night, my fitness pal says I've burned 750 calories today :) YESSSS. Makes me feel better about the fact I didn't make it to legsbumstums :)

For dinner I treated myself to chicken I garlic marinade, with cauliflower cheese :) yummy. 700kcal and 13g of carbs. Not bad for a food day.

Will weigh myself in the morning to make sure all the alcohol and food days haven't whacked the pounds on. Now time for 4 full TS days and lots of water.

Dinner :)))
30 days until Ibiza !!!!!
Steps for today! No wonder my legs are aching.

Mini goals

I've decided to set myself some mini goals to keep the focus this week. It's my first week where my boyfriend isn't around so I can really get myself in to a routine.

So starting tomorrow:

- get up at 9am every day

- walk at least 10,000 steps per day

- stick to TS 100% for 6 out of 7 days

- only one low carb food day and one alcohol day

- get to the gym at least twice

- drink 3L of water a day