Week 3
Day 6 - Tuesday
After the horrendous news about my best friend Cath I woke up feeling pretty shitty. I didn't manage to sleep until 4am, then woke myself up at 6 as if full on fallen out of bed?? That's never happened to me before! I must have been tossing and turning thinking about her. I didn't manage a 9am start as if wanted but I needed sleep.
I wasn't hungry so I got through the whole day until 8pm on coffee and scoops of shake alone. Determined to not be mopey, which no one needs, I went to the gym and did a bit of shopping to keep busy. I was meant to be interning but my friend who I work for was really understanding.
I treated myself to sweet and sour noodles after the gym which were delicious. I popped some five spice in there. They tasted like satay or something to me, much nicer than a normal sweet and sour that I'm not usually a fan of. I also had a beef bovril as a starter

was really savoury and salty, nicer than the boullion so glad I have that to add to my TS days.
Tonight I've had a full on pamper sesh. When your loved ones are in trouble it makes you realise that life is precious and so you need to take care of yourself, you need to love your body and make the most of it. I've dyed my hair, doing face masks, manicures - the works

feeling a bit happier but still helpless. Hoping to hear some good news soon.
First full day on TS since Friday

done and dusted and still got half a pack left for later.
Hope everyone's had a good day xx