Thank you my lovelies.
It was Leeds General, I hate going there to start with as they fought with Newcastle for their heart unit to stay open. It really shouldn't the amount of horror stories that were coming from there it was so scary- so glad Charlie could have his ops at Newcastle. It still makes you question the standard of care and practice they operate with though. We're going to see what they say when we go down for his check up and then put in a formal complaint. Poor little dude shouldn't have to go through the pain and upheaval never mind the inconvenience of having to take him all the way back down there just for a check up! Don't get me wrong I would take him all over the world if it would make him better but this check up shouldn't be necessary. They act as if we only live 5 minutes away too which makes it worse. They don't seem to understand it takes us about 4 hours, a lot of planning and a blummin lot of expense too! **rant over** lol
Charlies doing a bit better but its so hard keeping him on a liquid diet when we're all eating, especially Daisy. Its not that he can't eat its just we don't know whats going to irritate the edema and make him be sick, but try explaining THAT to a 2 year old.
Yesterdays food
B- FF yogurt with loads of berries and some banana
L- Chicken burger with salad and a few chips (I know! but the chicken is literally just a chicken breast. the brioche bun however

it was bloody delicious though)
D- SW mac and cheese and a huge side salad. It was SUPER tasty which I was surprised at haha
We ended up having a blackout that lasted about 6 hours last night so I had some wine to keep me entertained haha. THE worst excuse ever! they were only 2 very small glasses though so a few syns there.
Plan for today:
B- SW fry-light up- bacon, sausage, egg, mushroom and tomatoes. will have some mayo on (1 syn- most)
L- free soup or yogurt with berries and banana
D- something small with cheese. maybe beans or something. Not that I have any hope of salvaging this week weightloss wise. At least the TF has visited this week. She wouldn't blummin leave me alone yesterday!
Anyway, almost the weekend and all being well with them I'm baby free on saturday woopwoop!
Hope everyone has an awesome day.