Thank You guys
I just feel like a big whingepot at the minute (sorry) A lot going on at home atm, think a much needed day at the spa is in order (helps drop a couple lb too haha) hopefully life will be easier when little legs #1 is back at nursery too.
The charity stuff means so much to me and the things it will go to improving is something that will benefit Charlie and I when hes in for his fututre ops so it only seems right to help towards it. So glad people have generous when you see all the scandal in the papers about the 'big' charities.
Food for today!
Breakfast- mullerlight with a mound of berries and 2 bananas (though I probably only ate 1 by the time the monsters helped themselves- cant really complain theyre eating fruit though)
Lunch- EITHER a sunday roast or Venison Burgers, really Im hoping for the latter, much less cooking and all of the omnoms
Tea- will probably be a salad of some sort, with a SW mini quiche.
Hex a- milk in coffee
Hexb- will be a roll with my burger or alpen lights (heck maybe even a salad sandwich for tea!)
Hopefully life doesnt get in the way today, Im still in my fabulous new pjs and I really do want to stick on track , need another loss this week.
Scratch that, IM OFF TO THE GYM!!! woohoooooo! I have NEVER been so excited to go before, I missed it a lot in december with having 2 poorly little monsters. I could, and probably will, dance ^_^