Silver Member
Well after last nights pizza and chocolate (6 chocolates that I very nearly threw back up they made me feel so sick!) the plan started today.
Breakfast- 2 bananas and a satsuma before an early trip to the shops (which was VERY successful 2 dresses in the DP sale SIZE 12!! And one of them was in the petite range!
Some new dvds to replace videos I got rid of during the move - absolute bargains as they were older movies that only losers like myself still want haha )
Lunch- Salad, scrambled egg and 2 slices of wholemeal bread from a nanna loaf. followed by a chocolate (because I can! 3 beautiful syns)
Tea- Currently trying to decide- we have fish or mince so it will probably be something involving one of those, thinking it might be SW kebab and chips then I can have a side salad and use my hexa on some feta cheese ^_^
Didnt get to plan my meals last night as I actually sat and watched a film
I LOVE movies but havent watched a new film in ages (or so it feels) So meal planning will be done this afternoon while the little ones are actually playing delightfully with each other (photos have been taken for proof haha)
I am trying to cut down my coffee intake this week to see if that helps my weightloss (I tend not to count the milk in coffee I make, if I go out and have a latte then I do) so if Im extra crabby or not my hilarious self that's why!
To be honest it was partially the "own private SW rules" that has convinced me to getting back to being 100% honest with the plan- there was some quite silly things not counted (like alcohol- I couldnt get away with that its SO full of syns). I thought :thinking2: you know we all have such good losses in the first week because we follow it to the letter. Its when we get complacent and develop our own 'rules' that the losses slow down. Of course we dont count the stuff we like or that its convenient for us not to count (like milk in coffee, butter on toast) so that's me back to basics for the week to see the difference it can make
Its ok I can eat all of the biscotti, baybels, crumpets, marmalade and peanuts I like without counting syns because I dont like any of them haha :8855:
Hows everyone else doing today? Any meal suggestions? (preferably something that doesnt take too much prep)
Breakfast- 2 bananas and a satsuma before an early trip to the shops (which was VERY successful 2 dresses in the DP sale SIZE 12!! And one of them was in the petite range!
Lunch- Salad, scrambled egg and 2 slices of wholemeal bread from a nanna loaf. followed by a chocolate (because I can! 3 beautiful syns)
Tea- Currently trying to decide- we have fish or mince so it will probably be something involving one of those, thinking it might be SW kebab and chips then I can have a side salad and use my hexa on some feta cheese ^_^
Didnt get to plan my meals last night as I actually sat and watched a film
I am trying to cut down my coffee intake this week to see if that helps my weightloss (I tend not to count the milk in coffee I make, if I go out and have a latte then I do) so if Im extra crabby or not my hilarious self that's why!
To be honest it was partially the "own private SW rules" that has convinced me to getting back to being 100% honest with the plan- there was some quite silly things not counted (like alcohol- I couldnt get away with that its SO full of syns). I thought :thinking2: you know we all have such good losses in the first week because we follow it to the letter. Its when we get complacent and develop our own 'rules' that the losses slow down. Of course we dont count the stuff we like or that its convenient for us not to count (like milk in coffee, butter on toast) so that's me back to basics for the week to see the difference it can make
Hows everyone else doing today? Any meal suggestions? (preferably something that doesnt take too much prep)