Hey love, so sorry you're feeling at a loss with your work, it's hard isn't it. I had that when I worked at a bank, was there 6 years and pretty much hated it after 2, but got stuck there, felt like I was worth so much more and there were so many people with so few chances to move up. I think I'm the only person thankful for the banking crisis as it meant I could take redundancy and afford to go back to school!
No idea if my plans will pan out and it's terrifying to think I'm doing all this and it might not even happen, I have no idea if I can even do the post grad never mind phd!
But I def know that feeling of hating going every day and looking for excuses to not being there. It will get better, and temping jobs won't look bad on your cv once you can explain it was part of moving to a new city, it's hard times to find a job, even more so a career so employers will understand and temping is better than doing nothing as it shows you're motivated, ESP if there's no actual financial need for you to be doing so at the mo..
I'm exactly the same as you about talking to my friends about problems, I share a lot more of my personal life in my diary than I would actually discuss it with people I'm close to.
It will get better, it always does
Oh also, love that Aztec dress! Amazing, fits you so well also.
Hope the wine does the trick and some nice hugs from your fella (he sounds ace by the way!)
I'm scared as dan just applied for an awesome job at the berekley in London, which means a long distance thing for us if he gets it, at least until we move down there too in like 3 years. He has to look there for jobs with any future as there just aren't any in Newcastle, kinda sucks but exciting for him, careers are scary and hard things to get... Especially when you don't know exactly what you want, if jack can support you maybe look at some internships or work shadowing of careers that interest you? Then you'll know if it's a real fit rather than just an appealing sounding idea.
Hope you feel much better after the weekend, Friday tomorrow so some time off at least