how did it go hon? i use boots hair removal cream for mine but it's not working so well these days so i need to get some new stuff. i have really really dark hair naturally so i've always had a moustache. i used to bleache it but prefer it not being there at all... i wouldn't recommend shaving, it will grow more noticably and needs constant upkeep...

abz xx
I have been a beauty therapist for over 10years (work as cabin crew now) but still keep my hand in beauty when i can. I honestly can't stress enough how many ladies i treat for this problem..even i am naturally blonde and need to get mine done.
Firstly for cost i would advise waxing in a proffessional salon. The skin needs to be pulled taut and the wax removed in the precise direction so a professional wax is more likely to last you longer than doing a home wax. Also don't ever be afraid to go to a salon about it, as they will have seen it all and worse before...i assure you.

Secondly there is electroylisis....this works by killing the hair follicle and so the hair will not grow back, it may take a while to work up to this and sometimes the hair is stong and needs exta zapping so to speak. It works by sending an electric current to the follicle and killing it. I know it sounds painful, and i won't lie, it is..however it means that long term you will never have to worry about it or wax it again. Most salons only ever do a 15min session at a time so you may need to book a few sessions as they can't remove all hairs in that time as they are removed individually rather that in bulk like waxing.
It is a bit more expensive but in the long run will save you a fortune in creams and waxes with the added benefit of never having to worry about it.
I have treated many asian ladies who have very thick, coarse hair and the results were great...so if it can work on dark asian hair it will def work for you.xx
dont razor your face! do you know anyone who can thread? if you have a asian beauty salon they usually do threading; its amazing hair will be gone! and results last for a while!
Hi there
there are lots of different methods of which i can say i have tried and tested all and am now relieved of the hair issue. For the cheaper options I would advise waxing over threading anyday!! the regrowth with waxing is much better than threading.
If you are going to bleach/ hair lighten the hairs then DO NOT use the immac hair lightener - I have sensitive skin and gave me the fright of my life but settled after a day! I used jolen as a teen, but must admit Boots own version hair lightening cream is much kinder to the skin and less pungent - jolen made the tears start (I am very sensitive - eyes and skin). Did the electrolyisis but as the hair were mega thick and dark - a waste of time.
Can i say that now i have very few hairs left on my face. In 2000 i had a treatment called IPL (intensed pulsed light) just on my chin and after 2 sessions, the thick hairs were gone and after 8 yrs they did not return. I decided to have my whole face done and have had approx 5 done since february and now most hairs have gone. I have PCOS so have hair everywhere on the body too so trust me when i say I know how horrible and fvrustrating it is, but there are ways to manage it so much better. Your G.P could also give you a cream called Vaniqa which reduces the hair on the face - but as its expensive, if you dont ask you wont get. Should you consider IPL go somewhere where you know others have been as I went to one (run by a nurse- who had the seeting too high - which caused unnecessary pain and a small scar on my bikini line) hence i did not return and stuck to the trusted clinic run by beauticians where i had been in 2000. Several of my friends have since also been and had good results. Sorry for going on a bit, but it really is great and i wish i had it done sooner.
yes - but it is not as harsh. IPL = intensed pulsed light.
Yes they do shave the hairs first - which is wierd at first, but if you remember that the results are great - after 14 days those hairs literally drop out and are gone forever so a lot less in the next cycle. I travel to a clinic in blackburn, lancashire as it has worked so far and friends have also used it too with great results.
I have also had underarms done (wonder why i dont have any money...lol) and they are all gone!! Maybe in the future I would get arms and legs done too!! Its nto right that we have to deal with such things but there are ways to get rid of it, and I think its money well spent especially on the face as before i lost the confidence to tie my hair up, but now, its not an issue.
Has anyone tried those Threading Booths that are popping up every where, especially outside Debenhams, would like to try it but dont really want to be on show for all to see as they walk in to the shop.
Why do they have them right at the entrance so every one can look up your nose as they walk past?
^^ooo we have one here in bham's debenhams! and tbh they are overly priced and its like your on public display; i only get mine done from 2 ladies who have had their salons for years and only charge £4 and £6 for eyebrows!
sabina ... i just wanted to thank you for telling us about vaniqa i have spoke to my docter today and they have giving it to me ( though i havent got it yet as chemist said they need to order it as its not used much! ( that dosent make me feel like a freak now does it ) oh well lol any way im hoping to see some results will let you all no, apparently it cost 26 pound and its a 30 ml tube dont no how long its going to last
I get my upper lip, chin and eyebrows waxed every 6 weeks. Luckily, my next door neighbour owns a chain of hairdressers and beauty therapists so I get it on the cheap. Haha. And if I am away I do it on my own with Veet strips.

I would say waxing is your best bet if you can't afford electrolosis.

The first time, take your time, make sure you line up the strip properly, maybe get a trusted friend to do it. And don't do it the day before a big event, as some people can go quite red, especially the first few times.

If you decide to get it waxed professionally, it takes less than 5 minutes, and can get it done in a lunch break.
night night - the vaniqua is a small tube and like i said if you dont ask you wont get as it is pricey to the nhs but will only cost you the normal prescription price which is £7 something at the moment. You only need a bit. I had had all over my face - I am not exxagerating and £80 every 4 weeks to get the results which i now have which is the odd hair - maybe less than 10 on whole face which are not even noticeable now it sure has been worth it. I have needed approx 5 - 6 sessions. The only thing is you have to use a lot of sun cream so starting the treatment in the winter is the best bet so that by the time its early summer - that will be it!! After 4 or 5 sessions on my underarms i have not had any hair in 6 weeks now so I think theyre gone too now. I have polycystic ovaries so have had excess hair all my life and have dealt with it. I dont think you should go for permanent treatments like IPL until your hormones have settled so wait till your 20 years ols at least.
I came off dianette (the pill that reduces hair too) last yr, and it was only when i had been off it that i realised that it does actually reduce some of the body hair growth so demanded to go back on even if it does give me a migraine a month. I would rather have that than the hair.
Im glad your doctor prescribed you vaniqa - I started it, but then stopped when started the IPL as needed the hair to be there for the IPL. You need as much hair as possible to come through for the IPL so that it gets the whole of that cycle. Let me know how it goes. Any more queries, just ask. Hope you find someone who can recommend one around london.
I have upper lip hair too and I get occasional teasing from relatives that I have a moustache lol. However, it doesn't bother me much though. My beautician suggested that I wax my upper lip hair. well, i suppose it will be quite pain and I am not too keen on that idea lol.
If you go to your GP they can prescribe you with a cream called Vaniqua - it gradually gets rid of the hair and eventually it wont grow back xxx
waxing upper lip is not that sore and u get used to it, but there are permanent methods that get rid of it forever and not too pricey. I go to a clinic in blackburn (even tho not from there) and had great results. facial hair is no longer an issue. I was a wax every wk person and have dark hair. I have not needed to wax since january and now have very few left. probably needed around 6-8 treatments. upper lip around £40 per treatment but so worth it!!! good luck with whatever you choose to do.
Hi, I dont know if its already been said but, why dont you save up for a rio machine, it doesnt hurt at all and you can do it at home. ive had mine for a while now and i could live without it.

you basically hold it over the hair,the hair is zapped..voila..

you do have to do it over and over to make sure you catch the hair in its growth cycle, once you catch it, it will lever grow back.

ive done mu under arms, which are hair free now, the hair doesnt grow there anymore and i never had to bother with it, the same with my bikini line and my left lower leg, just 1 and half legs to go and i'll never have to shave or wax again :)

they arent too expensive when you add up the cost off waxing,bleaching creams and potions...youre going to spend so much more doing all that, where 1 simple machine means you'll never have to do it again