Pig to Princess Diaries

That's how it looks 3 days in I'll probably go completely off! Hoping to stick with it this week!

I always say..... you have to have a plan...... so you can have a change of plan :rolleyes:
Today was a day off yay! I posted earlier that I'd weighed and had niggly headache and would do some prepping. So in between eating and taking painkillers I wrote out a meal plan for the week.

This is really hard and is slightly repetitive when you don't have a lot of cash to splash on variety. But luckily slimming world can work on the basics and I have a better diet than some who have children to think of so consider myself lucky for what I have.

Once I had the meal plan sorted I went through what I had in already and the minimum I needed to get in. I then labelled up stuff with the date and meal it was allocated to and when it needed to be prepared. So if I have a jacket potato Thursday I can cook it Wednesday on my day off instead of Sunday and it going rotten before I get to eat it. I also weighed out and measured HEb in advance.

I have plenty of free foods, but lacking on the superfree. So Sunday I'm going on a fruit spree as I'm working tomorrow. I'm looking forward to this week. I'm hoping I stick with plan and that all my prepping efforts pay off! :)

x Kayla x

I love it...lol....planning is what its all about :)
Hi all! I made a 5 minute stir fry last night after shift. As I'd pre cooked the quorn chicken style pieces I just had to bung them in the pan with veg and put noodles on! Was incredibly filling.

Today I'm still on plan, I didn't have lunch as too hot and busy so I combined bits from lunch and dinner of my meal plan.

Breakfast - 2 weetabix (HEb) Milk (HEa) and a banana

Throughout the day - banana, grapes, muller light skinny cappuccino, 70g chicken (HEb)

Dinner - 2 quorn turk'y burgers, baby button mushrooms and garlic, jacket potato with spaghetti hoops.

Snack - Special K sour cream cracker crisps 4.5syns

As I had a day off I went shopping for some bits I was missing from my meal plan. I've attached a picture of the hoard which is thanks to Mr PtP sending me money. I bought some mini milks as added treats. Both today and yesterday I've used 4.5 Syns.

Total Syns this week: 9/105

Back to work tomorrow, and nearly forgot to cook the jacket potato id planned for lunch! I bought some Helmmans lighter than light to keep syns even lower than planned, using that tomorrow with tuna with my potato.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

x Kayla x


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Hope it went well! I was ready to settle for the evening and realised I hadn't cooked the jacket spuds for next couple of days! So they're now in!

Still haven't done it .... just had our big Sunday roast..... and cooked a big bag of chicken breast.... which is cooling now for hubby's lunches and bits and pieces during the week
hello - here to join you on your journey - read this from start to finish - xx well done on your weight loss so far - x
How are you today?
Your food looks yummy :)
hello - here to join you on your journey - read this from start to finish - xx well done on your weight loss so far - x

Welcome! Thanks for joining us ! Good luck on your journey :)
I failed lol I did a 12.5hr shift with half hour break as it was chaos, and awful. I had decent food till I got train home, I had a wait and I was SO hungry. I knew I wouldn't have time to cook dinner, eat it and cook lunch for tomorrow as I was getting back late so grabbed a gingsters and packet of roast chicken crisps. Thanks to some change from the money Mr PtP sent. It could have been worst. I passed the Burger King.

B - weetabix, milk and banana

L - jacket spud, tuna with lighter than light mayo (1syn) salad

Dinner - gingsters chicken and bacon sandwich, packet of roast chicken crisps

Snacks - grapes, banana

I can't find out how many syns as syns online is being dodge. I think it's salvageable, and I did really enjoy it! It was amazing after the day id had.
I reckon if I keep syns as low as planned or lower I'll be ok. I have an amazing dinner planned tomorrow night so going to think of that and stick to plan! Off Wednesday, hoorah!

Hope everyone's having a good start to the week. Stay positive!

x Kayla x
Only half an hour break, you poor thing, must have been really tough. The only thing that keeps me sane on my 12 hours is the thought of my next break. Totally understand about having to wait for trains/buses. Nothing worse than being starving and either missing it or it being delayed after being at work so long. I try to keep something low syn for the just in case on 12 hrs. Just draw a line under today, tomorrow is a new day and you are doing great :)
Yesterday was a much better day! So just doing a catch up of yesterday and then post today's later.

I also found out how many syns that sandwich and crisps were and worked out the total out of the week: 48.5/105 including yesterday, which I don't thinks too bad. Luckily I kept Saturday and Sunday below 5.

29th July

Breakfast - 2 weetabix (HEb) with Milk (HEa) and a banana (SF)

Lunch - Batchelors cheese and brocolli pasta n sauce (F) milk from HEa. Grapes (SF)

Dinner - jacket potato (F) baked beans (F) salad (SF) with 70% less fat salad cream (3 syns) and 3 quorn sausages (1.5 syns).

Snacks - banana (SF) yoghurt (F)
Options hot chocolate (1.5 syns)

Total syns today: 6
Weeks total: 48.5/105
30th July

B (attached) - scrambled egg and quorn sausages (1syn) milk (Hea)

L/D (attached) - pasta with Dolmio stir in bacon and tomato (7.5syns) grated hard cheese (1.5syns)

Snacks: banana and grapes

Total syns: 58.5/105


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Catch up!

31st July - green day

B - weetabix (HEb) and milk (Hea)

L - pasta (F) and tuna (HEb) with lighter than light mayo (1.5 syns)

D - jacket potato (F) Philly light garlic and herb (Hea) salad (SF)

Snacks: grapes and a muller light vanilla yoghurt

1st august

I was worried about weigh in this morning as I ate so late and bunged up yesterday and this morning, but 2lb off!! So I got my half stone award finally! Aiming for same next week or more. Only trouble is I have no money so will be short on superfree stuff eek I do have frozen veg in so hoping that will be enough!

x Kayla x
After 2lb off and getting my half stone I had a total cheat day. I had a chicken and bacon salad baguette from my local cafe (he lets me do tab when I have no money) and buttery Wholemeal toast for dinner. Plus a huge bag of cheese and onion crisps.
Back on it tomorrow, prepped a jacket potato with Philly light and beans for lunch as I'm on shift. I'll have weetabix for breakfast and gawd knows what for dinner.
I've been completely exhausted today which is another reason for cheat day, I probably had same amount of syns as if I'd had takeaway. All I've done today is catching up on washing and tidying. I need another day off tomorrow to really rest, but I don't. Not long till I finish! Then have two weeks to earn some extra money before Tenerife!
It occurred to me that I haven't really set any goals. Apart from losing 2st by my holiday which isn't going to happen. I knew it wasn't realistic. I joined slimming world because my weight loss was slow and I stayed the same a lot, and I've continued that on slimming world. Once my injection wears off I'm hoping to get some bigger losses.

My aim is to stay consistent enough to lose 50lbs by Christmas, I'm 3lbs into it, so I don't think it's unrealistic. I would have liked 2lbs a week but that is unrealistic. We'll see what happens in September when my body is functioning normally. Apart from the pain thing but I don't think that effects weight.

According to my progress on lifeline I should reach club 10 by October which would be amazing for me! :)


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