Well not at all surprised I stayed the same :sigh: But in all honesty I should be glad I didn't put on
I started this months weight loss challenge thread, thinking it might motivate me to lose..Hmmm. Less said about that the better I think!!
I went on a real downer yesterday.Not even to sure why

I was very tiered.. My OH get's himself in a staight at least twice a year.. Firstly when it's time for hay making and then this time of year..
Harvest He's only been farming half his life and he's a farmers son but every year it's the same :sigh: I understand why and I put up with the moods and the sniping but what get's me down is he need to talk in the middle of the night

I end up so tiered I don't know what to do with myself
Sooo.. Today, I have to make sure all my catalogs have my details on..Make some Coconut ice to encourage people over to my stall tomorrow!! I'm a bit miffed because the new catalogs, fliers and kit I ordered hasn't arrived and I don't think it will for tomorrow..
Goal's for the coming month.....
Kick myself up the a**e

I'm not going to set myself any huge goals but
I will get my first stone off and I will get exercise back into my daily routine....
I've downloaded C25K..Now the trick is I believe to follow the program and not just read it :8855: