Fat! Be gone! my CD Diary

Day 12

Had a chocolate shake for breakfast, peanut crunch bar for lunch and 200g Quorn pieces stir fried with cajun spice and 80g of Green Pepper and a can of coke zero. Feel really full up and like I've cheated.

Bought some Ketostix today so that I can see if my experiment with meals at the weekend and a can of coke zero is damaging my ketosis.

Feel like this diet is definately do-able for the next few months now that I have 'tweaked' it to suit me. Shall definately be handing all my soup and porridge packs over to my CDC on Tuesday - going to stick with the shakes and bars and also going to treat myself to a chocolate tetra - go me :D

It's kinda like a chemistry/biology experiment - do 100% SS and see what happens, add chicken and see what happens, chew celery and see what happens. :)

I am looking forward to learning a lot more about how my body interacts with the foods I give it - it can only help in the long run better control my eating and weight!
End of Week 2 and my second weigh in - another 6lb gone! That's 1st 1lb in 2 weeks - can't believe it!

I just wish I had done this diet years ago - I didn't understand about ketosis and just assumed the diet must be incredibly hard if your hungry all the time, so it just didn't appeal, but it so suits me. Again today I spent the afternoon at work with a 'nest' of Cadbury's Creme Eggs and a bag of 'Munchies' cookies next to my desk and I wasn't tempted. If I'd of been on SW, I would of nicked one and 'synned' it or just hoped it wouldn't show on the scales!

Had a lovely can of coke zero and a cajun spicy mushroom omelette for dinner.

Feeling very positive that I can go all the way on this diet now :)
Well done on the loss u are doing fantastic, I stick with shakes and bars too as hate porridge and soups! Keep going and well done in resisting those naughties!!!!
What an excellent loss - congratulations!!!!
I seem to be creeping towards full time SS+, which I guess makes the diet more sustainable. What's annoying is that tonight, I wasn't even especially hungry after my 3 packs but I still had some cajun quorn and green pepper. Now I feel really bloated.

I guess if it doesn't harm my weight loss, then it doesn't hurt - I think I used it as a reward as I spent 4 hours in a boring meeting at work with a basket of Doritos and some chocolate brownies within my reach, and because I was starving then due to not being able to consume my usual amount of water, I resisted. Kind of not happy with myself for using food as a reward though - I want to get away from that :cry:

Going to try and SS through to weigh in on Tuesday now. Found new love with the Capuccino shakes, and the bars are really agreeing with me at lunchtimes too, so that should hopefully get me through.

Funny how I've spent years binging on crap and now I get stressed out over consuming quorn or a mushroom omelette :rolleyes:
3rd weigh in tonight - muchly looking forward to it! I must remember tonight to weigh myself as soon as I get back from CDC and take note of the difference in scales. I think I may of lost another couple of pound - can't wait to find out!

My work trousers are becoming very baggy on me, and I've tried on my smaller ones at home but I'm still too fat for those, so its going to be a period of odd shaped clothes until I can fit into them as I'm not buying anymore fat clothes. so there. :D

Really do feel like I've got into the stride of this diet and it feels fantastic to know that I will be a fair bit slimmer for most of the summer! Will post results later!
Another 4lb gone!! My CDC said that if I hadn't of had some SS+ days then I may of got another lb, but I'm not bothered - if it makes it more sustainable for me, then I'll stick with having a small meal when I want one. That said, I will try and stick to SS this week, would be great to break the next stone barrier by the end of next week!
Had to eat at out an Italian restaurant at lunchtime!!! :eek:

My boss wanted to take me for lunch, and as I'm not telling anyone what I'm doing, I couldn't get out of it! I tried to make sensible choices - I had a diet coke :rolleyes: and a really yummy mixed green leaf and grilled chicken salad. The dressing was minimal, and I must admit, it was lovely - certainly not the carb loaded thing I would normally order. I can definately see the new thin me going for that in future with a cheeky glass of red - I feel like I'm learning so much from this diet and I'm so impatient to get rid of the bulk now and eat properly for the first time ever!

I kind of ruined the day by a) squeezing lemon over the chicken and b) getting caught out with being asked if I wanted coffee - I blurted out my usual capuccino - ouch - :break_diet:

I'm not going to worry too much - I seem to of lost another 2lb since Tuesday's weigh in, and it seems funny panicking over a capuccino when on SW I've broken the diet many a time with a massive pig out! I'm sitting here tonight surrounded by chocolate and all kinds of party food for my daughters party tomorrow, and I KNOW on this diet, I would never be tempted to pick.
i am doing ss+ also... this is my first week doing it as previously just done ss. am ridiculously worried that am not going to lose... 3rd weigh in monday, so your thread has been rgeat, thank you, as it seems you are still losing at a rapid speed! excellent and best of luck to you for rest of the week!!
Best of luck with your weigh in Bluebell. My CDC was really trying to encourage me to stick to SS, but it makes a massive difference to me just knowing that I have the option of a small meal.

I hope it works out for you - will be checking your posts to see how much you've lost!
Well, after the "Italian Job" on Friday, Saturday's sneaky weigh in showed a slight decrease on my previous sneaky weigh in's 2lb loss :( .. But! had a manic day of running around at my daughter's 4th birthday yesterday and stuck to SS and had a 'whoosh!' this morning and I seem to of lost 3lb !!:D

This is just as well, as the final button fell of trusty old, and ever so slightly baggy worktrousers on Friday and not being handy with a needle and thread, I'm going to have to wear the slightly too small alternatives - it might not be a good look, so I'll have to wear them with a very long top!

Was very proud of myself at daughter's party - not a single sausage roll or a morsel of cake passed my lips! Very unlike me.
4th WI tonight and not sure what to expect...after my 'whoosh' moment at the weekend, my seemingly reliable scales have been playing silly beggars, so are not to be relied on. Think I may of lost 3lb, but we'll see!

Aside from the Chicken Salad and Capuccino incident on Friday, I've eaten, I think, two SS+ meals and had 2 or 3 cans of coke - this may of slowed me down, but as I've said, I've got around another 5st to go, so I'm happy doing the diet this way for the next few months.

I've got 'smaller trousers' on at work today and heels for the first time in months and I can definately see a difference in my face and round my middle and 'trunk' seems to have a lot less tyres, but no one has said anything yet :sigh: well, only one person, and she was kind of co-erced into I think due to us talking about diets. She's also the only person now at work that knows 'what I'm up to' as she caught me trying to sneakily wash my Cambridge Shaker up one afternoon. Oh well, not sure why I don't want people knowing - I guess I'm just a private person at work. Nevermind..

Well, got to take my 4 year old daughter to CDC's tonight and part with £120 as CDC and me are on hols for the next two weeks - painful on both counts ..

Will (hopefully!) update stats later!
Good luck with your weigh-in. It definitely sounds like you're right on track!!!
Another 4lb gone! just one more 1lb would of got me into the next 'stone' bracket, which would of been nice. I'm not seeing my CDC until the 17th April now, so I'm aiming to get another half a stone off by then.

I have updated my stats, but can't see them anymore?? I'm wondering if you have to post 'x' amount of times to see them...will post lots over this week to see!

God, I'm so impatient to lose the podge now!
Don't think the stats are working at the mo due to a change on the site and security breach, try doing a signiture! Well done on the loss hun that's fab!!
Well done!!! That's an awesome loss and a great first month! Woo hoo!!! :)
Thank you Tizzy! I love the results on this diet...and the chocolate shakes!:D
No week 5 weigh in due to me and CDC being on hols - tried my stupid scales today when I got back from being away with the kids and I weigh less tonight than I did this morning, so I think I can safely say that they are b*ggered, so I have no idea how I'm doing. Took my shakes and bars with me to my mother in law's caravan, where I've spent 4 days with the kids. I've ss+'d for the majority of the days and had 1 or 2 cans of coke zero per day (hey, I'm on hols!) but have been a lot more physically active than normal, so hopefully that will even things out...

Last 2 days have been a bit 'odd' - someone wrote my Dad's car off last night just down the road from me, so I spent most of the very cold evening outside with him sorting it out and waiting for the rescue truck. I realised once I'd got home that I'd only had 1 shake and 1 bar (and 3 pringles...) all day, but I was too tired and emotional to do anything but crash into bed. Today, my son had his tonsils out, which was stressful and again, I succumbed to 3 pringles (bloody things!) as I was on my own with him and couldn't get out to buy any water and left my big bottle in the car..

No weigh in until the 17th April, so bloody ages yet! Will keep on track though as I'd love to love another half a stone by then and my CDC said she loves it when she doesn't see people for a few weeks and she notices the difference, so I can't let her down..

Massively craving a large glass of the red stuff tonight, still, won't succumb - so I'm in my jammies with a coke zero and planning on having a lovely grilled chicken salad tomorrow night.

May post again next week to keep me on track until the next weigh in.
ah read your diary and you have done so well with your weight loss this diet is brilliant with results but so blooming hard x anyway hunny good luck with the rest of your journey and if you ever stumble upon my bloggs keep me updated on how you get on x tc