
Well done Ciara, I am on day 2 after a weekend blip and watching the clock until it's time to go to bed. Can't wait for day 3 to start!
Just a quick one for now I lost 8 , will be on later
Jack, fantastic loss bet you on cloud 9
Hi cornishkez welcome to the group.

Well done MsJMC hope my loss will be as good on tuesday.
well done on your loss msjmc!

I ended up going to bed to watch tv at 930 last night. Bring on day 3

Hope everyone else is doing well
I found yesterday really hard to be honest but am feeling more focussed today. so heres to a good day x
Day 3, at last! It gets easier from here on in. I am feeling a bit headachey today though and I'm still not feeling cold? The first couple of time on CD, I was bitterly cold all the time, even in the sun? Hope that doesn't mean I'm not in ketosis.

I hope everyone has a great day, I've got my midweek weigh in tomorrow and can't wait to see if I've managed to shift the lbs my weekend binge put on. :)
I cant wait to get to day 3 and hopefully be in ketosis my weigh in is on tuesday i cant wait.
Cornishkez im sure you will still have a loss.any loss is good. we all fall of the wagon at some point im sure lol
good luck for your weigh in tomorro
I kow its naughty....but I cant help jumping on the scales and my scales havent moved since my TOTM came :( Im hoping its almost over but I really want to have agood loss this week.

Ive got my birthday on 27th and I was going to have a day off but Im not going to. Im going to have a night off though in august for a big party.

Hope my weight loss starts again :( anyone else had this problem xx
Got the go ahead from my GP and left a message for my CDC, so now I'm just waiting to see her again and get my weight done etc. Does she give me the packs or do I order them?
She will give you the packs when you see her. I usually email my cdc the night before with my order.
Do you know when you are seeing ur cdc?
I left a message for her, she did say she was out all day today so not sure if it will be today or tomorrow.
I can't wait to start, I'm so jealous reading that people are hungry lol.
If it's your TOTM, you will be water retaining big time. You can try to help it along by upping your water intake or just ride it out. Just remember that a pint of water weighs a lb and a quarter!

Don't let it get to you, as all the while you WILL be losing, it'll just take a few days more until your body start releasing the water and the scales to start showing it.
that's good news funky mum! you'll be feeling hungry in no time lol!
Dreamer Your birthdays 27th , mines 25th , I'm going for a walk around the shops to window shop and not go out , I did CD came fathers day took dad out thinking , ho yes its easy to jump back to CD , but not for me , ended up breaking my diet , so I can't take any chances on my birthday . Both lost 8 and TOTM , spooky lol
This time , not cloud 9 , cloud 8 lol , how you doing girl ?
Lousie so you thinking of doing SS+ , yes think its the same loses , we will have to state on our Sig what plan of CD we are on , see what peoples loses are like from ss and ss+
Ciara , how u feeling on day 3 ?
cornisshkez , you was cold on CD in the summer , which month was it , I also get cold alot too , but now its warm i can hadle CD ok . with ketosis , they say 2 days to empty the carb stores , day 3 was bad for me , but for those who think they can't go on keep going , otherwise we will find another diet and have slow loses and think why did I break of CD , so hard going sometimes but the rewads are great .
funky mum , Let us know how you get on ok . She should give you your CD stuff then . Waht have you thought about ordering ?
just got home , done 2 hours walk . and Will see Thursday , I know I'll be busy ... How is everyone ?
Just made my strawberry shake into a mix a mousse , so thats one starwberry shake this morning and now lunch , its exciting isn't it lol
I'm going to order mainly soups. I don't like anything milky and although I know the shakes aren't made with milk it will still seem like it to me, but I will give them a go :)
MsJMC I know how spooky is it. Lets hope we both have good losses next week. Im hoping that I am just holding water. Are you on SS+ too? xx
Am doing ok today. Still hungry but only on day 2 and not in ketosis

My kids dinner is looking appealing though lol not gonna touch anything though.

I think cd is easier to do if its hot cos you dont feel like eating and the water is easier to get down.
I dont mind drinking water im having between 3-4 litres a day.
Plus i get xtra water because i split my shakes.
Not feeling the chocolate shakes this time really loved them hot last time now they make me gag managed to gulp down a cold choc mint shake this morning.
Anyone having the porridges ive never tried them and would be interested to know what they are like.
MsJMC what are the shakes like with mix-a-mousse is it like antgel delight? and im gonna see how i go this week before i decide if im going to do ss+ or not? are you doing ss or ss+?

Funky_Mum Hopefully you will be starting with us all by tomorrow.
I managed to see my cdc Tuesday morning at 9 so i could start as soon as i had been to see her.You say your jealous that we are all hungry and your not, well im jealous that im hungry and your not lol.
Hope everyones well!!