Dreamer Your birthdays 27th , mines 25th , I'm going for a walk around the shops to window shop and not go out , I did CD came fathers day took dad out thinking , ho yes its easy to jump back to CD , but not for me , ended up breaking my diet , so I can't take any chances on my birthday . Both lost 8 and TOTM , spooky lol
This time , not cloud 9 , cloud 8 lol , how you doing girl ?
Lousie so you thinking of doing SS+ , yes think its the same loses , we will have to state on our Sig what plan of CD we are on , see what peoples loses are like from ss and ss+
Ciara , how u feeling on day 3 ?
cornisshkez , you was cold on CD in the summer , which month was it , I also get cold alot too , but now its warm i can hadle CD ok . with ketosis , they say 2 days to empty the carb stores , day 3 was bad for me , but for those who think they can't go on keep going , otherwise we will find another diet and have slow loses and think why did I break of CD , so hard going sometimes but the rewads are great .
funky mum , Let us know how you get on ok . She should give you your CD stuff then . Waht have you thought about ordering ?
just got home , done 2 hours walk . and Will see Thursday , I know I'll be busy ... How is everyone ?