Hi Jem , thats not so bad what you had to eat , also well done on the 4 miles .
Louise , aww its hard when they go full day to nursery , it upsets you and when they come out they've enjoyed it . I find the worst time on this diet the afternoon , battle with my food thoughts , battle to stay incontrol of why i have to say I must carry on with CD .
ciara , busy is a must, hey thats great with doing the Jewellery making , what are you about to make ?
dreamer , my way of thinking , if the loses slow drop something , I have milk in my coffee , i'll need another one before bed lol
cornishkez , new potato , ouch ouch lol , yes i see what your saying ... motivation to keep at this , really don't have no answer myself all i think is the day i'm on and dealing the food demons when they pop up in my head , i have thought on the long run of the diet , god its painful , gid , god lol
I will be busy Thursday , but i'll be here in spirit lol . My worst time is afternoons so hard , was shopping then , had a few dull moments but got over them , on for another day . night CDers lol