Fear of a (please don't let me be a) fat bridesmaid!

Womble it's awful I can't go into it just keep crying. I've got to be strong for him and my mum so just trying my hardest to keep it together then being a mess on my own or with the bf. Thank you for asking.

Bf got me out the house last night going to a friend of his BBQ I didn't know anyone and all food was on table and kept being added to but then when meat came out everyone literally queued to get some and I just didn't! Sat next to food table all night not a thing passed my lips and it had favourites on. I did drink a few small tumblers of Diet Coke but hey ho.

Back to grandas today xx
Very busy emotional weekend managed to be pretty good just a chicken kebab again grilled chicken breast lettuce and cucumber but was naughty n had the pitta but proud of not getting the McDonald's I wanted.

Today Monday felt like the walking dead st work totally shattered n exhausted physically and mentally it's a new work too so don't have friendies I can talk to either. Then the boss cooked everyone sausage sandwiches but no one knew till he put them all on our desks (open plan office) and I ate it! Don't even know why just did then have t had anything all day since as I was soooo full as had had breakfast shake. Literally just had a Exante cookie at 11pm before bed so I've had two products I'm not a big fan of cookies as feel they're too small but as I'm stuffed was perfect.

Weigh day tomorrow hoe I haven't done too much manage!
I lost 6lbs which is good considering the 2 pittas and the sausage sandwich!
Yday was mental at work had a shake for breakfast but didn't get a lunch break and ended up having a sliver of birthday cake it was nice but not worth it then had nothing until I tried a salted caramel Exante pudding at about 10pm last night- was nice but it had no goo!
So yesterday was good and on plan and I did well with water too, I’ve stopped having the occasional cup of tea which was also an issue beginning of last week, I have lactose free milk and don’t know how that would affect things. I’m on peppermint tea now but only 2 cups a day max as it’s just not the same but it’s a good change from water! I’ve had my shake for breakfast.

Now I was going to try to stay off bars for the first 2weeks and try to just do shakes however ive now realised I haven’t got all that many shakes left so I’m going to have to make the move onto a bar for lunch, I just don’t feel like you lose as much with them and although others have said bars help them ‘go’ I find the opposite! I really don’t want to have to have that slimtea stuff again after last times experience!

I’ve got a work lunch tomorrow (Thursday) but its back at the normal place so I’m having salmon omelette and salad and won’t eat the wedges, were going for a Caribbean curry on the night, I’m having the mixed fish one so plan on not eating the rice just the curry.

I’m then at a networking BBQ (Friday) that we’re hosting which is drinks too then after at a friend’s hot tub party for drinks but I’ve decided I’m going to drive and not have a drink, I will have food though in moderation to carb up a bit as I’m out on Saturday with work at a full day drinks thing. I know I could make better choices blah blah but it’s a new work and I want to feel included and make some friends. I’ll be back on plan on Sunday.

The week after is a mix of food related events and courses, my theory is to have products around them then make good choices while I’m at these things. I was beating myself up thinking it’s ridiculous that I’ve got to the point I can’t even enjoy work things and got upset, then I got annoyed and thought screw it I’ll just go to them all and fully enjoy myself and be good the rest of the time. However, I’ve stopped myself and though NO do things in moderation, choose! So that’s what I’m doing and that’s them above.

Old me would have just come off the diet today and gone crazy for the rest of the week as what’s the point but I’m thinking something on plan is better than nothing and reign it in when I can. Not drinking doesn’t mean I’m not going to have fun. I’ve got a big day out on Saturday and that’s my fun thing to be off plan I don’t need the rest too.

Sorry for the huge rant! Not sure if anyone’s reading with my being away for so long but im just going to keep writing to get it off my chest!
Not going well feeling very down and alone
Just feeling rubbish at the moment enlighten xx