Soooooo THE dresses arrived.... Mines far too big! To be fair everyone's is a little big but mines massive I'm over the moon as although it didn't fit properly I felt really nice in it, I'm so so pleased I started this journey!!!!
ut she will come around.
Having a tough time at the moment in the build up to handing in my notice which I have to wait a month to do and starting the new job. Also the boy moves in in 24 days

which is exciting but nerve wracking after nearly 7 years together. House mate is taking it well and today's been awful think she's back to not speaking to me again after being fine about it 2 weeks ago. I must confess I was sad and stressed and had a McDonald's after having breakfast and lunch products booooo but the dress this evening has made me feel better.
On a course all day tomorrow it's the second part of the one a month or so ago where I was trapped round the board table and lunch brought in! Then Friday Saturday Sunday were doing the Plymouth drive again so that's going to be difficult! Xx